▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ MEDUSA GORGON The Mistress of Madness CC (updated)
- L\- Legión Maltesa, IRMM~ Istituto di Ricerca Militare Maltese, [101st] Ghosts of Razgriz
- LH~ Lane Hackers Professorship and GC| Golden Chrysanthemums
- LR- Liberty Rogues
- .:j:. Junker Congress, JM|- Junker Marauders BCC (updated)
- Not specified Blocked (updated)
- QC| Cádiz Cártel de Comercio de la Cardamína
- GC- Golden Chrysanthemums
the Black Blood, a finest of Liberty Rogues' craft transporting a generous number of brave volunteering subjects towards Malta was halted and extorted for credits by one of your defective pilots within the Omicron Tau system. Which is according to your charter claimed by the Cuatroce for all of Malta. After payment was wired and beloved parting words were spoken, your deranged friend thought it a good idea engaging and incapacitating mentioned Liberty Rogues' vessel, causing quite the damage and forcing my pilot into an escape pod. She luckily made it right in time far away enough before the debris caused by the explosion still nearly killed her. LINK A LINK B
Now, before you are shaking your heads, are lifting your hands towards unseen gods and are claiming this is nothing you can do anything about, let me stop you right there. This is your turf, get your place together. Or am I right assuming that we are expecting more like this because you are unable policing your place? Because I was not kidding when I told your friend there that we sure can give your traders the very same respect and love which this Liberty Rogues' one did receive from you. You know how it goes, right? All those unpoliced, unidentified, unflagged ships flying about and around extorting their friends and allies. I am sure we are good arranging something like this. Or you start policing your place properly.
And do not think you are getting away with some mere words, I want seeing how you dealt with this and knowing the fate of your ignorant pilot in detail.
[20.10.2019 01:08:06] El.Sicario: Hold it. [20.10.2019 01:08:12] Black.Blood: What is your problem again? [20.10.2019 01:08:36] El.Sicario: My problem is you decided to enter our space with a cargo full of goods. [20.10.2019 01:08:47] Black.Blood: Sure. Destined for Malta. [20.10.2019 01:08:50] El.Sicario: See there's a trade tax to be paid here. [20.10.2019 01:08:59] Black.Blood: Are you ***? [20.10.2019 01:09:03] El.Sicario: Are you? [20.10.2019 01:09:18] Black.Blood: You know I am going to report this to the Cartel, yes? [20.10.2019 01:09:32] El.Sicario: I take my tax collection very serious ya know. [20.10.2019 01:09:47] El.Sicario: So that will be eight millions please. [20.10.2019 01:09:59] Black.Blood: It looks like you are not taking your life very serious but that is not concerning me. [20.10.2019 01:10:14] Black.Blood: Eight? I will give you not even half of that. [20.10.2019 01:10:16] El.Sicario: You're the one not taking your life serious right now. [20.10.2019 01:10:25] El.Sicario: So refusal to pay? [20.10.2019 01:10:32] Black.Blood: I did not say that. [20.10.2019 01:10:44] El.Sicario: You said you wouldn't pay half that. [20.10.2019 01:10:56] El.Sicario: No haggling when it comes to taxes I'm afraid. [20.10.2019 01:11:17] El.Sicario: So do I start shooting? [20.10.2019 01:11:27] Black.Blood: Please tell me again what you are doing here to this load destined to Malta and what it is you want. [20.10.2019 01:11:30] El.Sicario: Or is your overinflated ego gonna be the cause of your death? [20.10.2019 01:11:43] Black.Blood: Just for the record, I like my reports with all details neatly together. [20.10.2019 01:12:12] El.Sicario: I told you I'm collecting the trade tax. [20.10.2019 01:12:24] El.Sicario: Now ten seconds to pay or die.
[20.10.2019 01:12:37] [2019-10-20] 01:12:36 You have sent 8.000.000 credits to El.Sicario.
