COMM-ID: Eduardo Fiorentini Subject: Guess who's a genius that can run Sirius-wide secured comms? Priority: High
The leadership said they want secured comms and secured comms they're getting. This neural-net server should be accessible pretty much anywhere in the known parts of Sirius. I've managed to proxy it through all the major Houses as well as a couple of Zoner installations. Don't forget you'll be needing proper authentication to access anything here and you thickheaded grunts should try to keep said authentication out of enemy hands - I hate having to put overtime to clean up a mess because somebody gave his neural net key somewhere he or she shouldn't have.
P.S. Don't break anything, I'm serious.
The best neural-net jockey you'll ever meet,
Eduardo "Fire" Fiorentini
COMM-ID: Miguel 'Barrage' Balderas Subject: Ataque Omicron-Delta Priority: High
Buenos dias,
Alongside Legionarios Valdez, Aquila, Serenissima Fernando Costa and mercenary Nick Stenn, we executed um ataque on Omicron-Delta after Legionario Valdez called for support against a nomad signature alongside Commune filth. In the end, two Commune died while they were cloaking to escape their doom and the nomad ran home to whatever hole they come from.
There are also nomad fans in area. One of note that engaged us in defense of the nomad vessel and then docked in an infected base. ID é RV-Pennybrooke (Ahoudori Gunboat), nombre de piloto, Katherine. Tudo is in attachments.
[26.09.2018 20:06:28] Nyctophilia: Contact.
[26.09.2018 20:06:49] RV-Pennybrooke: Katherine: You can end up shot anywhere. Whether it's here or New York....
[26.09.2018 20:07:06] Perihelion: Greetings to Eliza
[26.09.2018 20:07:14] RV-Pennybrooke: Katherine: Maltese. Hm, wasn't that one of the- ah well, nevermind.
[26.09.2018 20:07:20] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Hail.
[26.09.2018 20:07:26] Madze.Mary: Hi *Smile*
[26.09.2018 20:07:47] (C~Azhi-Dahaka: Hail, Legionnaire. A long way from home, once again. Ever hungry for adventure.
[26.09.2018 20:08:10] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Duty asks for no comfort.
[26.09.2018 20:17:53] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Bored already?
[26.09.2018 20:18:13] (C~Azhi-Dahaka: The game's getting a bit tedious, yes.
[26.09.2018 20:19:58] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Glad you could make it, Nick.
[26.09.2018 20:20:02] Nick,Stenn: Always.
[26.09.2018 20:20:25] RV-Pennybrooke: Katherine: Oh, there you are!
[26.09.2018 20:20:35] (C~Azhi-Dahaka: Indeed, and we've brought friends.
[26.09.2018 20:20:45] Nyctophilia: Didn't liked it for a reason.
[26.09.2018 20:20:56] Madze.Mary: Uh?
[26.09.2018 20:20:59] RV-Pennybrooke: Katherine: Are these people bothering you, my Light?
[26.09.2018 20:21:08] Nick,Stenn: More infectees.
[26.09.2018 20:21:13] Nick,Stenn: They're not even subtle about it anymore.
[26.09.2018 20:21:16] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Great. Golanski sure is slacking.
[26.09.2018 20:21:19] Madze.Mary: M-more infectes!?
[26.09.2018 20:21:36] RV-Pennybrooke: Katherine: Don't call me a word you don't understand.
[26.09.2018 20:22:09] Nick,Stenn: I feel slightly underdressed for the occasion to be honest.
[26.09.2018 20:22:18] L\-Eliza.Valdez: No wonder the blue blob isn't even playing ellusive anymore.
[26.09.2018 20:22:42] Madze.Mary: Well... what we do Nycto?
[26.09.2018 20:22:48] Nyctophilia: Improvise.
[26.09.2018 20:22:51] RV-Pennybrooke: Katherine: Have they hurt you, my dear? I sensed things were getting uncomfortable.
[26.09.2018 20:22:53] Madze.Mary: I-improvise?
[26.09.2018 20:23:34] Madze.Mary: I... I-I don't want any troubles... nor Nomad, nor human...
[26.09.2018 20:23:34] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Nick, is there a NEMP big enough to destroy the whole system?
[26.09.2018 20:23:37] Nyctophilia: I'd say that our "i have contacts" guy got himself a cheerleader company.
[26.09.2018 20:23:38] Nick,Stenn: Yea.
[26.09.2018 20:23:39] L\-Eliza.Valdez: I think Delta should cease.
[26.09.2018 20:23:44] L\-'Barrage': Agreed.
[26.09.2018 20:23:50] Nick,Stenn: Sounds like fun.
[26.09.2018 20:24:01] L\-Eliza.Valdez: I'll admit I might slightly miss Yaren.
[26.09.2018 20:24:05] Perihelion: What the..
[26.09.2018 20:24:24] L\-'Barrage': Senorita, why slightly?
[26.09.2018 20:24:39] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Memories.
[26.09.2018 20:25:16] RV-Pennybrooke: Katherine: I don't know what you people have planned, but you had best step away from the Nomad.
[26.09.2018 20:25:19] Nick,Stenn: Or?
[26.09.2018 20:26:20] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Right then.
[26.09.2018 20:26:27] Nick,Stenn: Yea, I figured.
[26.09.2018 20:26:29] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Doubt the blob would ever be as brave as today.
[26.09.2018 20:26:36] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Time to burn it while we can, si?
[26.09.2018 20:26:41] L\-'Barrage': Si.
[26.09.2018 20:26:44] L\-'Barrage': Call target
[26.09.2018 20:26:47] (C~Azhi-Dahaka: Oh, dear. Such blind violence.
[26.09.2018 20:26:51] Nick,Stenn: Pulling the trigger.
[26.09.2018 20:26:54] S]~Fernando.Costa: Hey, whatever you are doing, leave something for me!
[26.09.2018 20:26:57] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Nick, you're getting paid for saving my ass out of this reckless fiasco.
[26.09.2018 20:27:04] Nick,Stenn: yea, I know
[26.09.2018 20:27:20] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Right then, let's get things done.
[26.09.2018 20:27:33] S]~Fernando.Costa: Oh we're shooting Nomads.
[26.09.2018 20:27:35] S]~Fernando.Costa: Good.
[26.09.2018 20:27:39] S]~Fernando.Costa: Weapons primed.
