To: Sakurai Misaki
From: Ishikawa Masako
Location: Planet Malta
Encryption: High
Establishing Connection
Konnichiwa Imouto
I heard of your great victory and new position within the blood dragon ranks.
But do not expect me me to treat you any diffrend from now on *laughs*
You are still the same Misaki-san to me.
I will be heading to Sendai soon to personally congratulate you.
Perhaps we have some sake together.
Plenty of things happened since we last met, yet i'm glad to know you're safe and sound, and even reaching out to me from the farthest corners of Sirius. As you must be already know - after a short civil strife i have acquired a new title and a whole system to possess. I am now Daimyo Augus, and docks of Sendai are always opened for you: you may treat this as your new home, onee-san. Meanwhile, our position compared to other clans in... concerning, as Kijima is getting stronger and there are literally no one capable of stopping them right now. But i gave Daimyo Kijima i am not going to tolerate his attempts to walk over me in anything, especially something related to Augus Clan.
For the next few days i am probably going to be overwhelmed with the responsiblity of the new title, but i will make sure that i will bid some time to greet you properly and give you a hug that younger sister would give to senior. I will be waiting for your arrival, onee-san. Long Live the Dragons!
Transmission terminated.
The Augus clan.
Thinking beyond thought, being of non-being,
Certainty without reason and vision beyond seeing.
Everything and nothing, both infinite and finite.