PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
EFL is about to go official
EFL is getting buddy buddy with the core
As is gallia
EFL is trying to corrupt innocent little Gateway Shipping to join Gallia.
Other then that not much. We have a reskinned hellfire allied with the enemies of hellfire names Harmony.
We also now have Tank salvage. Yay. Also Bering is the disco equivalent of Tortuga. Freeport two is owned by pirates. And the Zoners are going full Rheinland and krieging the system with Zoner Militants
Auxesia has an NPC base in Inverness (not a POB, an NPC station), new OFLs can request their own NPC faction if there isn't one, development is way more playerbase friendly, Unioners are active and get up to all kinds of crazy antics, awesome nomad stuff is due to happen, econ, pvp, rp quality, all went up, salt went down.
There's a premium ingame currency called Scientific Data which is recovered from events or can be purchased from other players for credits, which lets you research unique items.
There are loads of faction-specific items ingame now (more turrets, more thrusters, etc). Fighter armours were condensed into 1 armour type.
Super Heavy fighters are now useful.
Development is somehow faster than it used to be despite having a smaller team.
Rheinland lost the war.
80 years war part 2 is currently going on.
Rheinland invaded the Corsairs.
Natio Octavarium is back.
LWB fell apart due to a Unioner-Hessian conflict splitting the volksrevolution in two.
SCRA now have pre-Sirius vessels.
#NotMyFrankfurt happened
Kusari civil war happened and now the Kogen line leads a constitutional monarchy similar to Bretonia.
Omega 11 is going Supernova.
Gallia had a Supernova.
The Cult of Technology invaded Sirus (a bunch of event ship PVE things).
New, uncharted systems appear every so often with rare ore, loot, and PVP stories.
Zoner Marines is now an ID, ingame. The meme became real and is now RP'd really well.
Spyglass overproliferation got cut down.
No more Corsair Osirises.
Bretonia and Liberty built a supergate.
Nomads are about to do evil.
Corsairs are having a civil war.
Malta is really inactive, somebody do more OC stuff.
AI is active again.
We have "contested systems" with reduced PVP respawn times to 30 mins.
The Bretonian playerbase is also the Gallic playerbase and is fighting itself.
GRN replaced with Marine Royal Galloise (MRG)
Gallia simplified.
BDM is no longer a fork of the MND but an independent federal agency.
Kusari has a pro-Imperial and a pro-Republic intelligence agency (samura aligned v Kishiro aligned) at the same time. With different IDs.
Chain guns.
Splash damage WMDs that kill a randomised 7 ships instantly within the blast radius and require about 500 million credits per round as a means of paying vast amounts of money to counteract ganks, making PVP more strategic. They can also be flacked off course for hilarious side effects.
NPC space stations can be boarded, damaged, occupied, or even captured, in entirely faction-organised server events.
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)