[20.10.2019 01:12:44] El.Sicario: Payment received. [20.10.2019 01:12:53] Black.Blood: I am hoping you will enjoy the coming days for you, my friend. [20.10.2019 01:12:57] El.Sicario: Run off before I change my mind about letting you go. [20.10.2019 01:13:01] Black.Blood: And better not stick your nose in our turf. [20.10.2019 01:13:06] El.Sicario: Our turf? [20.10.2019 01:13:11] Black.Blood: We will return this kindness with gunfire, be sure of that. [20.10.2019 01:13:18] Black.Blood: Rogue turf that is. [20.10.2019 01:13:24] El.Sicario: Well in that case I better not leave loose ends. [20.10.2019 01:13:32] El.Sicario: Arming weapons.
[20.10.2019 01:14:07] Death: Black.Blood was put out of action by El.Sicario (Gun).
Sender: Leonardo de Silva of Cuatroce Recipient: Medusa Gorgon Subject: Incident in Leon
Buenos dias, Senorita
I have no idea what your name is for the reference to ancient myth is barely applicable in official documentation, neither is indicating the title as "mistress of madness". Either way, this is not something that engenders respect and professional attitude in business talks. That is just advice for the future unless you want to cause the recipients of the message to cringe on seeing the name of the sender.
Courtesies aside, let's get straight to business. The conduct of the pilot in question is surely out of ordinary and is in violation of the legislation of Maltese Hispania. We will take it from here and see that he or she is brought to justice. Liberty Rogues are deemed as trusted allies of Malta and infringement of their business is equal to infringement of Maltese Business.
As you surely know yourself as you appear to be flying a space vessel yourself, space is big. Very big in fact. Is that not what the piracy business is built upon? The pirates, including Liberty Rogues, try to hit on traders who are away from any law enforcement authorities. We have our surveillance system of course, but it does not mean that every incident is noticed, neither that in case of a notice a relief ship can appear on subluminal speed. This being said, I encourage you to show restraint and ratio, despite your alleged title, in making judgement on the incident. As I said, we will look into the case and bring the guilty to justice. As a token of good will I offer on behalf of the Cartel a compensation of 15 million credits for your inconvenience. Should you accept it - please notify us of the name of the account the money to be transferred to.
P.S. while speaking of our traders on your "turf" please keep in mind that our traders are supplying you with vital Cardamine that is both important for the well-being of many addicted Rogues as well as for your business overall. It would be a shame if the supply would suddenly stop, wouldn't it be? Howver, this is just to illustrate to you not to speak on behalf of your superiors. Lord Moka albeit harsh is a reasonable hombre, and he can speak for himself should he negotiate the presence of our commercial fleet in Liberty Rogues "turf".
Leonardo de Silva
Charge d'Affairs of Don Hernan
▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ MEDUSA GORGON The Mistress of Madness CC
- L\- Legión Maltesa, IRMM~ Istituto di Ricerca Militare Maltese, [101st] Ghosts of Razgriz
- LH~ Lane Hackers Professorship
- GC- and GC| Golden Chrysanthemums
- LR- Liberty Rogues
- .:j:. Junker Congress, JM|- Junker Marauders BCC
- Not specified Blocked
- Not specified
De Silva,
oh my, now are you not a delinquent one. Starting off with such childish teasing and then try showing yourself in such a competent manner, only having it ruined further down the line by your own words again.
I am fairly sure many are sharing my sentiment towards your place and do appreciate your efforts keeping the Cardamine flowing. Sure, without having their Cardamine they who are needing it were dying. Death is life's sweetest part and many a Liberty Rogue is facing worse chances for survival on our own bases than dying by withdrawal.
Yet you seem mistaken about your role in all this. Cardamine is the main, if not only, real value Malta is bringing to market and were you not selling your goods it most likely were something that is harming you much more than others. Your reliance on this agriculture is your Achilles' heel, it is all you are offering and beyond farming and packing there is not much else that you are doing. And you cannot even do that without the unending stream of workforce we and others are pumping in. Once the goods are leaving your turf your chances in controlling where it flows are meager, even not existing. And I am reminding you that most shipments are not done through pilots of your own but the Liberty Rogues and the Junkers, just on top of that.
You were suffering the loss of credits and wealth and facing a collapsing financial and economic system. We are sustaining your lifestyle and you were following good advice not threatening your clients. And let us not forget that there are many more families at Malta making their living on the Cardamine trade. Perhaps one or the other is better suited for the challenge.
