Good evening, I am Operative Irma Bunt with The Lane Hackers, I first would like to wish you god speed on the dangerous Gallic war that has encroached upon you. Know we will try and help you where ever we can, you need only ask. I come before you to ask a very simple question, aside from gold what else do you produce and where can we find it?
Oy's Blodwyn O'Driscoll, un' work fer deh Republic o' Dublin.
Tis been donkey's years we didn't get any news frem ye, gents.
So how Mr Yoshida is goin' ?
M'well, deh destruction o' Belfast was clearly a drawback, but let's face, it has been forseen for years, almost unavoidable.
We won't forget dhoses who fought dere, fer shure.
But naow, oy see ye wanna get tae deh point. So we'll provoide ye widh a list o' what we do export as soon as possoible.
But afore dhat may oy ask fer what ye'd need such a list ?
We've also been aware wun o' yer visit , lately. Un' we'll have tae talk 'bout dhat too.
Tank ye fer listenin'.
Slán agat !
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(03-31-2010, 11:48 PM)Sprolf Wrote: That is the crux of the matter.
If you aid us, and you aid them, you are the enemy.
If you do not aid them, you are worthless outside of extortion potential.
If you aid us, you will be treated with respect.
Professor Provocateur Yoshida is doing quite well and I am sure I can speak for him when saying "Good, Thank you." Belfast was an unfortunate turn of events and we all will feel its destruction for years to come. Thank you for starting to gather that list for me since Belfast was destroyed we need a new location to purchase items from your stock and we need to know what locations sells your products. What visit would you be referring to?