Day and night wasn't exactly a pleasant experience on Berlin, and right now the Rummelsburg prefecture was sitting dead at midnight so whatever the white dwarf has left to put out onto the surface of the planet wasn't reaching this side; so the many street lamps and traffic headlights fell in its place.
Enfields apartment looked somewhat lived in, the mess made was little to nothing and what there was seemed to be recent. Two bowls at the sink and one coffee cup on the table still steaming hot next to an open laptop, he was meanwhile stood in front of a fridge packed with long life foods from sugar snacks to cured meats. It was the general normality on one of his days on New Berlin while he got the few days rest he needed. He only took a chocolate bar and took the coffee jug off the hotplate to re-fill the coffee on the dinner table before strolling towards the tall mirror.
It was nice for him not to wear much while he had the chance, either it was something for the cold weather or it was the Uniform, so he took a moment to observe the scars across his chest while he could. Looking back at old scars in an enlisted and field life wasn't nostalgic, but rather an itch that would haunt him. Even what time he had was interrupted from a bleep by his security monitor near the door... "Raven." Before long his communicator was going off. "Activity by the entrance... Anyone get a confirmed ID?"
Enfield was quick to get his shirt back on before snatching the communicator from the table. "Enfield here, Shes for me... I'm letting her in."
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There were no time for subtleties in the eyes of the Keeper, especially when times were moving quickly. In this case, their call for Enfield was not one of a personal call, but rather a profesisonal concern when it came to the green nation. Times were getting tense, old wounds are reopening, their lack of casual attire reflects on this.
Knock knock.
"Keeper. " stating into the door.
The door opened slowly, revealing her standing there, hands held together neatly.
"I apologise for the delays, making it here on such a short notice is... quite the task to accomplish. I hope you do not mind my Battlecruiser lingering around in Rheinland space. "
She smirks, taking a little pride in breaking the law yet again.
"So... The situation. I assume you desired security in person, rather than to discuss sensitive matters over the network. How bad is it?" she queried, eyeing the oddly normal apartment. She expected him to be a hobbyist or some kind, a vintage collector even. But no, he was an ordinary man, working in an extraordinary job.
The apartments temperature was a stark contrast to what it was outside; warm and habitable. The nameplate on the door didn't say Enfield, rather "Danzig" in place. Enfield looked unkept, his hair was shaggy and his clothing was of stark contrast to what he was normally seen in. A pair of Denim trousers, worn trainers and a faded-white T-shirt. The only thing that seemed to stick out was his belt with a few eyebrow raising objects. Namely the number of magazine pouches and a sizeable pistol. "Come in." He seemed to be quite confident in the matter, not even to worry about checking if she was followed. "I knew about your battlecruiser the moment it hit our borders and masked it."
It was indeed warm, and thankfully he had the decency to keep his plug-in air freshener topped up so the scent of lavender lingered around the room. "Coffee, Tea, Cola or Juice?" He seemed to be more concerned of having her settled down first, offering her the other seat at the table next to his laptop. "Yeah so-- Basically I lost two officers."
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"Actually I came in through a small fighter craft. You probably just picked up a Unioner war ship or something. "
She carefully sit down, keeping their composure closed, hands on lap. The moment she scanned the room, she immediately designated all the possible threats, including the badly hidden side arm.
"Only two?" She pauses, realising the tone. "Uu-uh... I-I mean, of course, that's terrible. I just expected it to be a lot worse. Last time we had operatives in the area, we had Unioners working with the 'Feds, I guess they're still trying really hard to root you out? Did they seize your assets?"
He flicked through the laptop on the table. "No, they wouldn't even try. But i'm worried about how I've not had any word from the Officer's families. Especially von Thielau's, he has members in the military and police and I've yet to get a question of where he is, but what I can tell is that he's alive." He took the time to take a quick blow on the surface of his coffee before taking a sip, he seemed rather calm about it all. "But right now my agents are keeping tabs on the government and we're keeping out covert movements low. We have too much at stake right now." He brought up something on the screen of the laptop to show her two profile ID's, pictures identities and what not. "Horst Stieglitz and Jürgen von Thielau, I've already stripped their access rights to Buro Facilities and systems. But since you're such good friends with the Unioners that their fits of rage let things slip from their mouths... Just keep an eye out of their names if they come up. I think this is all connected." He got up to leave her to look at the laptop, going to the fridge and opening it up. "You want a drink or...?" He said as he took a high-protein chocolate bar.
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"No, thank you. "
Glaring down at their lap momentarily, they looked back up to the Director,
"We can certainly try to keep an eye out for those two, though I will have my doubts about the name resurfacing. We haven't actually seen or heard from the Unioners, we expected them to increase operations in Kansas as a retaliation, but perhaps they're building up to something. Word has it, their head went missing these past few months. "
Folding her arms, leaning a bit back on the chair to relax, "Are you certain that we cannot help you by delivering some supplies?"
Shutting the fridge door as his offer for refreshment was declined, he went to the sole window in the studio apartment and rested his head upon the several-inches-thick glass and gazed out the window to the snowy night. "As long as word gets out quietly on who to look for, thats the best we can do for now with external contacts." He took the open pack of cigarettes and took out one of the few that remained, covering his mouth as he lit it with his zippo. "Mmm--" He paused in thought as he took a puff at her suggestion. "--You do guns, real big guns?" He asked as he flicked a bit of that burnt ash into a overflowing ash tray on the windowsill.
Blowed the smoke upwards, ensuring it mostly travelled out through the ventilation shaft. "Heavy grade cruiser weapons, fire control systems and possibly a few munition based armaments." He looked down to the street below to observe all the traffic that passed the building. "DHC would normally be out contract choice... But they've stopped taking ship weapon orders from us."
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"I see... Well. We can order up several nice things, such as some outdated Core turrets - although I wouldn't recommend that knowing your links to them - we have access to the open market cruiser turrets that were manufactured by CTE, I believe? Whatever the company, we can build them. "
She sighed, continuing,
"We do have access to more... experimental weaponry. Such as the old recovered prototype weapons uncovered across Sirius, replications are possible. I would offer you some of our own new native designs, but we'd need to exchange in allowance for your people to start using our technology, especially when it is... a rather acquired taste. We cannot give away capital-based resources for free, I hope you understand this. "