The Golden Chrysanthemums are a terrorist organization dedicated to the overthrow of the current Kusari government and replacing it with a matriarchy under the rulership of Yuyu Matusda's last remaining offspring.
Most scholars date the start of the group as publication of "Golden Chrysanthemum in Bloom" in 642 A.S. The author Yuyu Matsuda was a young but critically acclaimed poet. Charismatic and well spoken Matsuda had a considerable following among young Kusari women who found their lives lacking direction, but were reluctant to become married and fulfil their traditional role in Kusari society.
Yuyu decried what she saw was corruption of the Kusari male-dominated culture and preached a revolution led by the long suffering women of the Kusari. These ideas were eventually encapsulated in "Golden Chrysanthemum in Bloom" in which Matsuda described a fictitious nation called Yomi. A place of fat, lazy male bureaucrats who handed out concessions at the whim of entrenched mega-corporations. Yomi was eventually engulfed in revolution and united under the rule of a benevolent empress personally selected by the goddess Amaterasu to watch over her people.
Unfortunately in 648 A.S, Matsuda crossed the dangerous line between ideas and actions when she was implicated in the botched assassination attempt of the planetary governor of Kyushu. Rather than face the ignomity of imprisonment, Matsuda chose ritual suicide instead. An increase in attacks on government personell and installations followed soon after and the Chrysanthemums at this time decided to hide Matsuda's young daughter onboard of their base.
With the overthrowing of the Samura backed government and the truce with the Gallic Kingdom in 818 AS many of the less violent Chrysanthemums, along them the current Okasan Rika Ito, deemed their fight to have ended successfully. They decided to declare the Chrysanthemums fight to be over and attempted to return back into the society and to their families.
However, a smaller part of the Chrysanthemums was not satisfied with the changes in Kusari, as they saw Kishiro's more democratic approach to be nothing but a short term solution. Their ultimate goal was to seek revenge for the maltreatment of women committed by the male dominated Kusari society and by founding a matriarchy that would not tolerate men in any positions with responsibility.
This matriarchy should be under the rulership of Sayuri Matsuda, the only remaining offspring of Yuyu Matsuda, backed up by a small group of radical Chrysanthemums under Amaya Tanaka's leadership. Takana had been an adviser of the Council of Elders before, but due to her being a woman that saw no value in the lives of those opposing her she was discharged from this position previously.
Soon after Rika Ito decided to disband the Chrysanthemum movement a bomb exploded in her office, killing her and all of her staff. At the same time a message sent on all Chrysanthemum channels proclaimed their new leaders name, Amaya Tanaka.
With the appointment of Lady Tanaka as the new guide for the legacy of the beloved Yuyu Matsuda, came a new bloom season for all Chrysanthemums everywhere. The avid and feared Zetsumai Keisotsu, leader of the infamous Kiretsu Strike Squadron and financier of the newly-formed Kiretsu Syndicate, decided to form a new pact with the newly-appointed leader of the Golden Chrysanthemums. Realizing their old conflict would not come to a decisive conclusion without a new understanding, both groups unified their minds and their goals, thus creating a new threat to the rising oppression and injustice that the present Kusari Government represents. After so many months, the brave and avid pilots of Kiretsu Sentai Dageki could now return to Ainu and join the body of Yuyu once again.
Experiencing renewed strength and clarity, the Golden Chrysanthemums are now ready to take on greater challenges and hardships. The expertly-trained pilots of the Kiretsu Syndicate acquired new resources and pilots to serve as the special operations and foreign affairs detachment of the Golden Chrysanthemum Movement. This facilitated their plans to move forward with the creation and public registration of the small trading corporation now known as 'The Syndicate', which would secretly aid the Chrysanthemums in bringing in the necessary goods and supplies to preserve their usual degree of luxury and lifestyle in an ever-unstable economy, while still remaining as the trademark logistics division of the Battleship Matsuda, the main base of operations for the Kiretsu Sentai Dageki to this day.
A new, far more violent part of the Chrysanthemums history had started, one that will not end before the state of Yomi, as Matsuda imagined it, has been created.
NPC Faction Alignment
Our faction is aligned with the Golden Chrysanthemum NPC faction. Every character must be Golden Chrysanthemum tagged and carry a Golden Chrysanthemum ID.
Members assigned to Kiretsu Shinjiketo's Kiretsu Sentai Dageki must also use the Golden Chrysanthemum Guard IFF.
[GC is our official faction symbol. All character names, ship names, or call signs must use the pattern:
[GC]-(Name) for individual pilots and their callsigns,
[GC](Name) for any Golden Chrysanthemum vessels or warships,
[GC-K]-(Name) for pilots assigned to Kiretsu Sentai Dageki special operations and their callsigns,
[GC-K](Name) for any vessels operating exclusively for Kiretsu Sentai Dageki,
[GC-S](Name) for the logistics personnel and legal trading corporation known as 'The Syndicate'.
