Welcome to the Planetform Internal Message System! This system is provided for the benefit of the employees of Planetform, Inc, to better facilitate internal communications at all levels within the company. All communications contained herein are the sole property of Planetform, Inc. and are subject to management review as outlined in your employee handbook. Please use the provided message template for all communications. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Human Resources representative.
Planetform, Inc. ---------------------------------------------------- Sender: Dr. Norman Grey, CEO Recipient: All personnel
By now, I'm certain you're all aware of the outbreak of civil war in Rheinland. Effective immediately, until the political and military situation stabilizes, we are placing the Saarbrucken project on hold for the safety of all involved personnel. Security personnel may volunteer to remain on station protect all company assets. Your compensation packages will be adjusted to reflect the potentially dangerous situation. All science, engineering, and services personnel will be evacuated within 48 hours. Make sure you have all sensitive data secured before that time and all equipment properly powered down.
To all Transport Division personnel, all traffic through Rheinland space is suspended for the duration of the current crisis. Please check with your supervisors for alternate routes and transport assignments.
Planetform, Inc. ---------------------------------------------------- Sender: John Walker, DSO Recipient: James Duncan, VP
To the surprise of absolutely nobody, the Hessians have so far ignored my request for information concerning our remaining security people on Saarbrucken. I'd like authorisation to escort a couple shuttles in to pick them up. Now, I understand how dangerous the Cologne system is right now, and a rescue mission would be extremely risky, but I think we need to make the attempt. These are good people, and they volunteered to put their lives on the line for us. I think we owe it to them to repay that loyalty and not abandon them to terrorists.
Planetform, Inc. ---------------------------------------------------- Sender: Dr. Charles Holland Recipient: All Planetform Shipping Division Pilots
Attention all employees. We have signed a contract with BMM for supply to their station in Omega-3, Medway Dock. They have requested delivery of a total of 20,000 units of Nanomembrane Filters. Any Pilots who participate in this task will receive a payment of 4,000 credits per unit. Please record each delivery and file the appropriate paperwork and it will be forwarded to their offices for payment deposit.
Planetform, Inc. ---------------------------------------------------- Sender: Dr. Charles Holland, CEO Recipient: All Planetform Employees
Effective Immediately, Planet Harris has been returned to Stage 3. The Bretonian Government has assured us that the area is free of conflict and work can be safely restarted. I am assigning our best engineers on the project and I expect our machinery to be in operation within two weeks. This is top priority.