Other markets offer similar profits and after the Cardamine user's initial widespread deaths, the leftover half were continuing their business someplace else. Which is more than there were left of you in such an exodus.
Know your place, and start policing it in a way that is encouraging your clients staying with you.
And keep your pocket change, I am neither needing it nor am I interested in it.
You've been around Malta and should know quite well how it works. Malta will never be united in certain views but we surely work towards a common goal. I only shake my head upon the said Citizen of Malta who fired upon your vessel and share your opinion on this. It shouldn't have been done, yet it happened.
While i understand the impact on our relations because of this, all i can realistically offer you is A) An apology from the said pilot, B) A destruction record of his vessel should he refuse to comply with option A. That is, if he appears in Maltese space. Should you meet him on your own, deal with him however you wish, imagination is your limit.
Cardamine is the most valuable thing Malta has for over 800 years and i'd not like to lose a valuable customer such as yourself. Can we therefore stop insulting each other in between the lines and restore our relations once again?
Sender: Leonardo de Silva of Cuatroce Recipient: Medusa Gorgon Subject: Incident in Leon
My my, the pussy cat has the fangs, rawrrrrr.
As exciting as it may be to tease you I would remind you first "your" place. You are but a lone trader whose role is irrelevant in the grandeur scheme of things. You do not represent the leadership of Liberty Rogues, I am not even sure if you are one of them, given the infantile and cringy nickname you have chosen to mask your real one. Ah, sadly Perseus has not apparently finished his job.
Let me educate you, oh oblivious one, to the role of labour force in the manufacturing culture of a space-faring nation. You see, every ship has robotech, does it not? Well, this is due to hundreds of years of humanity playing with microschemes and programming to create simple automatons. And damn, we were good as a species - so many aspects of our daily life is robotised. Would you really expect Malta not to employ such an opportunity to ensure the run of Cardamine plantations 24/7 at maximum production capacity compared to meager results showed by Homo Sapiens that need sleep, water, food, shelter and bare minimum of rest to function efficiently? If so, you are a poor thinker and even worse businesswoman. And if you think agriculture was the only thing that supported us throughout first 400 years of isolation - you'd better check your economic theory sources. Nor only have we developed hi-tech ship industry and chemical R&D, but also a pretty sustainable domestic economy. Not as luxurious as the one offered by the influx of goods from all across Sirius, but sustainable. And mind Niobium and Titanium - with the IMG losing ground in Taus, we are there to please the crave of post-war rebuilding Bretonia with the minerals.
As for the clientele - you said yourself, we do not police where the Cardamine goes - it just goes and we are good with this matter of things. Junkers sell a lot to Liberty, some rogues do too. We get most of the money here, on Malta. So we do not care much about who and how polices not our pilots, although we do try to take care of them. However, our trade fleet does stand ready if the need arises. Mind also, that Kusari market is growing at paces that even Liberty cannot upkeep. If we want for some reason to stop selling Cardamine to one group, the other would be sufficient to support the profits. Surely, Maltese familias can endure if the major interests of Malta are at stake. And surely you can buy off Cardamine fro ma second-hand vendor but at the expense of much higher price.
All in all, I know my place very well. And I know well the place of those I represent. You, on the contrary, are not important and expendable. We offered you compensation and assurances of our inquiry in the matter. If that is not sufficient for you - that is your problem. At least, check the attitude you are approaching us with. Renome is still very important on Malta, it directly influences how the matters are solved. You come to us and ask of something, and you do it without respect. No es bueno. Check your privileges or something. Maybe then we could talk. For now - you have what we offered. The offer stands in case you should change your mind.
Now, I have more important matters to attend to,
P.S. do not look in the mirror - it is said to be bad for your kind.