Goals and Operations
I. Main Force of the Golden Chrysanthemum Movement
Engaging the combat ships of our enemies is, while worthy, not our ultimate goal. While the Golden Chrysanthemums are indeed prepared to strive, even gladly die, for victory on the battlefield, our objectives go far beyond that:
Do as much damage as possible to Kusari Corporations and Civilians opposing our goals, getting rid of those will not only weaken Kusaris economy, it will also show that we are serious about our claims and not to be taken lightly.
Attacking Kusari Naval and Police forces in an attempt to weaken the central government. They should know that we will know no mercy until our goals are achieved.
Being familiar with the layout of each system that falls within our zone of influence is critical to our survival and avoiding being intercepted while carrying out our mission objectives, and for escaping with valuable cargo. Do not, under any circumstances, allow yourselves to be captured. If necessary, use the self-destruct in your ship to prevent you and/or valuable cargo falling into enemy hands.
Engage and destroy any Hogosha, Farmers Alliance forces encountered, those stand for everything we hate about the current society. In the rare event that any Corsairs are found within our territory, they will also be dealt with.
Give aid to any Junker forces encountered, as their increased influence in Kusari can only erode the power of the Hogosha and help to reach our common goals.
Our only safe port of call in Kusari space proper is the Interspace Commerce base, Roppongi Station. Interspace Commerce does not mind our presence and we buy essential supplies there as long as we act with discretion. Consequently, we will do everything in our power to protect any Interspace Commerce shipping passing through Kusari in an effort to continue this policy of toleration and neutrality.
The Gas Miners Guild is our main supplier of fuel, we depend on them and work together in a fruitful relationship of trust and mutual benefit. If they should need our assistance, we will gladly provide it.
II. Kiretsu Shinjiketo and Kiretsu Sentai Dageki Operations
The Kiretsu's goals began to gravitate towards combating Samura and the Hogosha, than fighting for womens' rights. The latter goal being put at a lower priority than Samura's destruction. Along with this, Kiretsu wides its targets among all corporate ships that came into Kusari space, a result of Kishiro's uncooperative stance towards the Chrysanthemum cause. Kiretsu ships are been seen regularly entering the Sigmas and Taus to attack shipping in those areas in addition to Kusari's core space, and incidents have occurred as far as Rheinland's Frankfurt system. Due to the rising trade between Rheinland and Kusari, and the widely-held belief that Sirius' megacorporations were the sources of much of the galaxy's conflicts, attacks on Rheinland corporate ships, and within Rheinland itself, rapidly became a new part of Kiretsu's Modus Operandi.
Ironically, and in spite of the past conflict with the old Chrysanthemum Elders, Kiretsu's relationship with the Blood Dragons got stronger. Joint operations between the two groups are common. After the acquisition of two transports from the Outcasts, and a further two from the Junkers, The Kiretsu Syndicate made an expansion of its economic capabilities a top priority, and new transports have began to appear with regularity, forming an entire new section of the organization focused on smuggling and supplies to the bases of Kiretsu's diplomatic friends. Smuggling runs to Liberty Rogue and Hacker bases are a common occurrence, as are supply runs to Bretonia for the Matsuda and Blood Dragon bases in Kusari. Kiretsu Syndicate has begun forming a division akin to the Hogosha and Junkers of Sirius. Specializing in the black markets and in supplying criminal bases, Kiretsu has reshapeditself from an autonomous combat squadron into a syndicate. The Kiretsu Shinjiketo.
Kiretsu Shinjiketo (Kiretsu Syndicate) is the overall name for the special operations detachment, as well as the main smuggling division of Kiretsu. The Syndicate focuses on supplying the bases of the Kiretsu and its allies, as well as fulfilling supply and smuggling contracts for others. The Shinjiketo prioritizes profit above all else. That profit is used to further expand the Shinjiketo, and to fund the Sentai Dageki's activities in Kusari, Rheinland, and elsewhere. Kiretsu Sentai Dageki (Kiretsu Strike Squadron) is the special tactics combat squadron of the Kiretsu Shinjiketo. The squadron, as its name suggests, uses guerrilla warfare and quick strikes to take out targets, then get out of the conflict zone before it can be intercepted by military or police forces. The Kiretsu Sentai Dageki is also used for escorting the most important Golden Chrysanthemum transports and smugglers, as well as creating distractions to make their deliveries go unnoticed.
Golden Chrysanthemum Ships
Golden Chrysanthemums are producing their own shipline.
C5-F "Blossom" Golden Chrysanthemum Very Heavy Fighter
Developed in conjunction of Blood Dragons on Kawada Research Complex, Blossom underwent final prototype testing in late 815 A.S. with mass production of said ship starting as late as 817 A.S. on Takada Shipyard. Blossom has so far excelled in fulfilling designers goals, although the cockpit is rather cramped and better suited to female physique.
