Encryption: High
Location: Undisclosed
Recipient: Professor Nerva
Sender: Heung Hideyoshi
Subject: Old assets.
Konnichiwa, Professor Nerva
I'm here to inquire about your current vessel. I have heard that you are currently flying a Renzu class Liner, fitted to with internal labs for study and research purposes. Whilst I can agree such a vessel might be ideal for such tasks I would like take a moment to remind you that it is a large vessel, making you an easy target when flying it and that stealth and subtly might be more useful for you when working with the clans. Still, an excellent ship none the less and is to be treated as a transport according to our laws, despite its large nature. I would like to know what has become of your old vessel, If our records are correct the Kijima clan provided you with a Dragon engine for a Corvo class Gunboat. Not only do we want to ensure that the limited technology is recovered from this vessel we are also interested in acquiring it for ourselves if it hasn't already found a new owner.
Heung Hideyoshi,
Shogunate Treasurer and Representative of Shogun Hideyoshi.
Prof. Nerva Regis aboard The UnityLocation: UnknownEncryption: High Signal type: Audio
Konnichiwa, Heung Hideyoshi-san
The modified Corvo is in one of the Liner's bays. Since I it has a dragon engine, I was on my way to return it in Kyoto.
Should you wish to inspect to it, we can arrange a meeting and then you can decide if it fits your needs.
Regarding the Renzu liner...although it lacks the stealth of a Corvo class, it can provide a much better platform for my research in Kusari.
Nevertheless, I am still working on customizing it. Unfortunately, there aren't many shipyards in Kusari that can accommodate my work.
It will take some time to finish the adjustments.
Encryption: High
Location: Undisclosed
Recipient: Professor Nerva
Sender: Heung Hideyoshi
Subject: Old assets.
Konnichiwa, Professor Nerva
Please make the return of your engine to Kyoto at your convenience, the current load out of the Corvo is irrelevant to our needs. We simply require the hull to be specialized at our shipyards. Regarding your liner, although it is too large to be docked, both Hikone Base in Honshu and Sendai Research Complex in Okinawa have the ability to moor your liner and proceed with any upgrades you may require. Understand that these stations are under clan control and you will need to speak with their respective Daimyos before making such provisions.
Heung Hideyoshi,
Shogunate Treasurer and Representative of Shogun Hideyoshi.
Prof. Nerva Regis aboard The UnityLocation: UnknownEncryption: High Signal type: Audio
Konnichiwa, Heung Hideyoshi-san
I have just finished transferring the Corvo to Kyoto's hangars. The people there told me they were already expecting me. I do hope you will find a good use for it.
Encryption: High
Location: Undisclosed
Recipient: Professor Nerva
Sender: Heung Hideyoshi
Subject: Old assets.
Konnichiwa, Professor Nerva
Thank you for providing us with your old Corvo, work to refit it has already started. My agents have informed me that despite being offered pay 3 times for the ship you declined accepting any credits for it. Although they are unsure why you chose to donate the ship to our cause I appreciate the gesture. The Shogun has been informed your recent support and gives you his personal regards.
Domo Arigato,
Heung Hideyoshi,
Shogunate Treasurer and Representative of Shogun Hideyoshi.