Leonardo de Silva
Charge d'Affairs of Don Hernan
▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ MEDUSA GORGON The Mistress of Madness CC
- L\- Legión Maltesa, IRMM~ Istituto di Ricerca Militare Maltese, [101st] Ghosts of Razgriz
- LH~ Lane Hackers Professorship
- GC- and GC| Golden Chrysanthemums
- LR- Liberty Rogues
- .:j:. Junker Congress, JM|- Junker Marauders BCC
- Not specified Blocked
- Not specified
Esteemed Administrator Shadowwalker,
now this is more the answer I am appreciating. I am taking option B right away but for good measure we can agree on trying option A first. And of course I am dealing with him as promised should he dare showing up in my little region of space. All it needs is the pilot understanding how business is working and that we are not having such an accident repeat.
Allow me a word of advice though, regarding your friend de Silva who seems struck by a form of delusional grandeur. Additionally, I am unsure when he saw Malta's environment in action last but from his words he is appearing quite detached from actual reality. Please do everyone a favour and have his mental condition checked and ensure functional subjects dealing with Malta's clients, and this before he is causing real harm to our otherwise trouble-free relations.
De Silva,
Wrong answer. I am seeing to it that your cargo haulers are given the necessary love, the same my pilot received, should they who follow me or who am I following catch them in our turf.
Sender: Leonardo de Silva of Cuatroce Recipient: Medusa Gorgon Subject: Incident in Leon
Mental condition. Checked. Uttered by a person who sets the official communication title as "Mistress of Madness". That is quite a combination, I must admit. Good laugh, added to favourites.
You are free to treat our pilots as you see fit, lady, just be sure you do not bite more than you can chew. And I am more than sure you cannot swallow what would ensue an inappropriate treatment.
▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ MEDUSA GORGON The Mistress of Madness CC
- L\- Legión Maltesa, IRMM~ Istituto di Ricerca Militare Maltese, [101st] Ghosts of Razgriz
- LH~ Lane Hackers Professorship
- GC- and GC| Golden Chrysanthemums
- LR- Liberty Rogues
- .:j:. Junker Congress, JM|- Junker Marauders BCC
- Not specified Blocked (updated)
- QC| Cádiz Cártel de Comercio de la Cardamína
De Silva,
I am blocking you and your lot out of this frequencies.
I agree with the understanding of the accident. Though, i wonder what was the need of CC to so many different groups since this incident happened in Maltese space. From what i can tell you, people do not enjoy such publicity always and keeping certain things "under the rug", or should i say "between the four eyes", does benefit the resolution of said incident a lot.
As for Leonardo de Silva. It's unlikely anything will happen as long as the profits he brings to Malta are high enough to grant him an elevated position among the civilians.
▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ MEDUSA GORGON The Mistress of Madness CC
- L\- Legión Maltesa, IRMM~ Istituto di Ricerca Militare Maltese, [101st] Ghosts of Razgriz
- LH~ Lane Hackers Professorship
- GC- and GC| Golden Chrysanthemums
- LR- Liberty Rogues
- .:j:. Junker Congress, JM|- Junker Marauders BCC
- Not specified Blocked
- QC| Cádiz Cártel de Comercio de la Cardamína
Esteemed Administrator Shadowwalker,
what you perhaps are not knowing is that my body's previous iterations spent a significant time at Malta. I am no friend of such publicity but there are moments coming that are needing a wider audience, just like this one we are living now. I was wondering about the Cádiz Cártel de Comercio de la Cardamína for some while now and how they are going about things. Their predecessor's constitution forced my hand leaving Galicia, their current regulations and claims are not that much more suitable for a living in Outcast space. Should you not want handing over your entire life to them that is.
Your friend de Silva was showing some good reasoning why I am convinced now that it is in our all best interest finding solutions that are not involving his people. I provided a chance and they sure knew how blowing it worked.
All of you listed by the Carbon Copy,
I heard whispers and talks of some Orange Alliance, a supposed unification between the all of us, though not the Junkers, and Malta's people. I heard Malta is less interested these days. Rumours are travelling fast and far but there is no saying how much of it is truth.
What is truth though is that the Liberty Rogues, the Lane Hackers, the Golden Chrysanthemums and the Junkers are the forces running two major houses and are reaching far beyond that. Perhaps it is time we are presenting Malta's people the insight that we are running the show. That they are mere suppliers who should appreciate with awe what we are doing for them. Because I am saying with all honesty and my most sincere beliefs that we are the big players and that we are making the rules.
I look forward to hearing your answers.