The Blossom is our main vessel, it is mandatory for every Chrysanthemum to have access to one of these, as it is our most reliable ship. It is able to stand against every other Fighter or Bomber class vessel we might encounter.
C7-F "Orchid" Golden Chrysanthemum Bomber
Orchid was developed with Blood Dragon Bomber in mind. Sacrificing some manevruability for armour and firepower Orchid drifted further away from the original design in both form and function. C7-F Orchid has been started to produce in 817 A.S. and now serves as primary assault craft for those heavy assault missions where additional firepower is needed.
The Orchid, even though being far more rare then the Blossom should be the first choice for attacks on larger targets. It is able to destroy them in a short time and fast enough to escape to safety.
Available Ships
Blossom (GC-VHF)
Orchid (GC-Bomber)
Wasupu (VHF)
Tanto (LF) ' Must have been donated to you by a Dragon
Outcast Gunboat
Pirate Transport
Golden Chrysanthemum Weapons
Suncannon D This is a photon-based weapon which delivers significant damage at an increased energy output. Developed in 814 A.S. on Kawada Research Complex Suncannon D remains the best weapon Golden Chrysanthemums can offer up to this day.
The Suncannon should be every Chrysanthemums first choice. We can produce those dangerous weapons ourselves and they are perfectly fitting the Blossom Class Fighter, due to being created just for the use on those..
Available Weapons & Equipment
Golden Chrysanthemum
Civilian Kusari
Outcast "Inferno" Cannon
Blood Dragon -Must have been donated to you by a Dragon
Codename Weapons allowed (members have to acquire codenames themselves)
Zone of Influence
Main areas of operations:
All of Kusari and the systems surrounding it.
The Outcast-dominated systems within Omicron Space.
Tau 65, the heavily-guarded home system containing all key assets of our Movement.
Special instructions for Tau-65: Unauthorized intruders are to be destroyed on sight, we cannot risk any spies or unwanted visitors lurking in our most important system.
Special areas of operations (Kiretsu Shinjiketo):
Rheinland Space (Except the New Berlin system), in raids against Rheinland corporate vessels.
Liberty Space, in lawful trading operations.
Bretonia Space, in lawful trading and general commerce. May aid the Bretonian lawfuls in battle.
Tau Cluster, in tactical operations.
Sigma Space, in tactical operations.
Omega Space, in general trading and smuggling operations.
Edge Worlds, in special contract-only missions.
Faction Diplomacy
NPC Faction / Playerfaction + tag
++ Allied
Blood Dragons / Rising Sons of Kusari; ]bd[
Golden Chrysanthemums
Junkers / Junker Congress; .:j:.
[color=#33CC00]+ Friendly
Interspace Commerce / Interspace Neuralnet Department; [IND], AP Manufacturing; APM-
Gas Miners Guild / Gas Miners Guild; GMG
Lane Hackers / The Lane Hackers; LH-
Liberty Rogues / Liberty Rogues; LR-
Synth Foods, Inc. / Synth Foods
Outcasts / 101st Outcast Ghosts of Razgriz; [101st],
- Unfriendly
The Order and every other faction or group not mentioned.
-- Hostile
Samura Industries / Samura Heavy Industries; Samura|-
Hogosha / Black Dragon Society; [|]
Farmers Alliance / Artisan Farmer Alliance; [AFA]
Kusari State Police / Kusari State Police; [KSP]
Kusari Naval Forces / Kusari Naval Forces; [KNF]
Kusari Exiles
Corsairs / The Brotherhood; [TBH], Benitez Family; Benitez, The Black Sails; |Sails
Colonial Remnant / Colonial Remnant; =CR=
The Wild / Das Wilde / Aoi Iseijin.
Nomads / The Slomon K'Hara
Golden Chrysanthemum Role-Play
The Golden Chrysanthemums demand that its members operate in an RP manner when in public places and using public communications. We will not tolerate out of character system chat in game, out of character posting in role-play designated forums, or out of RP behavior in game. We have no real allies in our immediate zone of influence, save for the Blood Dragons, and our actions should reflect this.
In addition, [GC members assigned to the Kiretsu Sentai Dageki may not, under any circumstance, submit a system-wide transmission, be it in-character Role-Play or out-of-character chat. The [GC-S] tagged ships, which represent Kiretsu Shinjiketo's 'The Syndicate' corporation, may use systemwide transmissions, but any ships with the [GC-K] tag do not share this priviledge.
The Kiretsu Shinjiketo is now synonymous to the Golden Chrysanthemum Movement's Special Operations Detachment, but to the public, all ships tagged [GC-S] are referred to as members of 'The Golden Chrysanthemum Syndicate' or 'The Syndicate' for short. This now public corporation secretly supplies the Golden Chrysanthemums with arms and secret equipment. The Kiretsu Shinjiketo secretly participates in special operations for the GC, and its combat pilots form the Kiretsu Sentai Dageki.
If you wish to talk to the faction leader, please contact one of the following:
Jansen - Skype: jansen122