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Good day,
Its not often both our well respected organizations communicate and I aim to change that. I am Chief of Police Jean Holiday of the Liberty Police inc. and I first wish to pay my respects to Her Majesty the Queen and to the Bretonian Armed Forces currently fighting on the front lines with The Liberty Navy. It is my wish and hope you are victorious. I had an Idea about an Officer exchange program that would allow Officers of the LPI and BPA to switch places in a sense to learn how we do law enforcement here in Liberty and there in Bretonia. What are your thoughts on this endeavor?
In Service To The Republic of Liberty
Chief of Police
Liberty Police Inc.
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Just as the constant increase of entropy is the basic law of the universe, so it is the basic law of life to struggle against entropy. - V. Havel
⇒ To: Chief Holiday ⇒ Class: Textual ⇒ From: Police Commissioner John R. X. Steiner
Chief Holiday
Such an arrangement could be quite interesting. Was there anything specific you had in mind? as in recruits (and other ranks) being restricted only to the academy or were you thinking more along the lines of attaching Liberty police officers to BPA patrols in space?
I should like to discuss this in further detail, I can see a few benefits to this deal.
Kind regards: John Steiner
Bretonia Police Authority