According to one of our reporters, this person swindled or rather gripped an honest worker in the system in which he set up his brand new base German Market Place HQ. We have managed to collect some information that we are pleased to offer you, news are news no? According to this worker, the fraudulent boss of GMP hq would not be at his trial run! For his first base, he would have already tried to do so. Of course, we will keep you informed of the follow-up.
What renewed activity in our little *torchon*, the fooled company has just informed us of its choice to grant a right of reply to this malotru, but perhaps it is not one in the end?
Content of the message received by our editor: Honorable the petit Beringois, I may have been a little vindictive when I asked to be published. To replace the publication of the timezone2, I ask you to edit a right of reply instead.
We are a newspaper, and after studying this request!