Bonjour! I am Jeremie Dupont, head of Sirian operations for EFL Oil and Machinery. Since settling down in Tau 31 on Planet Harris we have been attempting to recover any lost information possible from the computer systems planet-side. I will say I am quite impressed going through these logs has me seeing some interesting things Liberty has in common with Gallia, Liberty Rogues non to far off from our Brigands, Xenos which are reminiscent of our Maquis, the Junkers which are nearly as useless as the our Gallic ones, which thank God the king had them all executed. Then we come to you, what appears to be similar to the Council though nothing anywhere shows you having any territory of your own, at least anything I have seen. Which poses some interesting questions:
What are the Hellfire Legions goals?
How strong are your ties to Liberty?
Are you loyal to a fault nationalists? or more interested in your causes victory?
Would you entertain an audience with the Crown in an effort to ensure that when Liberty's current regime falls, its people will be spared total madness and chaos.
I do not know who you are but I imagine a day in Liberty, wreckage of the once noble Liberty Navy fleets floating in space, the people of Liberty cowering in fear of the future as the Liberty Rogues and Junker's prepare to capitalize on the power vacuum then, comes the Legion, strong, offering the way to peace and salvation.
I can assure you this much, if you and The Crown broker a deal, or alliance. EFL transports will be the first ones on your doorstep with the goods and technology that I am certain the Liberty Government would rather you starve your selves of.