Sender:Omer Darche, Pollux. Recipient:National Council of Malta, Nation de Malta. Topic:Record Updates. Représentant of the National Council,
With the changing of families and restructuring within Maltese space, it seems prudent to look into how this may affect past dealings. Let me begin by stating that my name is Omer Darche, representing a independent network cell known as Pollux. While small, we had the pleasure of working beside the Maltese in the past which benefited all parties involved.
During the time our initial contact was made with the Maltese, it had been done with the 101st, the "Ghosts of Razgriz". Negotiations was eventually turned to the militant Crimson Cross sector in which we negotiated an exchange of free movement within Maltese space, including the restricted sectors and systems, as well as mooring ports and scaffolds 5-9 of Bastia for our uses. In exchange we assisted in a number of their operations and gave intel based around their current directives.
With the 'Cross having faded and the restructure to return to a council overseeing the Nación, we have observed and found that many space-borne laws have changed, including restrictions and paperwork having not been moved over, intentional or not.
We find that if we choose to continue our agreements before, we will be in violation of §2.5, §2.6, §3.1 (§3.1.1 §3.1.2, §3.1.3, §3.1.5), and possible local planet-side or station laws and bylaws found within the 'Constitution of Territorial and Interstellar Laws' overview. With interest to not cause issue as we have strived to beforehand, we wished to reach out to make previous contracts known and renew these to match current standards.
We will maintain this communication relay for reply.
To: Omer Darche From: Oranos Subject: Re: Record Updates.
To Omer Darche,
Your ship and crew is not familiar to us for the moment, unfortunately records of your existence are most certainly lost to the scorching of the Crimson Cross archives in our attempt to subdue the militant Church ruling state and up-heave the stranglehold they had on masses who they deemed 'non-believers.'
But never-mind, I'm sure we can now formally conduct this as first contact between you and the currently established governments and so forth go on without pre-judgement. but this also means we're working on a complete blank slate on terms of your information, we don't know who you are and what your goals are currently. This means that we're currently sceptical on allowing such permissions to allowing you to be bypassed what is clearly a long list of regulations set in place by the council...
So as of now, we require these details:
- Your ship, crew and place of origin.
- Your current mission or assignment that include your purpose of being present in our territories.
- Current equipment including weapons, shields and extra-ordinary equipment.
- Any stored cargo being permanently carried on board that violates section §3.1.1 of the Constitution of Territorial and Interstellar Laws.
I hope to hear from you soon so we can get this cleared up as quickly as possible.
- Oranos Atlantis Manufacturing PLC
National Council of Malta | National Council member
Sender:Omer Darche, Pollux. Recipient:Oranos, Nation de Malta. Topic:Record Updates. Représentant Oranos of the National Council,
It is troubling all records were lost, however understandable due to it not being specifically open knowledge to all within the nation. The old Church wished it to remain out of the view of the common Maltese. Perhaps for good reason, perhaps not. If it is a blank slate we must work with, a blank slate we shall.
For your list, I'll try to be as thorough as I can be.
There are technically multiple ships involved in this, a capital-class vessel and it's support wing. The main craft is of Gallic origin, a Pious-class Battlecruiser. It's direct support wing consists of two Lynx Model XJ-3-RPe fighters with standard military armaments. One is equipped with a customized engine to utilize Sirian fuel. Lastly is one Cougar Model BXJ-5-RPe with standard armaments as well. I would like to make it clear that while we have these vessels, we do not operate for the Gallic Crown.
As for our tasks within Maltese space is twofold. The first is overwatching and maintaining the trade of the plant, narcotic, and substance known as Cardamine. The second is using the location as a base of operations for our people to expand outwards for other tasks.
The question of equipment is the hardest part to explain. As stated, the support wing are all standard models with only the most basic modifications done to them. The lead vessel, the battlecruiser, has an array of "devices" and technologies that are xenologic in nature. While the base hull is mostly of Gallic designs, many systems, including shielding, engines, armaments, etc., uses the technology developed by alien crafts.
For the last question. We have a small detachment, about five, of what may be considered "Marines". That is to say armed personnel who act primarily as a security detachment. Beyond this, we have a crate of the substance "Nox" onboard, though it is for personal and medical use in an attempt to get some of the crew off of it. If entirely required, such can be removed.
To: Omer Darche From: Oranos Subject: Re: Record Updates.
To Omer Darche,
A Gallic battlecruiser is more than a surprise to us, but the council seems surprisingly convinced that your knowledge of certain sectors of our restricted territory seems to show the trust that both previous government Junta's put into you as a ally to the Nation, I'm sure that we can allow such a thing too for the better security for the Maltese territory and the growth of our income markets.
While many of us at the council are quite concerned with the involvement of NOX, some of us have reminded others of your Gallic origin and pushed that the substance is to be used in rehabilitation procedures only. The storage of such I hope will keep to a minimum and any proliferation of the substance to be used in trading or mass usage will obviously have a clear reaction by the National Council as stated in our Law-Doctrine.
Unfortunately the council has to inform you that Bastia no longer houses the needed infrastructure that supports large naval vessels and has to redirect your dry-dock access to Valletta, anything that requires emergency attention can also be dealt with at Venice shipyard in Omicron Tau. Any goods and supplies that might be hard to come around, you may feel free to contact the Junkers at Alcara, be aware they are not to be entirely trusted and I advise you to stay away from the gambling dens, I attended a raffle once and to this day regret to participate in such a dishonest event.
Please be advised that that recent contacts with these Aliens have turned sour in an attempted subjugation of the Maltese peoples individualises with physical takeover and volent enforcement of their god-complex. As such they are highly hostile towards anyone within our space and have a nasty tendency to attack those carrying Xeno-technology of their own origin.
From here on now, you may return to your regular operational schedule and the perks that were previously stated. Stay strong pilots, for the glory of Malta.
- Oranos Atlantis Manufacturing PLC
National Council of Malta | National Council member
Sector Omicrons, Unknown System
20, mars, 743 A.G.S
Sender:Omer Darche, Pollux. Recipient:Oranos, Nation de Malta. Topic:Record Updates. Représentant Oranos of the National Council,
We understand and accept the situation given forth. Via this, send for either myself or a comm-link directed at the Vatan and we shall assist with the Nación's needs. Should a need come, we'll use the contacts listed to us, and restrict our mooring to the two stated shipyards.