To: Sean Goodman From: Sun Koken Ship: Bodhi Company: New Dawn Location: Freeport 9, Omicron Theta Subject: Buddhist Temple Installation request on Freeport 9 Encryption: Average Message:
I hope this communication reaches you, I was advised to seek you out for permission to install a Buddhist Temple on Freeport 9. I have recently become a Zoner and moved into a snug apartment but I find that my religion is very small around here. If others wish to seek my Buddhist guidance, I wish a common meeting ground for it. I would be willing to pay for this installation.
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* ID: Jerard Voncloud
* Location: Carrier Kaldra
* Subject: Place of Worship for Pygar
* Priority: 1
Signal coding complete
Message Beginning:
To Sun Koken
I am Jerard Voncloud, Marshall of Livadia Shipyard with the Zoner Initiative. I'm currently filling in for Sean Goodman with Administrative duties on Freeport 9 as he is currently unfit for work at this time.
Now with the way Freeport 9 is set up I'm afraid it wouldn't have the room for a dedicated Temple of sorts, all that could be offered is to use of a meeting room to set it up as a Temple when its needed.
However if i may offer a more permanent and beneficial option. Right now Planet Pygar is being colonised, built upon to become a new home for Zoner's displaced from Gran Canaria and any more who wish to have a planet based home over a Freeport. Its still in its infancy and much remains to be built it would be most welcome to have a proper place of worship for those who do have a faith. We can offer a Temporary Shelter for you to use as both home and worship whilst the Temple is built. I would be quite happy to give you the lead on the project.
Let me know what you think and we can go into further detail
Jerard Voncloud - Zoner Consensus - Administrator for Livadia Shipyard
Message Ended
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To: Jerard Voncloud From: Sun Koken Ship: Bodhi Company: New Dawn Location: Freeport 9, Omicron Theta Subject: Pygar Temple Encryption: Average Message:
Thankyou for replying.
I shall keep the meeting room in mind, I had not thought of that. As for the idea of a temple on Pygar? That I am very interested and pleased by. I will gladly help build a place of worship for fellow Zoner Buddhists or, Buddhists in general. Faith is needed in such a harsh climate and I myself will assist with the heavy lifting if need be. I shall obviously deliver supplies and get to work on it. A home planetside would be appreciated as well, whilst I get to work on planing and building this temple.