To: EFL of Gallia. From: Armin Jansen, der Alster Union. Subject: Opening talks.
An honour to converse with a corporation that remains indebted to its state and its crown, whilst providing adequate service for its employees.
We are a passionate enthusiast of your corporation. You represent an ethical, planned state economic institution of significantly greater refinement than exist within the Sirius of today.
We are a Sirian partisan movement exist ant within the Liberty-Rheinland borderworlds, in a system we have fought hard to keep independent from the house of Liberty. Despite having our differences with the military institutions of Federal Rheinland, we maintain key support from the pro-crown factions within the Rheinlandic state, and hope that Rheinland will eventually transform back into the glorious monarchy that it once was.
Our home system of Bering has developed quite the thirst for Gallic produce, including such wonderous, exotic goods as holotainment bands. Unfortunately, our little corner of the cosmos resides on the far side of Libertonian space, beyond the Gallic lines. However, we know the space well, and would be entirely willing to provide escort services to EFL from the Gallic lines through to Bering.
The advantage? Our system is awash with Sirian military premium scrap and military salvage - containing vital information on Sirian technologies that would be of extreme use to the Gallic crown, if we could successfully smuggle them back across Liberty's backside. To this end, we offer you our services, and our information, for the prosperity of us both.
For the future.
Armin Jansen.
First contact representative and Diplomat-in-Chief of der Alster Union, Pacifica Base, Bering.
Transmission Ended
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
You have trouble with the Rheinwehr but support in the Government. Your "Home System" Is filled with military salvage from the Liberty Rheinland war too?
Will be interesting to salvage what is left of your ships from those fields as well after "Le Roi" crushes your little insurgency under its boot-heel.
In case you are not getting it,
Go back to what ever hole your crawled out of you pathetic excuse for a terrorist.