Name: Edmond (de Blouis) Foch
Age: 29 years
DOB: 10/12/712A.G.S. (796A.S.)
Place of Origin: Orleans System, Gallia
Past Affiliation(s): Ile-de-France Shipping, Samura Industries
Edmond Foch, somewhere in Planet Kyushu, 824A.S.
Born from a well established family of settlers of Planet Blouis, Edmond origins were otherwise unremarkable. Raised and educated in public education in the home system, he later enrolled in the École Polytechnique d'Orléans. He was considered by his peers and teachers a "promising prospect" in his studies of mechanical engineering, and was scouted by Ile-de-France Shipping at the end of his studies.
In 819 A.S., Gallia had already taken his first steps into the greater stage of Sirius, and there was interest in studying and learning from the technical expertise from the outside to complement the know how of Gallic corporations. Edmond was sent to Kusari as part of an exchange program with Samura Industries, learning about maintenance of mechanical and energy systems used in standard installations and ships in foreign House.
His activities in Kusari went well until 823A.S. when he was caught in a blackmail scheme occurring in Samura facilities, and Edmond found himself indebted to shady entities. He is pressured to cut his ties with IDF Shipping, and is ordered to work as a maintenance engineer and second rank pilot for several Samura business here and there, the last one being Tsugaru Securities in mid 825A.S.
With the end of the year approaching and Tsugaru Securities services dwindling, Edmond Foch was expected to be shuffled once again to another operation in Kusari. However, his patrons had arrived at a different destiny for him, upon hearing rumors about the revival of the Forlorn Hope by their former employee Nick Stenn. Not keen to "losing their investments" on the man, Edmond was given a letter of reference and ordered to make way into the reformed order. Stenn, recognizing some merit on the services provided by Foch and the maintenance teams in Tsugaru, accepted his candidacy and assigned him to the maintenance of of several knights who tended to use Kusarian equipment, namely one elusive woman who had flown under many banners in her career...