I talked with our Friendly resident Warlord and the Rogues are interested in business and relations with the golden flowers of Kusari. On the topic of the business I had brought up to you during my invitation to the Puerto Rican race track that should be operational in a few months. I wanted to follow up on this privately. I'll cut right to the chase, I want to set up a meeting in between Liberty and Kusari, so terf won't be "much" of an issue. I've been to shikoku and that little outpost you have there. and I frequently hang around Padua in Galileo. I'm sure you have seen it once or twice. Since we're the ones coming to you for the negotiations I would assume Morioka Outpost would be fine for the meeting? Let me know what you think of this proposition. We have plenty to talk about.
Isn't 'between Liberty and Kusari' somewhere in Galileo and Kepler? Last time I was there Morioka was the HQ of the Gen'an Cell, so neutral ground is not really true, is it? We do not know you well enough to open up our base to these kinds of meetings. We do not even know what this is about.
However, we will agree to a meeting on neutral ground.
I figured as much, I'll admit I do not know much about your cell, it was a bit presumptuous of me to assume that outpost was a safe meeting place. Meeting on Ames Research Station to discuss business between us would be rather odd. Might I suggest Padua base then? I'm sure you've past it atleast a few times in Galileo. Nice quiet rogue base. There's a few back rooms we could hold a meeting in without being disturbed. And it's far out of reach of authorities. I'm actually there now as a matter of fact. I'll be in touch.
Konbanwa, representative of the Rogues. Ohisashiburi desu with your group.
First of all, it is a pleasure to hear from the Rogues after a longer time of silence.
⧫ Your wish for a meeting
Your wish has been taken into account. The worries of the Gen'an cell are understandable, yet unjustified. While contact has been rare within the past months, Rogues smugglers were always welcome to trade goods or refuel at Morioka.
The meeting can be held at Morioka, I will send out an Agent of mine as your contact because I have more pressuring tasks to take care of myself. Tasks which make it quite impossible for me to reach Morioka at this moment.
For your own safety you can bring two escort fightercrafts, if you desire to do so that is. But there is most likely no need for escorts, the route from Padua to Morioka leads past Leiden, the entire of darkmatter storms in Galileo are very rarely patrolled and no vessel belonging to the Kusari authorities ever wander that far into the Keiun Cloud either.
If you could please inform us about a date and time when you wish to make an appearance at Morioka, as well as the transponder IDs of your ship and your escorts, this would be most appreciated. We do not want to welcome guests without a few preparations, hai?
We will follow the wish of Amaia to hold the meeting on Morioka.
Our objections are mainly based upon the unknown nature of the meeting and the sudden need for it after a long period of silence. However Amaia is right that the rogues should be no cause for concerns.
I will arrange the preparations and accomodations for your arrivals.
If it is indeed the headquarters of the Gen'an cell I shall mind my manners. I'm quite the party crasher while sober. I am unaware of any rogue that wishes to accompany me, however I will most likely bring my Scylla like I did the last time I came to Shikoku, I enjoy flying prepared to wade my way through swarms of enemies and bloody scrap metal if things turn south. The local hunters and law enforcement pack fairly large guns. However if the powerhouse of the liberty rogues bothers you, I can always just bring my precious Werewolf. I'll leave what ship I bring up to the Gen'an cell as it is their home i'll be sitting outside of and possibly docking on for more private negotiations between our parties. Should a couple rogues decide to accompany me I shall patch their IDs through this comm to let you know they're coming in advance. News of the meeting will be sent soon, until then. I'll be in touch.
A Scylla will be out of question. You come to conduct business and you will not need a war vessel to do so. As Amaia suggested, you can bring two fightercraft for your protection. There won't be swarms of enemies, as our patrols would have intercepted any vessel before they even reach Morioka.