Subject:Construction of a Sirius Friendly Lucullus?
Greetings friends,
My name is Jonathan Seabourne, captain of the Orbital Spa and Cruise liner Breezewood and director of our White Spa Lines division. With relations normalizing between Gallia and Sirius, I wanted to reach out to our counterparts in the Confederation in the hopes of building mutually beneficial relationships. Your government has granted us a visa to transport passengers to and from Gallia, and the opening journey from the Boundless Pleasure will hopefully be the first of many that bring new tourists to your fine attractions.
One of these attractions is the immediate subject of my correspondence. Your Lucullus class liners are truly awe inspiring, and we at OS&C would love to incorporate one into our Luxury fleet. Of course, a Gallic ship should always have a Gallic captain, and one of our newest recruits has much experience working with his family's luxury ships from before the war and is itching to bring Gallic luxury to our side of the sector. However, Gallic technology seems fundamentally incompatible with OS&C hospitality programs. Projections show that any attempt to retrofit an existing liner on our end would result in massive power drains, meaning we would likely need to design a Sirius-compatible liner from scratch or put in for a major overhaul with people who know exactly what they are doing. Also I consider it a professional courtesy to check in with you about your signature design, just as I am sure you would reach out to us if you got the sudden urge to fly an Enterprise class, though I fear you would find such a flight a downgrade from your usual accommodations.
In short, we are interested in procuring a custom Lucullus class liner for our Captain Marcel Dumas that is compatible with OS&C technology and are willing to pay accordingly. Are you interested in such a partnership?
Jonathan Seabourne
Captain, OS&C|Breezewood
Director, White Spa Lines Division
My name is Sophie Pomeroy, I am Directeur Général the largest Gallic shipping company - Ile de France Shipping. I have to admit that I was surprised when my secretary handed me your message. Now let us discuss business.
We salute the fact that more and more Sirian people are getting the chance to experience our beautiful Gallia. Now you're not the first company to be interested in our fascinating Liner. The Lucullus is the embodiment of luxury, it is truly a unique experience to be guesting on such ship let alone fly one. Our subdivision - Bouvet Space Entertainment is currently the only Gallic entity that has access to our new Lucullus models and we tend to keep it that way, for now.
Excusez moi monsieur Seabourne, but at this moment, Ile de France Shipping won't be giving out access to Lucullus Liner to you nor any other company. This doesn't mean that you're not welcome to come and enjoy Gallia.
Now, if your company is interested in some other ventures regarding cruises around Gallia, the Bouvet Space Entertainment might be the one who you should address.
To:Directeur Général Sophie Pomeroy, Ile De France Shipping
Subject:Re: Construction of a Sirius Friendly Lucullus?
Greetings Directeur,
I had hoped to find our Gallic counterparts were more profit driven, but I see that you take as much pride in your work as we do on our side of the sector. I cannot fault you for being protective of your signature liner. To the contrary, for what it is worth, you have my respect. I see now that Bouvet Space Entertainment is not just a subsidiary that handles people instead of cargo, but an organization that has the same goals that we do. It is always good to be talking with kindred spirits, and I hope we can build a relationship of being friendly rivals after so many years of being bloody enemies.
I will reach out to your division. There may be partnerships we can yet forge to bring more adventures to our respective customers. And I thank you for your warm welcome to Gallic space. Likewise if any of your customers feel the urge to venture outside the Confederation, Baden-Baden and Curacao are always open to Gallic liners, though given the recent unpleasantness between our peoples, they might find Baden-Baden to be the more welcoming destination.
Jonathan Seabourne
Captain, OS&C|Breezewood
Director, White Spa Lines Division