[26.09.2018 20:27:46] S]~Fernando.Costa: Time to remove aliens.
[26.09.2018 20:27:59] Madze.Mary: Well... should I remember to all that I'm out of this question?
[26.09.2018 20:28:36] Nyctophilia: *She watches at the battle scene patiently.*
[26.09.2018 20:28:43] Madze.Mary: *She too*
[26.09.2018 20:28:52] L\-Ezio.Aquila: I'm here, miss.
[26.09.2018 20:28:59] L\-Ezio.Aquila: Ready to engage!
[26.09.2018 20:29:03] L\-Ezio.Aquila: Discharging Wyrms!
[26.09.2018 20:31:21] (C~Vennamis.: Hello there!
[26.09.2018 20:31:27] (C~Vennamis.: Seems the party has already started.
[26.09.2018 20:31:32] (C~Vennamis.: Don't mind me if I join it.
[26.09.2018 20:31:50] (C~Vennamis.: Opening fire!
[26.09.2018 20:33:05] Madze.Mary: < :: Cloaking signature: Detected. :: >
[26.09.2018 20:33:13] Death: (C~Azhi-Dahaka was put out of action by L\-'Barrage' (Wasp/Hornet).
[26.09.2018 20:33:19] L\-'Barrage': Coward way to go.
[26.09.2018 20:33:25] L\-Ezio.Aquila: I'll suppress the bomber.
[26.09.2018 20:34:02] L\-'Barrage': We're dealing with commune first it seems.
[26.09.2018 20:34:07] Perihelion: Such a mess.
[26.09.2018 20:34:20] Nyctophilia: Quite.
[26.09.2018 20:34:21] Death: Nick,Stenn was put out of action by (C~Vennamis. (Gun).
[26.09.2018 20:34:57] Nyctophilia: Excuse you?
[26.09.2018 20:34:58] L\-'Barrage': Time to deal with that one.
[26.09.2018 20:35:13] Death: (C~Vennamis. suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[26.09.2018 20:35:22] L\-'Barrage': Another one.
[26.09.2018 20:37:06] Nyctophilia: I'm sorry.
[26.09.2018 20:38:15] 2018-09-26 20:38:18 SMT Traffic control alert: RV-Pennybrooke has requested to dock
COMM-ID: Eliza Valdez Subject: Sitrep and ROE update Priority: High
Buenos dias, legionarios,
With the Order's ongoing "crusade" on Malta and it's people, the alien emissaries are no doubt trying to convert as many as possible to their side. Unless any of you wants to enjoy another era of Crimson Cross and Malta being used as a tool by the aliens, something must be done about this. But neither can we let the Order harm our home. As such we are left with more than one enemy on our doorstep, one more subtle and cunning, while the other possessing more outright firepower. I doubt any of you are here for a long and dramatic speech so I'll cut things short. We have two objectives to look into:
First and foremost we must ensure these alien emissaries in the face of the Oracles and Commune do not feel welcome in Maltese space. Every chance they're given is a risk of having more of our brothers and sisters tricked to serve the aliens. They've both betrayed our nation in the past and we shouldn't give them an opportunity to do so again. Remember that their main weapon is their tongue and trickery.
Secondly the campaign against the Order must continue. We must continue to hold the line and protect Alpha and Beta from their advance and while it's unlikely we could take over their foothold in Epsilon, there are other ways to make them reconsider this war - any transport ship passing through or to Epsilon or Mu is fair game to be burned down. Make it clear why you're disintegrating their ships. The sooner their attacks on Maltese space cease, the better.
Without the looming threat of the Order, there would be far less the alien fanatics could offer to lure our brethren. Without the alien fanatics, there would be less of a reason the Order would attack us as fanatically. Which problem we solve first matters not. I'll leave it to your discretion to decide which is more pressing at a given moment. And remember our oath - anything we do is with the mind of doing what is best for Malta and it's people.
COMM-ID: Eliza Valdez Subject: Crayterian Assault in Tau-29 Priority: High
Buenos dias, legionarios,
Combined Maltese forces have secured an exceptional victory in Tau-29 against the Crayterian Military 2 days ago. The Maltese fleet, rallied around Dreadnought Basilica managed to break through Crayterian defenses and successfully assault the Crayterian Carrier Helios, leading to it's destruction. While this victory would no doubt weaken the Crayterians, their grip of Coronado and their presence in the Taus is yet to cease.
Multiple legionnaires took part in this assault and I would like to congratulate each and every one of them for their bravery and skill on the field of battle. The Citadella has also returned victorious from this engagement, but alas has suffered considerable damage, forcing it to return to Valetta for more throughout check-up and repair. I expect it to be fully operational within days.
With the Order's disinterest in continuing their attack on Malta as of late I would consider it beneficial to route some of our forces currently in the deeper Omicrons towards the Taus, in light of capitalizing on this newly created advantage that the recent victory in Tau-29 secured us. That is all from me for now.
COMM-ID: Eliza Valdez Subject: Sitrep, new ROE and objectives Priority: High
Buenos dias, legionarios,
Our decisive victory over the Crayterians in Tau-29 from last year has led to their capitulation to our demands, as some of you have already read (if not - see attachment 1). The National Council entered diplomacy with the Crayterians and have signed the treaty of Coronado (see attachment 2). While I doubt this peace would last much longer than the one we held with the Order before Golanski's attempt to take Omicron Beta, it is a good opportunity to focus our current efforts elsewhere as the cardamine trade should now pass freely through Coronado without any hostilities from the Crayterians. Of course, if any Crayterians attempt any hostilities against any legionnaire or Maltese pilot, you are, of course, encouraged to give them the tachyon treatment.
Corsair activity has also diminished in their Omicron sphere of influence as they have focused their efforts on the now weakened and falling Bretonia. Furthermore I have received news of them cooperating with the Gallic Royal forces against the people of Bretonia and their allies. While I doubt the Bretonians see us as more than just a valuable ally against the Gallic Crown at the moment, it is still in our best interest to ensure the Gallic Royal Navy doesn't successfully win this campaign as it would only be a matter of time before they turn their attention towards Malta, especially now that they have joined forces with the Cretans.
