Colonel P. Becker : [Comm-ID] The Order ~
The Core HC : [Receiver-ID] ~
Meeting : [Subject]
Men and woman of Core Command,
My name is Patricia Becker, a Colonel with the Order's Legacy of Orillion cell. We've had communications in the past that were somewhat fruitful, and in the interest of humanitarian aid and assisting neutral parties, I'm sending this transmission.
Not long ago, we received a return transmission from a representative of the Zoner group 'The Seraphim'. They requested authorization to transport Zoner refugees from the invasion zone of Omega-49 to our holdings in Omicron Mu. I have also authorized my own captains to begin transportation of these refugees via vessels bearing our Logistics Corps symbol. This is why I am sending this transmission.
In the interest of humanitarian aid, I am asking exemption of any Legacy of Orillion vessels transporting Canaria refugees towards our holdings in the Omicron Mu system. I'm aware that the Order is still a high priority for you paramilitary to engage, but for the sake of these refugees and their families, an exception must be made. We've cooperated to a small degree in the recent past, and while I'm sure that note has soured once more, I'm of a mind that the Core would be interested in the safety of these refugees as well.
Should the Core seek to go the same route, I will ensure that my men look for the safety of your men in addition to our own.