There is a hostile structure ontop of your Sendai complex, called the Bulwark of Sendai. I recall the Matriarch mentioning this structure before and the Blood Dragons agreeing to change its settings to view us as friendlies. So I guess someone borked its systems. Please fix it.
I would really dislike that thing scratching my hull.
仙台市 Sendai Research Complex Relay Encrypted Text Only
To:Yunoki Misaki From:Daimyo Kamakura Minamoto
The area you have entered is a highly restricted one.
Due to the nature of the research undergoing, the security has been raised.
I can assure you that there are no "borked systems".
A notice beforehand would have been nice before you guys tried to scrap my ship. So how come the Dragons do not inform the sisterhood and start shooting us without warning? Did you lose your marbles or something?
仙台市 Sendai Research Complex Relay Encrypted Text Only
To:Yunoki Misaki From:Daimyo Kamakura Minamoto
On the contrary, Miss Yunoki Misaki, it is you who would have had to inform us about your visit.
Last time I checked, this was a Blood Dragon facility.
I do not have to dock to get fired upon. The act of you attacking a Chrysanthemum vessel is already a very questionable move, whoever you are. And since when do the Chrysanthemums need permission to get on a Blood Dragon base when you have Communists coming and going?
Last time I checked, blood dragons come and go to the bases of the GC at will. Makes me wonder who you are to decide that times have changed.
仙台市 Sendai Research Complex Relay Encrypted Text Only
To:Yunoki Misaki From:Daimyo Kamakura Minamoto
I decided to answer this communication as a courtesy. Alas, it would seem that the Golden Chrysanthemums have forgotten how to properly address a Blood Dragon Daimyo.
I concur with you on one point though, times have changed.
➤ Line open ➤ Initiating communication... ➤ Video link enabled - data transferred
Identity: OKAMURA, Ryu Origin: Kyoto Base Recipient: Yunoki Misaki Subject: Undue Pride
Squad leader Misaki,
I must first and foremost apologise for the actions of my misguided brothers in this matter, it appears that their dreams of Imperialism have left them egocentric in addition to entitled, regardless of their personal negligence. The base in question is not only a nuisance to you but also to Dragons that are not part of abhorrent clique.
I'm sure my Father would have plenty to say in this regard, but I'm not nearly the orator that he was. Suffice to say it's a shame to see a crucial ally such as yourself treated like this. We will do our best to remedy it, but I would ask that you forgive any perceived transgressions, or at the very least not see them as the stance of Dragons as a whole. There are those of us who most certainly do not like the attitudes of the Imperial masquerade. As for the Communists, you already know our feelings on the matter.
Is there anything we can do to set right these shortcomings?
All I wanted to know is why the base was simply set as hostile towards us without informing anyone of our sisterhood. Imagine us opening fire on Blood Dragons who come near a base of ours without warning. Restricting bases is fine, but how can they assume we are aware of this change when we had been given permission earlier and have been given no notice of Sendai's current status.
(04-02-2019, 10:58 PM)HaWki ^ Wrote:
Takeda Clan
Encryption: High
Location: Undisclosed
ID: Daimyo Kenji Takeda
Subject: Base
Konbanwa honorable alliase
We are working on electronics on that station and the problem will be soon fixed and you will have access to the base sisters.
pleasure is our sisters.
Long live the Blood Dragons
Kenji Takeda,
Daimyo of Takeda Clan, Blood Dragons.
This is what they told us earlier and the Bulwark was set to friendly. Now this Minamoto shows up out of nowhere and thinks it is okay to open fire on me. I informed the Sisterhood that Sendai is now restricted, but I am personally not amused