It would seem that my character Iaka has suddenly lost the ability to change it's name.
The server states the character does not exist, even though it has been renamed just a few hours before using the renameme command.
All my character's pings at N/A but they all work fine, except this one.
I can undock and fly around without any issues etc.
Same goes for the setmsg command and others relating to the character in question.
it is fixed now, earlier the /renameme command would rename you but would take the two million credits. So for those lucky few, including me, we got a free name change.
But, i misspelled one of my characters names so then i had to do it again. So i got charged that time.
oh, i didn't know you were an admin now cannon,
i congratulate you
best of wishes to you, and thanks for all these awesome commands