...Incoming Transmission...
Source: Aki Kimura, Order High Command
-Begin Transmission-
"Until further notice, The Order High Command has decreed that all newly constructed vessels produced by Order shipyards are off-limits to command by allied factions and organizations. Requests for use of new warships will be approved by High Command on a case by case basis, any Order craft being used by non Order pilots/crew will be considered stolen and hostile."
"For the purposes of this communication, the following craft are prohibited from use by all non-Order personnel:"
-Geb Order Light Carrier
-Resheph Order Reconaissance Destroyer
-Hathor Order Gunboat
-Sehkmet Bomber
-Bastet Prototype Fighter
"Corsair allies will still be permitted the use of the Anubis and Nephthys class fighters, and will of course retain the use of Osiris class battleships constructed at Corsair Shipyards. Zoner allies may use the Anubis or Nephthys fighters upon request only. Hogosha allies are not permitted the use of any Order craft without prior approval."
"All Order High Command members, please respond with your signatures here."
"Engeneers from the DIA have worked hard to assist the ones on Evora for the completion of our new ships. They will not be used without our authorisation!"
"in order to support our allies with this policy, the station will have a keen eye on ship travel throughout omicron-delta. if we spot any ship of these specifications that are obviously not part of the Order, we will send an encrypted message to Toledo with ID and specifications.
furthermore, i should point out that - if any Order captain of the Hathor class gunship needs emergency repairs, freeport 11 can provide optimal support, due to the identical build of the Hathor and the Conferrence class gunboats. - which means, we have all the spare parts stored and ready there.
This is Trent, I am requesting that I upgrade my Nephthys reconnaissance vessel to a Sehkmet Bomber vessel at the earliest opportunity. I have been detailed as a Strike Bomber on one of our forward Carriers, details are on other files as you should be aware Aki Kimura.
Until I get out of the health center, I'll be reading up on its specifications even further and get into virtual simulators right away.
Your Recon Flight will be well equipped, as will the carrier. Perhaps you will meet my own carrier sometimes. Anyways, get to it, we have incoming bounty hunter fleets and more all over the omicrons.
sender: reservist Kenny trask
subject bomber and deployment
<muffled but ledgeable>hmm signels ok ..transmissing..oh uh sir hello*ranking officer in background: kenneth trask your hereby promoterd to major and given a bomber of your choice to fly*footsteps and kenny speaks* well now seeing as i was apprently just promoted ,with permission id like to be asigned to commander kimuras carrier as per pre aranged detials as a fighter/bomber pilot and cleared to use the skehmet i await clerence and wil lserve if i munable to land a slot on any of the currnt ships i request to be moved out of planatary training wing delta 23 and bomber group epislon i joined the order to fight humanitys enemys not sit in a simulator running battle drills with recruits
Comm ID: Commander Travis Wood
Location: Planet Crete
Subject: Order prototype fighter "Bastet"
To: Order High Command
This is Corsair Commander Travis Wood. Since Order recently withdraw their ships I'm asking for permission to keep my Bastet VHF. When Order engineers started making Bastet they needed test pilots. Since Order doesn't have too many pilots and I already knew some of your pilots they asked me to help them. I agreed since I worked with them in the past on Talon prototype and had great time. Now I request to keep my Bastet since I already have it in my possession and it's mainly used only for defense of Crete and close recon mission.