From: Jack Shepard
Location: FV-Olympia, Sabah Shipyard, Coronado System
Attention to all vessels receiving this broadcast,
This is Commander Jack Shepard of the Crayterian Intelligence Service.
Not too long ago, the FV-Aquatica, Zephyr Mark II Carrier Class Capital Vessel, managed to intercept the FV-Olympia in Omega-3 system.
As we managed to capture it,after a very dangerous operation among those traitors, that were willing to fire on their brothers in arms, we had a hold of the FV-Olympia and his commander Zack Xander.
Unfortunately, right after capturing the Olympia, a Jormungand Battleship Class Vessel, appeared and start firing on us.
Due to the malfunctioning powercore of the Olympia, it couldn't properly fight so instead of defending, Xander gave the order to start charging the Jump Drive to save both us off , but before we could jump back to Coronado system, the Hessian used the very powerful Forward Gun, and managed to destroy the Command Center of the Olympia with Xander in it.
When we reached Sabah Shipyard, there was no trace of Xander near or on the ship, therefore the CIS is declaring Commander Zack Xander dead.
The Olympia is back in Crayter's possession and it'll be stripped of its advanced technology.
All Olympia Battlegroup shall return by their own wiling or else we'll hunt them down one by one.