Another possible enemy that we should be vigilant of is the group known as MOA (Maltese Opposition Army) that has shown interest in overthrowing the current Maltese powers. To my knowledge they have not yet acted directly against Malta, but from the conversations I held with some of their pilot it seemed like only a matter of time. Zoners have claimed seeing them cooperate with the Corsair group of Apostas. Of course, if this is confirmed as truth, they would be in treason against Malta. Until that is proven though, I would rather that we do not initiate any hostilities as of yet.
Lastly I would like to extend a late, but warm nonetheless, welcome to the former pilots and crewmen of the Serenissima that have volunteered to join our ranks aboard the warships Saint Theodore and Saint Mark. I'm sure you've already fit well into the Legion and are eager to prove yourselves as valuable members. Together I am sure we would be able to secure the future Malta and it's people deserve!
COMM-ID: Matilde Aquila Subject: Bretonian forefront Priority: High
Buenos dias, legionarios,
The Bretonian frontline is looking grim, during my stay here I've noticed they've begun to take steps towards Omega-3. Rumor circulating that the IMG possess production stations the Bretonians intend to take by force now, I've not seen anything concrete however.
My efforts remain on the front-line when I am able, and thus far I think the Royalist have felt Maltese flying at it's near best. Several recorded takedowns of fighter-craft alongside Bretonian Armed Forces personnel in New London and Leeds, the advance seems to have come to a standstill, but things are still looking grim for the Armed forces.
I'll keep in touch with some elements in Armed Forces here and there.
COMM-ID: Diego Lombardo Subject: Mining Outpost in Languedoc Priority: High
Capitano Lombardo of the Commerce Raider "Catania" reporting.
Due to decreased traffic of commerce in the Tau-23 system, the Catania began operations in the adjacent Languedoc system. Traffic of valuable cargo worth seizing there has been less scarce and success has been had with a number of Gallic Mining Service vessels. There have been no sightings of any Gallic Royal Navy battle groups and transit in and out of the system has been safe thus far.
We have even managed to pinpoint the location of the Gallic Mining Service's operations - a cloud spanning from 3C to 4C with rocky formations inside it containing valuable ore. Hitting said point would be easy business for us if not for the adjacent outpost bearing the out of place name of "ZhonghuaGuyongJun Fortress" located in 4C, just off the Tau-44 jumphole. This station has been providing cover for mining transports as well as serving as an early warning for our approaches on the cloud.
I am attaching my visuals taken of the 'fortress' below for command to evaluate the outpost. Destroying it would severely cripple the Gallic's ability to defend themselves from commerce raider attacks led by ships such as mine.
COMM-ID: Arturo "Muerte" Sforza Subject: Oracles. Priority: High
Buenos dias,
Today I, alongside the captain of Citadella encountered an enemy of Malta. An Oracle. They seemed to be convinced that we had no idea of their scummy moves performed previously, saying we are misinformed by Order propaganda. Hmph. If only. My Legionaire brothers, you mustn't believe the lies of these Nomad worshipping peasants. They claimed to still work for Malta and its people. Claimed to still believe in the Orange Dream. Pathetic lies, I say. They are to be killed without any mercy.
En servicio de Malta,
Legionario Arturo "Muerte" Sforza.
[26.04.2019 13:36:42] Oracle|The.True.Elders: Good day.
[26.04.2019 13:36:56] L\-MNS-Citadella: Your kind is not welcome here, you should know that.
[26.04.2019 13:37:09] Oracle|The.True.Elders: Of course we are.
[26.04.2019 13:37:47] L\-MNS-Citadella: Not after you stole that Storta from Malta.
[26.04.2019 13:38:00] L\-MNS-Citadella: And the fact you're flying a Hogoshan transport used by the Corsairs doesn't aid your cause either.
[26.04.2019 13:38:07] Oracle|The.True.Elders: It is customary to return the greetings when a stranger greets you.
[26.04.2019 13:38:28] L\-MNS-Citadella: Now we will give you the chance to leave in peace once more.
[26.04.2019 13:38:53] Oracle|The.True.Elders: If you are asking about this ship, it used to serve the Corsair Empire. It serves the Orange Dream now.
[26.04.2019 13:40:18] L\-MNS-Citadella: It would be wise to take our offer to leave in peace. Go to your alien overlords. We don't need your kind around Malta.
[26.04.2019 13:40:37] Oracle|The.True.Elders: I have business in Malta, I am afraid.
[26.04.2019 13:40:55] Oracle|The.True.Elders: The more you prosecute our people, the more Maltese flock to our banner.
[26.04.2019 13:41:37] L\-MNS-Citadella: After your alien overlords attacked us above Malta, I'm afraid even the Council does not look favorably to your kind anymore.
[26.04.2019 13:42:05] Oracle|The.True.Elders: I am not representing the Spirits. And they do not represent us.
[26.04.2019 13:42:21] Oracle|The.True.Elders: I think you are extremely misinformed about who we are.
[26.04.2019 13:42:26] L\-'Muerte': Hola.
[26.04.2019 13:42:32] Oracle|The.True.Elders: Good day friend
[26.04.2019 13:42:36] L\-MNS-Citadella: And why should we believe that? We know who you once served. What proof there is you've changed?
[26.04.2019 13:42:37] L\-'Muerte': I heard there is a certain issue here?
[26.04.2019 13:43:00] L\-MNS-Citadella: Si, there's an Oracle in a Corsair ship in front of us.
[26.04.2019 13:43:08] L\-MNS-Citadella: Of a group that once stole a warship from Malta.
[26.04.2019 13:43:16] L\-'Muerte': Si. That is indeed an issue.
[26.04.2019 13:43:17] L\-MNS-Citadella: And aided the aliens by spreading their propaganda.
[26.04.2019 13:43:31] L\-MNS-Citadella: We've extended them our good will by letting them leave in peace.
[26.04.2019 13:43:36] L\-MNS-Citadella: But it seems they refuse to do so.
[26.04.2019 13:43:43] L\-'Muerte': I suppose it always goes like that, doesn't it?
[26.04.2019 13:43:51] Oracle|The.True.Elders: Is Muerte willing to let me answer those charges?
[26.04.2019 13:44:09] L\-'Muerte': Eh.
[26.04.2019 13:44:19] L\-'Muerte': My friend does not like you and frankly, I want you dead.
