After a really unpleasant conversation with Hank -Lord Moka's right hand man- Dwight gathered his personal tablet that without he never been seen and a key item to his characteristic. The man in his late 40 slowly took on his service coat and with dedication in his eyes started the walk from the Nonsense Factory repairing bay to the top of Attica Station. He never faced Lord Moka in person before, he never had to. Even when he made a huge financial success or led a fine and profitable raid, he figured that as long as the boss is not contacting him, means he is doing his job well. But Hank is now tipped him over. This time is about time to eliminate this blockade from the system.
As he was walking trough the main halls of Attica and the bar, people around him looked in surprised to see Ampere in his service coat. Something that he didnt had on for a long time now. He reached a restricted area of the station. The two guards at the door asked no question as Ampere walked trough standing up to the door with no markings or numbers. Simply the Rogue symbol on it. "Well... here we go.." He cleared his throat then delivered 3 well timed and firm knock on the door
Moka was never usually in his Den, he was often out and about tending to various tasks that only he can manage. Trust is hard in his position.
He was carefully studying a recently delivered manifest for something called WD-80 that Hank had sent him, wondering why the little fucktard was sending him inconsequential documents upon which he care little for. "So Hank has an issue with the amount Ampere had ordered, the hell? It's not even his responsibility..."
He threw his datapad on his desk, frustrated that he made the choice to get this fool in as his right hand man when he's done nothing but be more useless than tits on a bull. Moka leans beck on his chair and sighed, when a firm knocking resounded off his door. Grunting with frustration at being bothered again, he yell out; "Yeah, who is it and the fuck do you want?"
After the guards opened the door, before they could make any announcement to who is in front of the door, Amper stepped in with his hands behind his back standing straight and confident. Good day to you, Lord Moka, Its Ampere The guards stood still with their hands on their weapon holster being ready to shoot if Moka nods or gives a signal. They only just heard about Ampere never really met him. Just like Ampere to Moka.
Ampere stood still till the doors closed behind him giving a flush of air to his service coat making its lower part swing to side a bit. The first time he sees Moka, having a small glance around the office, to see numerous antique and pirated weapons, documents and several stolen goods decorating the walls like a hunter would decorate with their trophies.
Ampere had a small grin on his face, reaching for his tablet and slowly approached Moka's desk. He placed the tablet down on its backside. "As a matter of fact sir, im here not just because the WD-80 but because of Hank at his stupidity to push his nose into business that he has no idea of" Amper with swift gestures activated the tablet's screen showing comm messages and between different departments of the nonsense factory and Hank, revealing more of Hanks incompetence. He leaned back and stood straight as the tablet displayed the reports automatically. "We never had the chance to meet in person before Boss, but im sure you heard my name before" The tablet started showing schematics and engineering blueprints. "If from nothing else, but from the Holo-Entertainment system and many ship maintenance and upgrade plans" The tabled swiched back to the private messages between Hank and Ampere. "Recently... i have a lot of problem with Hank sir.. he denies many of my equipment requests despite the fact im the one who pays for it or acquire it from raids"
As Moka reads over the comms he notices two things; Hank is even more a liability than he had previously thought and that Ampere here seems to be a lot more clued on than the git he hired
in the first place. "Why do you need that much WD-80? Is our gear seriously that bad?" Moka queried. He looked up at Ampere and examined his demeanor, the man stood tall and proud with his shoulders back and a air of confidence in him. He told his guards to leave so he could concentrate his attention on Ampere, waiting for his answer.
"My lord, our shipline is old and rusty, a technology that is gathered together decades ago. I implemented many modification to the line to keep them afloat and maintaining them needs more resources than expected" The tablet switches to a schematics of our ship-line "For example. Our destroyer sir has 122 moving pneumatic systems, that requires lubrication and regular maintenance. The navigation computers rely on old relays and switches" The tablet now showed schematics and plans comperasent before Amperes arrival and after showing key features that were improved and some that were brand new, like a new communication protocol system to make comms secure. "Sir, im just simply trying to improve. So those Liberty scums cant even have the time to think about fighting us" Ampere finished his presentation and the tabled closed itself down with a rogue emblem shining on the screen."Sadly... Hanks actions sometimes prevents me from doing so..."
"For fucks sake, that idiot will be the end of me, I swear...." Moka muttered, he looked up at Ampere after the little presentation. Although he was impressed at the organizational abilities of this man, Moka wasn't about to let him know he done good. He likes to make people squirm but he's noticing this guy is still standing proudly. "Amp, I'm going to call you that, you seem to have a mechanical mind, and not even one bolt is loose up there. I'm going to come down and have a look at your work in the next few hours. As for Hank, I got something for him. You carry on doing what you're doing."
Moka sat back in his chair and waved Amp out of his office. Thoughts of getting rid of Hank are now lingering within in his head.
Ampere nodded respectfully and picked his tablet up. Turned around and stood in front of the door stopping for a second looking at the right side guard. "At ease soldier" He said in a smooth manner before he pressed a button on his tabled making the guard disappear to thin air as the holo emitter turns off. Ampere looks at the other guard who just seen his brother disappear "Jeff shot to death few days ago... Im sorry" he patted the guard shoulder who was standing in shock at the time, from the fact that his brother is dead and that Ampere delivered the news in a cold manner. Displaying his ability to destroy his enemies in a new way, not just with weapons. Ampere left the room and started heading back to the Nonsense factory to pick up the work where he left it. Feeling much more confident now that he met Moka and that he still alive.
The Den, Attica Station - heading towards TNF's main manufacturing area
Moka watched in surprise as the guard he once understood to be alive was actually infact was a hologram took him aback. He was shocked to begin with but the agony of despair upon the live guards face showed him the callousness of Ampere's character. "Life matters not to this man" Moka thought to himself as he watched the horrified guard swipe at the space his holographic brother once stood. The wails of emtional pain that followed suit got to Moka, so he told the man to go get some time out and called for Hank.