ENCRYPTION: High PRIORITY: Moderate TARGET ID: Heung Hideyoshi SUBJECT: Die Weiße Rose Trade contract SENDER CODENAME: Daimyo Kijima
Heung Hideyoshi,
I have spoken to a representative of the "Die Weiße Rose" and have come to some terms I think the Shogun will find interesting. In this communication I have attached a preliminary contract for a future trade agreement between the Blood Dragons and the Die Weiße Rose. If you could read over and confirm if the Shogunate is interested in such an agreement I believe it can only better the current regime we are running.
A trade route between Kyoto and Bruchsal.
Terms: no capital class vessels will be allowed to enter under any circumstances unless given permission by the Shogunates security forces and an escort will be required, this will include but not limited to Gunboats/Cruisers/Carriers/Battleships/Dreadnaughts. Fighter/bomber escorts will be permitted to ensure the safety of friendly transports. Blood Dragon law will be respected and not attempted to be circumvented by carrying illegal cargo or assisting third parties who may wish to undermine us by doing so. In return, the Blood Dragons will honour the same agreement when entering the Taunusfeld cloud around Bruchsal.
Military supplies.
Supply for any of the following items: Black Market Light Arms/Black Market Munitions/Military Vehicles can be transported to the surface of Planet Tomioka but must not be sold at any other bases or planets belonging to either House military, Commercial Corporations or Inter house factions within Kusari. Regular supplying of listed items may result in payment to be discussed on an individual basis..
Technology Sharing.
In exchange for full access to Die Weiße Rose ships the Blood Dragons will allow members of the Die Weiße Rose to purchase the following vessels: Tanto, Katana, Tachi, Nodachi without giving notice to Blood Dragon Security. The Hachiman will remain a restricted ship available upon special request and a licencing fee to be decided on a case by case basis.
I hope this pleases you and I look forward to signing the final deal in the near future.
Encryption: High
Location: Undisclosed
Recipient: Hisayuki Kijima
Sender: Heung Hideyoshi
Subject: The Hideyoshi Reformation
Konnichiwa, Daimyo Kijima
The Shogun deems these terms acceptable and would like to congratulate you on your diplomatic nature.
An approved copy has been produced of these terms, please see the attached.
Pass this contract on to your contact within Die Weiße Rose and return once an agreement has been confirmed.
Heung Hideyoshi,
Shogunate Treasurer and Representative of Shogun Hideyoshi.