[26.04.2019 13:44:31] Oracle|The.True.Elders: You are both terribly misinformed
[26.04.2019 13:44:37] L\-'Muerte': Eh.
[26.04.2019 13:44:40] Oracle|The.True.Elders: And you do not even wish to hear me
[26.04.2019 13:44:43] L\-'Muerte': Senor.
[26.04.2019 13:44:49] L\-'Muerte': We have seen your kind with our own eyes.
[26.04.2019 13:44:54] L\-'Muerte': There can be no misinformation.
[26.04.2019 13:45:09] L\-MNS-Citadella: Perhaps we should let him entertain us, senor Muerte?
[26.04.2019 13:45:14] L\-MNS-Citadella: Who do you serve now, Oracle?
[26.04.2019 13:45:21] L\-MNS-Citadella: If not your alien masters?
[26.04.2019 13:45:24] L\-'Muerte': Si. I think that is the best option.
[26.04.2019 13:45:55] Oracle|The.True.Elders: I will answer any question that you wish to make to me.
[26.04.2019 13:46:06] Oracle|The.True.Elders: Our people have shed too much blood. Malta is divided.
[26.04.2019 13:46:12] L\-'Muerte': Okay. Answer me this.
[26.04.2019 13:46:31] L\-'Muerte': Are you gonna pay me 3 and a half million for letting you live?
[26.04.2019 13:46:55] Oracle|The.True.Elders: I do not think my life is in any danger.
[26.04.2019 13:47:02] L\-'Muerte': Eh.
[26.04.2019 13:47:09] L\-'Muerte': You are very much so wrong.
[26.04.2019 13:47:16] L\-MNS-Citadella: Go on, senor, prove you support Malta rather than your alien overlords.
[26.04.2019 13:47:22] Oracle|The.True.Elders: Planet Malta is just so close.
[26.04.2019 13:47:29] L\-MNS-Citadella: Give the credits to Muerte.
[26.04.2019 13:47:34] Oracle|The.True.Elders: I can flee to our shrine, if you attack my ship.
[26.04.2019 13:47:50] L\-'Muerte': If you do decide to visit Malta, I will personally make sure you will never be able to enter this system.
[26.04.2019 13:48:08] L\-MNS-Citadella: So what will it be, Oracle?
[26.04.2019 13:48:15] L\-MNS-Citadella: Will you support Malta or your alien masters?
[26.04.2019 13:48:23] L\-MNS-Citadella: Muerte, do tell if he ends up paying you the credits.
[26.04.2019 13:48:27] Oracle|The.True.Elders: You have prosecuted us before, your threats are empty. This storm will pass as well.
[26.04.2019 13:48:27] L\-'Muerte': Si.
[26.04.2019 13:48:37] L\-'Muerte': No senor, my threats are not empty.
[26.04.2019 13:48:43] Oracle|The.True.Elders: I offered to answer your questions
[26.04.2019 13:48:51] Oracle|The.True.Elders: Yet I am only met with threats and extortion
[26.04.2019 13:48:59] Oracle|The.True.Elders: The people of Malta see this and flock to our banners
[26.04.2019 13:49:05] L\-MNS-Citadella: you answered nothing beyond claiming you don't serve the nomads anymore.
[26.04.2019 13:49:19] Oracle|The.True.Elders: Ask me a question then.
[26.04.2019 13:49:27] L\-MNS-Citadella: I did, who do you serve if not your alien masters?
[26.04.2019 13:49:34] L\-MNS-Citadella: But you dodged answering it.
[26.04.2019 13:49:42] Oracle|The.True.Elders: I am a member of the Church of Sirius. I serve the Church.
[26.04.2019 13:50:08] L\-'Muerte': A Church, huh?
[26.04.2019 13:50:19] L\-'Muerte': Probably praying to Nomads or something.
[26.04.2019 13:50:22] L\-MNS-Citadella: Si, senor Muerte, that would be their friendly name for worshiping the spirits.
[26.04.2019 13:50:35] L\-'Muerte': Of course.
[26.04.2019 13:50:40] L\-MNS-Citadella: So has the Oracle paid you your credits yet?
[26.04.2019 13:50:45] L\-'Muerte': Negative.
[26.04.2019 13:50:54] L\-MNS-Citadella: How unfortunate. What should we do with him then?
[26.04.2019 13:50:59] Oracle|The.True.Elders: We follow a certain path to enlightenment. We do not pray to anyone.
[26.04.2019 13:51:12] L\-'Muerte': Well. Might as well force him to leave this wonderful location, one way or another, no?
[26.04.2019 13:51:14] Oracle|The.True.Elders: I answer your question. Do you have another one perhaps?
[26.04.2019 13:51:37] L\-MNS-Citadella: Si, why do you expect to be welcomed in Malta when you do nothing but undermine it?
[26.04.2019 13:51:59] L\-MNS-Citadella: We've seen what fanaticism had done to Malta in the face of the Cross.
[26.04.2019 13:52:02] Oracle|The.True.Elders: That is incorrect. We are an ancient organization originating from Malta
[26.04.2019 13:52:06] Oracle|The.True.Elders: Centuries older than the Legion.
[26.04.2019 13:52:13] L\-'Muerte': Except...
[26.04.2019 13:52:17] Oracle|The.True.Elders: Malta is our home.
[26.04.2019 13:52:21] L\-'Muerte': You are very much useless, unlike Legion.
[26.04.2019 13:52:36] L\-'Muerte': Your group has done nothing for Malta. Nobody can vouch for you.
[26.04.2019 13:53:04] L\-MNS-Citadella: Now, we'll give you one last chance to pay up those credits and support Malta and it's defenders.
[26.04.2019 13:53:15] L\-MNS-Citadella: So what will it be, Oracle?
[26.04.2019 13:53:29] Oracle|The.True.Elders: Our credits go directly to support the Orange Dream
[26.04.2019 13:53:38] Oracle|The.True.Elders: The Orange Dream is supported by the majority of Maltese
[26.04.2019 13:53:45] L\-MNS-Citadella: Is that a no, Oracle?
[26.04.2019 13:53:46] Oracle|The.True.Elders: Do you support the Orange Dream?
[26.04.2019 13:54:16] L\-'Muerte': This so tedious.
[26.04.2019 13:54:31] L\-MNS-Citadella: Si, we support the flow of orange grass. Though in the face of better suited entities such as the Cadiz Cartel.
