Cheers to all women worldwide! And I'll leave a reference by Roberto Benigni (translated ofc):
"The woman was born from the man's ribcage...
Not from the feet to be trodden upon, not from the head to be superior to the man, but from the chest, the ribcage. Under the arm to be protected, and by the heart's side to be loved."
I hoped it wouldn't go all political but here we go.
I know that our government uses everything as an excuse for military parades and propaganda but regular people treat this day as men's day. Nobody gives a single frag about the government.
And let's not talk about Caucasian republics, please. You might as well start a discussion of Yugoslavian wars in a separate topic.
Hooray for all those underaged Order girl admirals.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: