Hello all. Some longtime friends also happen to be longtime players here that just recently returned, and they finally talked me into giving this a go. Spent the evening learning the ropes with said friends and one other new player, and I am pleasantly surprised with not just the gameplay, but the community I've run in with thus far- though I was mostly just quietly observing for the sake of learning.
I look forward to working with you.
Or getting shot at by you, but I am looking forward to that less so.
First of all welcome!Happy to see new faces willing to learn and explore,if u need any help pm me here or u can always join Cryer we are newplayer friendly and will teach you about alot of stuff around.
Hey there, take the time to learn the ropes. Highly suggest the first thing you do is make a freelance character (with some depth) it will pay in the long run!
Welcome and enjoy your stay.
Do not be afraid to ask questions, be it in Help & Support subforum, in the shoutbox on the main page or just simply in game.
(04-23-2018, 08:14 AM)Thexare Wrote: Yeah, hi, this one's my fault.