[26.04.2019 13:54:32] Oracle|The.True.Elders: If you do not support the Orange Dream, then why would the Oracles support the Legion?
[26.04.2019 13:54:37] L\-'Muerte': Nomad worshipper pretending to be a good person. A person of Malta.
[26.04.2019 13:54:57] L\-MNS-Citadella: What we have seen from the Oracles is far from spreading the Orange Dream.
[26.04.2019 13:55:05] L\-MNS-Citadella: All you have done was invite the aliens into our homeworld.
[26.04.2019 13:55:16] L\-MNS-Citadella: The very same aliens that have blatantly attacked the Legion in front of Malta.
[26.04.2019 13:55:17] Oracle|The.True.Elders: You have both fallen to The Order propaganda.
[26.04.2019 13:55:21] Oracle|The.True.Elders: It is very sad to hear that.
[26.04.2019 13:55:26] L\-MNS-Citadella: We are done here it seems.
[26.04.2019 13:55:31] L\-MNS-Citadella: Muerte, let's show him the way out.
[26.04.2019 13:55:33] L\-'Muerte': Si.
[26.04.2019 13:55:45] 2019-04-26 13:55:48 SMT Traffic control alert: Oracle|The.True.Elders has requested to dock
[26.04.2019 13:55:53] L\-'Muerte': Pathetic scum, really.
[26.04.2019 13:55:58] L\-MNS-Citadella: Si.
[26.04.2019 13:56:19] Oracle|The.True.Elders: We are growing stronger. Our peaceful ideology will prevail.
COMM-ID: Eliza Valdez Subject: Homeworld security - Oracles and MOA Priority: High
Buenos dias, legionarios,
We must protect Malta from both external and internal threats. And in our focus on the external ones we have allowed room for some of those who wish to destroy Malta from within to make their way into our dear homeworld. Today in the orbital vicinity of Malta I have encountered two of those enemies, both acting as if they should be welcomed in Maltese space with open arms. Both playing it oblivious to the plans they plot against us.
First in face of the Oracles, those alien worshipers who betrayed Malta and were exiled in 824. They have returned to Alpha now and have acted ignorant of their previous crime - the theft of a Maltese destroyer class warship. They are to be forcefully reminded of their crime and removed from Maltese domain until the wrong has been undone and the ship is returned to Maltese hands. Do not fall for their serpent tongued lies that they are not the Oracles that once were as they have not changed in any way. We have given them the ultimatum if they want to redeem themselves in the eyes of Malta and until they do so our guns should do the only talking.
Secondly comes the Maltese Opposition Army. I had first dismissed them as a movement that would simply wage political agitations against the National Council, but I was mistaken to do so. They have been reported by multiple parties to work with our enemies in the face of the Corsairs, Coalition and IMG. And while those reports could be dismissed as rumors, their attack on the Cadiz Cartel can not. By attacking Maltese citizens they have overstepped a line they should not have crossed. For such a grievous act they've earned the same treatment as any traitor to the Maltese - they are to be removed from our sovereignty, by force if need be. I will be contacting the Cadiz Cartel to gather additional information regarding the MOA's actions against the Maltese and their allies.
[29.04.826 14:40:30]L\-Eliza.Valdez: A little birdy has told me you've shot the Cadiz Cartel.
[29.04.826 14:40:46] MOA-'Whisper': ?: Don't I get a welcome?
[29.04.826 14:41:10] L\-Eliza.Valdez: If that is true the only welcome you would deserve is gunfire.
[29.04.826 14:41:27] L\-Eliza.Valdez: I've turned a blind eye to your ambitions for overthrowing the Council.
[29.04.826 14:41:33] MOA-'Whisper': ?: But if I would come for that wouldI be here right now?
[29.04.826 14:41:46] L\-Eliza.Valdez: But once you've shot other Maltese you've crossed a line that you should not have.
[29.04.826 14:42:01] MOA-'Whisper': ?: Listen. I'm not here to fight.
[29.04.826 14:42:10] L\-Eliza.Valdez: But I'll give you the chance to explain your aggression against the Cartel.
[29.04.826 14:42:31] MOA-'Whisper': ?: If you find pleasure in shooting me, I can undarstand that. But today I came as a politision.
[29.04.826 14:43:04] L\-Eliza.Valdez: I'll give you the chance to speak before deciding what to do with you.
[29.04.826 14:43:17] MOA-'Whisper': ?: I did what's right, compadre. I did what any Maltese would. The Cartel is no better then me. Besdies that, they shot first.
[29.04.826 14:43:47] L\-Eliza.Valdez: I was told MOA forces tried to stop their cardamine convoys.
[29.04.826 14:44:03] MOA-'Whisper': ?: Si but were you told what was before that?
[29.04.826 14:44:23] MOA-'Whisper': ?: Actions have reasons, my friend.
[29.04.826 14:44:36] MOA-'Whisper': ?: Some better reasons, some worse.
[29.04.826 14:44:49] MOA-'Whisper': ?: But this time we're doing what's right.
[29.04.826 14:44:50] L\-Eliza.Valdez: It's yet to be decided if I will be your friend.
[29.04.826 14:45:05] MOA-'Whisper': ?: Say it as you wish.
[29.04.826 14:45:08] L\-Eliza.Valdez: So what was your reason behind stopping the cardamine flow?
[29.04.826 14:45:31] MOA-'Whisper': ?: Not the Cardamine flow but The Cartles Cardamine flow.
[29.04.826 14:45:44] L\-Eliza.Valdez: It is cardamine flow regardless, senor.
[29.04.826 14:46:02] MOA-'Whisper': ?: Not the way I see it. May I?
[29.04.826 14:46:13] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Of course, go ahead.
[29.04.826 14:46:21] L\-Eliza.Valdez: I did promise I'll hear you out.
[29.04.826 14:46:42] MOA-'Whisper': ?: It was aproximitly two weeks ago when one of our pilots enconuntered a Cartel vessel.
[29.04.826 14:47:07] MOA-'Whisper': ?: For your info, that was the encounter that ended with the incident.
[29.04.826 14:47:21] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Go on.
[29.04.826 14:47:38] Death: [RM]KoAdm.C.Auttenberg was put out of action by (C~Perception.Lost (Gun).
[29.04.826 14:48:03] Oracle|Deacon,Stranburg: Greetings
[29.04.826 14:48:05] MOA-'Whisper': ?: Well... Our pilot told them our goals, our... Idology. And what they did was unspeaeble. They shot at us. Not becuase we ...
[29.04.826 14:48:50] MOA-'Whisper': ?: were seen a threat but because they didn't like our ideology. Which is the very thing we stand against.
[29.04.826 14:49:21] L\-Eliza.Valdez: I was told you cooperate with the Coalition and the Apostas.
[29.04.826 14:49:26] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Now I'm sure you're aware both are enemies of Malta.
[29.04.826 14:49:34] L\-Eliza.Valdez: And both have participated in attacks against our homeworld.
[29.04.826 14:49:54] L\-Eliza.Valdez: What would your excuse be in that?
[29.04.826 14:49:59] L\-Ezio,Aquila: So can we just waste the mother fuckers or.
[29.04.826 14:50:09] MOA-'Whisper': May I continue, compadre?
[29.04.826 14:50:21] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Si, but you better hurry.
[29.04.826 14:50:27] L\-Eliza.Valdez: I believe senor Aquila does not have my patience.
[29.04.826 14:50:44] L\-Ezio,Aquila: They've already broken their vow.
[29.04.826 14:50:53] L\-Ezio,Aquila: If it were up to me they'd both be dead.
[29.04.826 14:51:05] L\-'Starfire': Greetings Miss Valdez and senor Aquila.
[29.04.826 14:51:36] L\-Ezio,Aquila: Where are you going?
[29.04.826 14:51:37] MOA-'Whisper': ?: The Cartel, in my eyes, doesn't differ from us. What they want to do is the same thing as us.
[29.04.826 14:51:45] L\-'Starfire': I believe it is time to clean the house.
[29.04.826 14:51:54] L\-Ezio,Aquila: You've returned without our cruiser.
[29.04.826 14:51:59] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Yet they do not cooperate with Malta's enemies.
[29.04.826 14:52:00] L\-Ezio,Aquila: And without our permission.
[29.04.826 14:52:03] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Not to my knowledge at least.
[29.04.826 14:52:05] Oracle|Deacon,Stranburg: Wait
[29.04.826 14:52:06] L\-Ezio,Aquila: I told you what would happen if you did this.
[29.04.826 14:52:10] Oracle|Deacon,Stranburg: Wait wait
[29.04.826 14:52:17] MOA-'Whisper': ?: Can I please.
[29.04.826 14:52:27] L\-Ezio,Aquila: Any last words?
[29.04.826 14:52:28] MOA-'Whisper': ?: Finsih the damn story. Please.
[29.04.826 14:52:34] L\-'Starfire': Charging Krakens.
[29.04.826 14:52:45] L\-'Canalla': Buenas tardes
[29.04.826 14:52:57] MOA-'Whisper': ?: If you feel like killing me go ahead. I won't fight back. If killing your own is what you find pleasure in.
[29.04.826 14:53:07] L\-'Starfire': Weapons charged, ready for combat.
[29.04.826 14:53:16] Oracle|Deacon,Stranburg: Well, i don't want fightings
[29.04.826 14:53:19] L\-Ezio,Aquila: Killing traitors is a service to the galaxy.
[29.04.826 14:53:33] MOA-'Whisper': ?: I never shot anyone else but the Cartel.
[29.04.826 14:53:43] L\-Ezio,Aquila: Kill them.
[29.04.826 14:53:46] L\-'Starfire': Opening fire! Lets kill this idiot!
[29.04.826 14:53:55] MOA-'Whisper': ?: And I gave to them what they deserved for shooting at us.
[29.04.826 14:53:57] L\-'Canalla': Uuuh.
[29.04.826 14:54:03] MOA-'Whisper': May I help?
[29.04.826 14:54:13] MOA-'Whisper': To prove my point.
[29.04.826 14:54:18] Death: Oracle|Deacon,Stranburg was put out of action by L\-Ezio,Aquila (Mine).
[29.04.826 14:54:36] L\-'Starfire': Now to you traitor.
[29.04.826 14:54:36] MOA-'Whisper': ?: This was satisfying.
[29.04.826 14:54:39] L\-Ezio,Aquila: So what's the deal with this guy.
[29.04.826 14:54:39] L\-Eliza.Valdez: So what should we do with the "revolutionary", Ezio?
[29.04.826 14:55:13] MOA-'Whisper': ?: As I said. I didn't expect hospitality, do as you will.
[29.04.826 14:55:16] L\-Eliza.Valdez: He does claim self-defense in his attack upon the Cadiz Cartel convoys.
[29.04.826 14:55:23] MOA-'Whisper': ?: But I'm not here to fight.
[29.04.826 14:55:30] L\-Eliza.Valdez: But working with the Coalition and the Corsairs is a crime on its own.
[29.04.826 14:55:40] L\-'Canalla': Time to do the 13-14.
[29.04.826 14:55:42] L\-Ezio,Aquila: Working with the Corsairs?
[29.04.826 14:55:43] L\-'Starfire': Then he shall be executed.
[29.04.826 14:55:49] MOA-'Whisper': ?: Which I didn't exlapin just yet.
[29.04.826 14:55:51] L\-Ezio,Aquila: And Coalition?
[29.04.826 14:55:51] L\-'Starfire': So all can witness his crimes.
[29.04.826 14:56:00] L\-Eliza.Valdez: The Apostas, to be more exact.
[29.04.826 14:56:04] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Not that it matters.
[29.04.826 14:56:10] L\-Eliza.Valdez: They are Corsairs nonetheless.
[29.04.826 14:56:15] L\-Ezio,Aquila: Outcast traitors working with Corsair traitors.
[29.04.826 14:56:23] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Si, such is the way of revolutions.
[29.04.826 14:56:24] L\-Ezio,Aquila: It's as if idiocy flocks to itself by itself.
[29.04.826 14:56:40] MOA-'Whisper': ?: First of all. I want to see proof of us helping the Apostatas. If I may.
[29.04.826 14:56:47] L\-Ezio,Aquila: You'
[29.04.826 14:56:54] L\-'Canalla': What?
[29.04.826 14:56:55] L\-Ezio,Aquila: Are in no position to bargin.
[29.04.826 14:56:57] L\-'Starfire': What a surprise.
[29.04.826 14:57:03] L\-'Starfire': A cartells vessel.
[29.04.826 14:57:07] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Ah good. A Cartel vessel.
[29.04.826 14:57:13] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Buenos dias, capitano.
[29.04.826 14:57:14] QC|"Barranquilla": ?: Buenos dias legionares
[29.04.826 14:57:23] L\-Ezio,Aquila: Buenos dias.
[29.04.826 14:57:24] L\-Eliza.Valdez: I hope you have a moment to testify here.
[29.04.826 14:57:34] MOA-'Whisper': ?: Also Coalition helped us not the other way around compadres.
[29.04.826 14:57:37] L\-Eliza.Valdez: The "revolutionary" claims the Cartel shot them first. Is that true?
[29.04.826 14:58:00] QC|"Barranquilla": ?: Not true. And who would believe a slave anyway.
[29.04.826 14:58:08] L\-'Starfire': Ha!
[29.04.826 14:58:12] L\-'Starfire': I told you!
[29.04.826 14:58:13] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Their word against yours, senor.
[29.04.826 14:58:17] L\-Ezio,Aquila: So what did happen?
[29.04.826 14:59:07] L\-'Canalla': We should cut his wings and thrust him into the planet atmosphere so he burns down for traitor.
[29.04.826 14:59:14] MOA-'Whisper': ?: What I told you is truth and truth is all I speak. As it is for you Cartel, I'm no slave, pendejo.
[29.04.826 14:59:52] L\-'Canalla': That sounded so Corsair-ish.
[29.04.826 14:59:55] Buy.My.Lies: So...what does the "MOA" stand for?
[29.04.826 15:00:14] QC|"Barranquilla": ?: I don't care what you are. You're an enemy of malta
[29.04.826 15:00:14] L\-'Starfire': Hola Junker.
[29.04.826 15:00:25] QC|"Bormida": Situation?
[29.04.826 15:00:25] John_Emdall: hola amigos
[29.04.826 15:00:27] L\-Eliza.Valdez: when do we make tactical cyber alliance with Heinrich?
[29.04.826 15:00:35] MOA-'Whisper': ?: Maltese Opposition Army. We fight the Council and those who brake rights.
[29.04.826 15:00:37] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Interrogating a MOA. Could use your input on his case.
[29.04.826 15:00:55] Buy.My.Lies: Ah, so you stand in opposition to Malta.
[29.04.826 15:00:59] L\-Ezio,Aquila: So you create problems for the sake of creating problems.
[29.04.826 15:01:06] L\-Eliza.Valdez: So you admit to opposing Malta's legal government?
[29.04.826 15:01:17] MOA-'Whisper': ?: Not Malta, but the people who currently lead it.
[29.04.826 15:01:19] QC|"Barranquilla": ?: And stopping cardamine transports
[29.04.826 15:01:24] L\-'Starfire': So you do.
[29.04.826 15:01:29] John_Emdall: really
[29.04.826 15:01:31] L\-Ezio,Aquila: Stopping cardamine transports?
[29.04.826 15:01:39] MOA-'Whisper': ?: Only Cartel
[29.04.826 15:01:43] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Si, senor Aquila, they've attacked Cartel convoys.
[29.04.826 15:01:47] MOA-'Whisper': ?: To stop them from making profit.
[29.04.826 15:01:52] John_Emdall: lets test that
[29.04.826 15:02:12] MOA-'Whisper': ?: When they get enough money they will just overthrow the goverment. They don't differ from us, one bit.
[29.04.826 15:02:20] QC|"Bormida": ?: Captain Daniel de Motti has arrived. What is going on here?
[29.04.826 15:02:22] L\-Ezio,Aquila: What?
[29.04.826 15:02:26] L\-Ezio,Aquila: Are you stupid?
[29.04.826 15:02:33] MOA-'Whisper': ?: Expect what we do is good for the people and what they do is only good for themselves.
[29.04.826 15:02:35] QC|"Barranquilla": ?: The slave is telling lies
[29.04.826 15:02:37] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Buenos dias capitano de Motti.
[29.04.826 15:02:42] L\-'Starfire': Greetings capitan.
[29.04.826 15:02:46] L\-Ezio,Aquila: Stopping Cardamine transports?
[29.04.826 15:02:46] QC|"Bormida": Buenos dias, senors and senioritas.
[29.04.826 15:02:52] L\-Eliza.Valdez: This "revolutionary" here has accused your cartel of plotting to overthrow the Council.
[29.04.826 15:03:04] MOA-'Whisper': ?: Si.
[29.04.826 15:03:11] MOA-'Whisper': ?: I MIGHT even have proof of it.
[29.04.826 15:03:34] MOA-'Whisper': ?: As that topic is why I came here for.
[29.04.826 15:03:39] QC|"Bormida": Daniel: Ah, Jonhson. Rebelious slave. Have problems with this scum?
[29.04.826 15:03:46] MOA-'Whisper': ?: But not to discuss it with everyone, just with the Legion.
[29.04.826 15:03:52] L\-Eliza.Valdez: He seems to plead innocence for his crimes against Malta and it's people.
[29.04.826 15:04:00] John_Emdall: cardamine,cardamine, everybody wants cardamine
[29.04.826 15:04:11] QC|"Bormida": Adios, junker.
[29.04.826 15:04:18] John_Emdall: yo
[29.04.826 15:04:23] L\-Eliza.Valdez: He accuses your cartel, senor de Motti, of being the first to start aggressions.
[29.04.826 15:04:37] L\-Ezio,Aquila: You want to step on Malta's way of life as if it will bring about some positivity for our people.
[29.04.826 15:05:00] L\-Ezio,Aquila: We aren't exactly exploding with population numbers, senor.
[29.04.826 15:05:27] QC|"Bormida": Daniel: Seniorita Valdez, the slave are lie. Our transport, Barranquilla was damaged by these rebelious scum.
[29.04.826 15:06:01] MOA-'Whisper': ?: I realise. What my plans are can save all of Outcast. It can ensure a greater future.
[29.04.826 15:06:12] L\-Ezio,Aquila: Oh yea? How.
[29.04.826 15:06:16] L\-Ezio,Aquila: Tell me.
[29.04.826 15:06:16] MOA-'Whisper': ?
