DISCLAIMER: These are rumors pertaining to Damien Morreti, the current Commander of the Xeno Alliance, the material listed here would reasonably be known by most if not all Xenos and their allies. Even business partners capable of docking on Xeno bases might overhear these tid-bits of information.
"Cobra, in public, presents himself with believable seriousness, however in a fight it fades away and he becomes the true Cobra. The aggressive one. He's okay, I liked the booze he rewarded me with. There is one thing however. He should learn to respond quicker and save his girls before they get shot down. Think I pulled a muscle from that combat ejection.."
"Morreti was always a bit of a weird one, well-dressed, well-mannered. Certainly nice to look at, but boy does he have the amorality of a chainsaw. If I'm being honest I don't really care, just as long as he remembers what the endgame is."
"The Cobra? Boy's some kinda prodigy. Movement's been on the up and up since he took the reigns and put us back on a path that yields results. I know a few people have got problems with him for being atypical, to hell with them. Hail to the King baby!"
"Morreti? He's amazing, never seen a better pilot than him. He truly deserves the title Cobra. Certainly a man you don't want to have as your enemy. I kinda owe him my life, got me out of a hairy situation a while back and gave me a new home. Haven't had the chance to meet him that much outside of patrols and missions though, he's a very busy man always working on one thing or another. From what I've heard I get the impression that his dedication is one of the reasons why our movement got the wind back in its sails. Bastard still owes me a drink."
"...About the boss? As much as the next person. Rational. Precise. He tends to need my expertise, and I'm happy to provide. He's probably more Xeno than the rest of us."
"The Cobra is rational, clever and willing to compromise. But, if you piss Morreti off then you'll never see daylight again. He obviously has a fetish for snakes, and now let a strong, venomous, but little Widow into his cave. A spider to keep away all the annoying flies? Or has the time for Cobra come where he needs, as many men do, a strong woman on his side to keep him under control? Morreti is definitely clever enough to take a good opportunity, if he sees it, no matter what anyone else is willing to tell you. And whatever the reason is, to let a spider between all these snakes, that's not a sign of weakness, but of providence."
"I'm an old fool, seen plenty young-folk like the Commander, but also never anyone exactly like him. The sly charisma, cool and collected demeanor's a facade that unravels quite quickly when an exchange of particles kick off. He enjoys all the killing, keeps him going. He's also going to deny it to no end that he misses his closest advisor, but I wouldn't confront him about it if I were you. He's got it in his head that sentiment and vanity are weaknesses, things he should exploit for his own joy. As profound as the pursuit of convincing him that he's obsessed with a girl might seem, it isn't worth a bullet between your eyes."
"I know he can display kind of an acrid demeanor, especially if he's talking to somebody from the outside. That might give the impression that he's difficult to work with, but that actually isn't the case at all. For all his love of playing the uncompromising hardliner, he's actually a very practical man when it comes down to making concrete plans. More so than me, in some cases, even though we may not outwardly give that impression. We have our disagreements on some issues of course, but nothing that would approach any sort of fundamental incompatibility.
And anyway, I think you need a strong attitude to be effective in his position."
"Cobra's a very passionate man about his cause and there're things that'll make him angry on any day. How do I know? I learned that myself. He hates enslavement, self-denial and hypocrisy with a passion. Don't check any of those boxes and you'll be fine, more or less."
DISCLAIMER: These are Morreti's thoughts on the various Xeno bases scattered around Liberty. Known only by XA- members that are above the rank of hatchling.
"Ramsey's my kind of place, chews up the weak and ineffective and spits out the strong and talented. Only problem is that most of the people based there tend to be unnecessarily uptight, and the regimental charm is entirely lost on me. As far as getting a job done is concerned, they often yield the best results. They also house the XAF, Xeno Assembly and Fabrication workshops. Responsible for the production of guns and in the future ships of our own design. The Fort is also a testament to what the movement is capable of when brought together in a concerted effort, something the Alliance makes possible."
"One of the original radical enclaves and it shows. They're an odd blend of thrill-seekers and absolute madmen. Hellbent on sticking it to both Liberty's Government and foreign influence. Historically, Ouray has been the producer of our more well-known aces. I visit quite regularly, using it as a rest-stop when heading back to my main office on Fort Ramsey. Ouray typically has the best booze on tap, and it also facilitates our growing grip on the artifact market.
"Nome is home to a reclusive bunch of insurgents. Equal parts shrewd and malevolent. They mostly target Kusari shipping, using whatever they can loot to barter with the local zoners. Their arrangement is what keeps the station up and running. They aren't the most social or the most combat hardened, but they cooperate."
"Stacey was an idiot. Went ahead and threw an armada into the blender and had little to show for it. Of course he died too, otherwise I'd have probably killed him for being a loose cannon. Anyone left there has hunkered down in hopes of being able to go unnoticed by the resident forces. They don't communicate with the Alliance much, but they've recently been proving more compliant. I plan to turn the place into a safehouse of sorts to facilitate meetings with our sympathizers and benefactors."
"You might not think it, but a good portion of the people identifying themselves with the political movement of the Xenos see themselves as vigilantes. And they act like it. When Planetform walked into Hudson, they got thrown the hell out and refused to return until Liberty cleared out the Xeno presence. This marked both the birth and the death of the Liberty Free Republic, a movement that intended to properly embody Liberty's ideals without all the pandering to foreign interests. It still exists, but their dreams of independence failed when the Rio Grande came crashing through the system. Barrow's a crowded hub these days, focused on massacring local rivals and Rheinland shipping. It still boasts a population of vigilantes, who are quite useful in swaying public opinion. Though their convenient moral codes make them difficult to negotiate with."
"Milford houses the meekest bunch of Xenos I've ever met. They never really commit to hostile actions, but they're a sincere and hardworking bunch. They do a lot of the legwork as far as sustaining the logistic end of our operations is concerned and act as fences for a substantial share of Liberty's artifact market. I planned to expand their operations with the Hallam project in cooperation with the IMG, but that venture has since crashed and burned thanks to an overly aggressive Guildmaster."
DISCLAIMER: This is just stuff other characters have said about him that I found neat, I wanted to archive them all in one place for sentimental purposes. Maybe I'll look back on all of this at some point and smile at the experiences I've had and shared playing Damien.
"He is a cunning and conspiratorial person that does not shy away from using violent schemes to get what he truly wants and impose his will on others. One could almost mistake him for one of our people."
"I kin say honestly I'm glad someone kept th' flame burning, at th' very least. Not sure what hole you dug Stracke in particular out of, either, but apparently there's somethin' about you that can kindle embers back ta an up-an'-comin' inferno."