Bristol Depot's initial construction was finished in late 824 AS. It was initially a forward depot and served as an access point for other groups to the Liberty Separatists.
Since then it has been considerably upgraded, serving as the main hub for the systems scrap and salvaging operations. The installation's amenities have been upgraded to supply a safe base for traders to land on as opposed to the wild west like situation in the close by Freeport.
In the middle of 826, the installation has finally abandoned by the Separatist Military and taken over by the civilian corporation "Bristol Constructions & Manufacturing" which had been formed by independent contractors, entrepeneurs and a few former Separatists or their family members. Apart from a minor presence and traders there is no Separatist military presence to be found anymore. Since then the station has become a flourishing oasis of industry in middle of the lawless wasteland that was Bering.
By 827 the installation and its operating company has finally grown to a size that allows the company nigh true independence. With many organisations relying on their repairs, manufacturing and steady supply of scrap. Working together with the ALG they also clear the old war wrecks and return Rheinland's salvage. Unclaimed wrecks get sorted and sold or melted down into other goods. A small part of the manufacturing plant is focusing on the construction of small craft and replacement parts for the companies transports.
Docking clearances are currently granted to everyone.
Apart from the Bristol commodity storages the commercial area of the installation holds a branch of the ALG assisting with the salvaging and sorting process as well as the resulting waste of the manufacturing and recycling processes. A mercenary office hides the entrance to a less legal part of the installation where the odd contraband was traded or less legal entities do their trading.
The main import and export of Bristol is Military Salvage - sorted into origins. With 200,000 standard cargo units allocated merely for salvage the Depot is the prime exporter.
Military Salvage London Run: Military Salvage(Bristol Depot, Bering) 3,000 -> Planet New London, New London - 9,145 (6,145 Profit)
Gold Ore(Various Stations, New London) 3,000 -> Bristol Depot, Bering - 9,621 (6,621 Profit)
Military Salvage Gallia Run: Military Salvage(Bristol Depot, Bering) 3,000 -> Planet Marne, Champagne - 14,330 (11,330 Profit)
Molybdenum Ore(Le Paradis des Chats, Languedoc) 2,500 -> Planet New Berlin, New Berlin - 11,210 (8,830 Profit)
Rheinbier(Planet New Berlin, New Berlin) 199 -> Marshall Station, Bering - 1,269 (1,070 Profit)
Black Market
Despite the installation being legal, like on most stations there is a black market going on.