[29.04.826 15:06:19] QC|"Barranquilla": ?: While working with the IMG and coalition sure
[29.04.826 15:06:27] L\-Eliza.Valdez: The IMG?
[29.04.826 15:06:32] L\-Eliza.Valdez: They have cooperated with the IMG?
[29.04.826 15:06:33] L\-'Starfire': Working with the IMG?
[29.04.826 15:06:38] QC|"Barranquilla": Si.
[29.04.826 15:06:49] MOA-'Whisper': ?: That I shall not tell. You see. If I tell you my plan everyone will know it and they will try to stop it becuase of their ..
[29.04.826 15:06:52] MOA-'Whisper': ?: Greed,
[29.04.826 15:07:07] L\-Ezio,Aquila: You're a fool.
[29.04.826 15:07:11] Buy.My.Lies: Has accusations, but no evidence. Has a plan, but does not say.
[29.04.826 15:07:14] L\-Ezio,Aquila: ok lets waste him.
[29.04.826 15:07:14] L\-'Starfire': So you claim to bring better future, but won't tell us whats behind it?
[29.04.826 15:07:21] L\-'Starfire': And you want us to believe you?
[29.04.826 15:07:21] L\-Eliza.Valdez: agreed.
[29.04.826 15:07:42] L\-Ezio,Aquila: Perhaps next time you arrive in orbit you'll properly prepare your case.
[29.04.826 15:07:51] L\-Ezio,Aquila: Oh look, another one.
[29.04.826 15:08:01] L\-Ezio,Aquila: Valdez, I say we kill them both here and now.
[29.04.826 15:08:02] QC|"Bormida": Daniel: Slaves come back home.
[29.04.826 15:08:07] L\-Ezio,Aquila: They would see our way of life undone.
[29.04.826 15:08:08] L\-'Starfire': Please.
[29.04.826 15:08:12] L\-Ezio,Aquila: Our shipping routes cut off.
[29.04.826 15:08:15] L\-'Starfire': Do not overuse the word slave.
[29.04.826 15:08:24] L\-'Canalla': I can cooperate at shooting.
[29.04.826 15:08:34] L\-Ezio,Aquila: Our very life line destroyed.
[29.04.826 15:08:34] L\-'Canalla': Or I can just watch the show.
[29.04.826 15:08:47] MOA-'Whisper': I don't seek your believe. Neither do I accuse you of anything. I came here to tell you what I'm am and I'm not quilty of.
[29.04.826 15:09:00] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Si, perhaps they can make their case planetside, before the authorities.
[29.04.826 15:09:04] L\-Ezio,Aquila: "Seek your believe" Que?
[29.04.826 15:09:06] L\-Eliza.Valdez: In the mean time we can send them there by force.
[29.04.826 15:09:14] L\-'Starfire': I don't care anymore. I don't care what you say. I care for Malta and its people.
[29.04.826 15:09:31] L\-Ezio,Aquila: It's settled then.
[29.04.826 15:09:32] L\-'Starfire': You shall be judged for your crimes against Malta.
[29.04.826 15:09:34] L\-Ezio,Aquila: Kill them both.
[29.04.826 15:09:42] L\-'Starfire': Kill them both!
[29.04.826 15:09:45] L\-Eliza.Valdez: We will not let Malta succumb to another promise for a bright future. We remember what the Cross did.
[29.04.826 15:09:47] L\-'Canalla': Can I kill them both?
[29.04.826 15:09:53] L\-Ezio,Aquila: Si.
[29.04.826 15:09:55] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Si. Go ahead, Canalla.
[29.04.826 15:09:58] L\-Ezio,Aquila: Time to meet god.
[29.04.826 15:10:02] L\-'Canalla': Bien!
[29.04.826 15:10:03] QC|"Bormida": Daniel: Fuego.
[29.04.826 15:10:04] Death: MOA-'Whisper' was put out of action by L\-Ezio,Aquila (Gun).
[29.04.826 15:10:05] L\-'Starfire': It is.
[29.04.826 15:10:07] QC|"Barranquilla": ?: Fuego.
[29.04.826 15:10:13] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Catch the other one before he escapes.
[29.04.826 15:10:27] L\-Ezio,Aquila: You'll be joining them.
[29.04.826 15:10:31] L\-'Starfire': You won't escape.
[29.04.826 15:10:39] L\-'Starfire': Opening fire!
[29.04.826 15:10:41] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Let me have him.
[29.04.826 15:10:51] L\-'Starfire': Fine.
[29.04.826 15:10:59] MNS-Abraxis: amigos fighting other amigos?
[29.04.826 15:11:00] L\-'Starfire': Let Valdez deal with this one.
[29.04.826 15:11:05] QC|"Barranquilla": ?: Moa are no amigos
[29.04.826 15:11:07] Buy.My.Lies: And so another civil war begins...
[29.04.826 15:11:08] L\-'Starfire': Senor Aquila stop shooting.
[29.04.826 15:11:33] MNS-Abraxis: rebels?
[29.04.826 15:11:40] QC|"Bormida": Daniel: Si, senor.
[29.04.826 15:11:45] QC|"Barranquilla": ?: Yes. Enemies of malta and it's people
[29.04.826 15:11:57] MNS-Abraxis: in that case i watch the show
[29.04.826 15:12:02] Death: MOA-Roberto.Duellos was put out of action by L\-Eliza.Valdez (Mine).
[29.04.826 15:12:11] L\-'Starfire': Also captain Daniel, please refrain from using the word slave, atleast when I am around.
[29.04.826 15:12:13] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Taken care of.
[29.04.826 15:12:27] QC|"Bormida": Daniel: I will remember, senor.
[29.04.826 15:13:41] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Well then it seems I'll have some paperwork to deal with.
[29.04.826 15:13:54] L\-'Starfire': Seems like it.
[29.04.826 15:13:55] L\-Eliza.Valdez: Adios.
COMM-ID: Maria de Santangelo Subject: Reporting for service. Priority: Low
Legionario de Santangelo reporting for service.
I have received the debriefing by Legionario 'Muerte' today, after finishing setting up my fighter and bomber craft. Was a surprise that Serenissima was absorbed into the Legión, but considering my forced absence, I am grateful I can continue to be of use again.
En servicio de Malta,
Legionario Maria de Santangelo.