Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Kombucha
To: Ezrael Vertiga, The Apahanta
From: Commodore Kaze Reidman Dagon
Good day.
There was a situation where your ship, the Apahanta, was present. Omega-3, two days ago, around the 17th hour, UTC Sirian standard time involving Hessian, Auxesia and Bounty Hunter Guild capital vessels. Such situation is already being studied by our governing body and with no doubt SIS will be called upon meanwhile to partake in such investigation.
Since I do abhor doing it the roundabout way, as in wait for Weber and Co. to move, I am requesting your chatlogs, cam ops, everything you have so that the Bretonian Armed Forces Admiralty can engage in an informed decision regarding this situation.
Obviously, your identity and origin of said data is protected. How were the Sigmas, by the way?
With regards,
Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Bretonian Armed Forces
receiving transmission identifying encryption applying available decryption keys processing transmission format: text checking transmission for hazardous content status: trusted tracing neural net ID trusted neural net ID recognized loading neural net avatar playing transmission
Good day, my favourite Commodore.
So, generally this was a rather weird scenario. With Battlegroup Carcassonne winning more territory in Cortez, I believe they will soon be able to fully blockade the Liberty-Bretonia trade lane connection, and simultaneously blockade my homeworld, if not worse. In any case, Curacao is currently evacuating all personnel and inhabitants, so I picked up a few people as well. We were then heading through Bretonia to Freeport 1, aiming to head for the Omicrons after that. In New London we saw Raven at Kensington Shipping Platform where she shot a lesser Corsair snub, so we just moved along, not minding her business as she was able to handle everything herself.
In Omega-3, the Apahanta stopped at Freeport 1 for refueling, and those Bounty Hunters with their heavily upgraded Orca-class Gunboats sat there, mostly in silence, only to ask later what the deal with a Freelancer IFF Core warship was. I explained them I'm not operating under Core's command without going into any detail and I guess, since the Apahanta is currently not bountied - I hope that won't change anytime soon - they just went with it. A while later, the Big Borb (Sapphire Raven) showed up again, this time in her flagship, the Eidolon Wraith, at Freeport 1. We had a little small talk, she was asking me what kind of stuff I am currently doing, then I asked about what parts of her are still made of flesh, et cetera et cetera, and the bounty hunters showed up again, this time with four heavy gunboats, Orca-class, and a bomber of the same shipline. Raven had told me about them having tried to get her head in Bretonia a few minutes earlier, and I already had the feeling that group was not there to have friendly small talk with her. In fact, even I had the Apahanta ready for combat if it was necessary.
Those Bounters, in their wording, offered Raven a free beer if she'd come with them, which was obviously an attempt to bait her away from the freeport, and shortly after her not taking the bait, two Red Hessian Cruisers showed up, the RHC-Hessen, a Vidar-class cruiser, and the RHC-Lusk, a Scylla-class Destroyer under the direct command of Brigadegeneral Loew of the Red Hessian Army. The Bounters quickly left the No-Fire-Zone to intercept the Red Hessians and a brawl began at the lane between Aland Shipyard and Freeport 1. The five Bounters were, to that point of time, overwhelming the two Hessian capital ships, and the Big Borb offered her assistance to the Red Hessians - after all, the Bounters were threatening her before that already. The RHC Hessen was shot down, one of the Orcas as well. The Eidolon Wraith joined as Loew hired her, the brawl continued.
You probably don't like to hear it, but Loew was putting up one hell of a fight during that encounter. The Apahanta remained cloaked, simply observing the situation from the distance as we didn't want to mess with either of the involved factions. Another gunboat was destroyed, leaving two remaining as well as the bomber. One of the gunboats bailed out, heading in the direction of Bretonia, the other was chased by the Eidolon Wraith and the Lusk, however supported by the bomber. It took Lusk and Wraith a few minutes of chasing the remaining gunboat close to the sun while the bomber tried to bait them to break off, but the gunboat was destroyed, shortly before the Red Hessians got back-up in form of two smaller crafts. The smaller ones went for the remaining bomber and put it out of action in the end, way behind Aland Shipyard.
If you want my personal opinion, Commodore, I'd say it's safe to say these Bounters were clearly after Raven. No idea how many bounties are on her head currently, but I'd guess the Core might not like her as much as they like me, currently. And it was an ordeal to not have them hunt me down.
If I was in the Borb's shoes, I'd probably have helped the enemy of my enemy as well. If I was in her shoes.
Audio-Logs of all related scenes are added in the attachments.
Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Kombucha
To: Ezrael Vertiga, The Apahanta
From: Commodore Kaze Reidman Dagon
Mr. Vertiga.
Yes, it is a very weird scenario. While I do frown on bounty-hunting within Bretonia in the particular form it happened before the Omega-3 engagement, I do frown more at the Hessian Vidar and Scylla in Bretonian space.
The Auxesia and the Bounty Hunters are secondary on this remark, I just wanted a third party confirmation on the Hessian sightings. Although Auxesia did failed to mention its respective hiring from the Hessians, within Bretonian space as well. Tit for tat, some would say.
I will leave the Auxesia/Bounty Hunter Guild blood feud in the hands of the Bretonian Government to handle. The Hessians, however, have now gained the full attention of the Admiralty Board. Mine as well.
Thank you, Mr. Vertiga. I hope the winds find you and your own well in these trying times. As for moving Curacao refugees, isn't it a more viable solution to move them to Guadalajara, Liberty or even Coronado? It is of a more safe run, and less time costly, no doubt.
With regards,
Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Bretonian Armed Forces
receiving transmission identifying encryption applying available decryption keys processing transmission format: text checking transmission for hazardous content status: trusted tracing neural net ID trusted neural net ID recognized loading neural net avatar playing transmission
I see.
Orbital Spa and Cruise already established a crisis management for this scenario, all the way back when Chairman Pines warned us about the likelihood of all this to happen. They moved their headquarters from Curacao to Baden Baden in Rheinland, and people have been leaving Cortez day by day. There are probably less than 20.000 left on the planet, and soon probably even less.
I just hope the planet remains unharmed. Would be a shame if I needed to move to Canaria at some point.
Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Kombucha
To: Ezrael Vertiga, The Apahanta
From: Commodore Kaze Reidman Dagon
Mr. Vertiga.
You always go for the paradise like planets. With your penchant to attract dangerous situations, I would suggest another destination, lest Sirius run out of vacation spots within our lifetime. And while I believe mine is significantly shorter than the Sirian average due to my.. proclivity in battle, I would like to see people enjoying their retirements with sunny beaches and white sandy islands.
I jest, however. The news from the Cortez front is worrying. Adding that to what I know from the Crayterians, I do find myself worrying not only for Curacao, but also for Coronado and California. Seeing our home and loved ones in danger is not the best of feelings, something I think we both agree.
If you find yourself in need of support, be it logistical or battle wise, do call upon me, Mr. Vertiga. I still have some friends and contacts. Who knows? I may have some spare time between killing gauls and training soldiers.
With regards,
Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Bretonian Armed Forces