We are glad you have taken an interest in joining EFL Oil and Machinery, we hope that you and your skills can provide the company with excellent quality and contribute greatly to the future of our organisation.
Please use the form below to submit your application.
Once you have submitted your application, feel free to join the following communications channel: https://discord.gg/cyn7Xs9
[pi amount=10][table][tr][td][float=right]OPTIONAL_CHARACTERIMAGE[/float]
[indent][color=#2582b0][b]Application for EFL Oil and Machinery[/b]
[b]Gender:[/b] [color=#E6E6C8]GENDER[/color]
[b]Date of birth:[/b] [color=#E6E6C8]DATE_OF_BIRTH[/color]
[b]Place of birth:[/b] [color=#E6E6C8](CITY),PLANET/STATION,SYSTEM,HOUSE[/color]
[b]Previous experience and Qualifications:[/b][indent] [color=#E6E6C8]SHORT_TEXT[/color] [/indent]
Application for EFL Oil and Machinery HUGO GERAND Gender:MALE Date of birth:27 JULY 715 AGS Place of birth: PLANET AMIENS ,SYSTEM PICARDY ,GALLIA
Previous experience and Qualifications:
733 AGS: Varennes Private High School: Professional Baccalaureate in Economics
739: University of New Paris: Bachelor's degree in Economics and Management
740 : Work at Ile de France Shipping (offices and transport) : 8 months (stopped because of the end of the war)
Hugo Gerand was born in 715 AGS on the planet Amiens, in the Picardy system. After spending a pleasant childhood with his parents, both of Gallic origin, he had to move to New Paris with his parents after his baccalaureate in order to continue his studies and because of his parents' work on the other hand. After graduating he decided to work at Ile de France Shipping, but unfortunately for him, the company is struggling at the end of the Second Gallic War. IDF found itself in serious financial trouble. A lot of jobs, including Gerand's, had to be cut! Gerand has a calm demeanour that generally masks his passionate ability to succeed in whatever he starts.
We are glad you have taken an interest in joining EFL S.P.A. After looking over your credentials we are happy to say we have approved of your application.
Please come by the central office on New Paris and we will take you through orientation.
Application for EFL Oil and Machinery Or Noir Gender:Male Date of birth:04 APRIL 719 AGS Place of birth:Planet Aubigny, Ile-De-France, Gallia
Previous experience and Qualifications:I mean, I was born on an oil rig. I may as well start shipping it.
Background:I was born on an oil rig into a family of rig hands. High society around Ile-De-France isn't going to have me anytime soon and I want to get off this rock. Space is the only place to go.
We are glad you have taken an interest in joining EFL S.P.A. After looking over your credentials we are happy to say we have approved of your application.
Please come by the central office on New Paris and we will take you through orientation.
You'll find yourself quite at home with us, welcome to the family.
Application for EFL Oil and Machinery Victor Camara Gender:Male Date of birth:10 January 714 AGS Place of birth:Planet Metz,Lorraine,Gallia
Previous experience and Qualifications:stellar engineer, shipbuilding, structural engineering
Background: I was born on the planet Metz, after having lived with my parents until my majority, I joined a university to specialize in the so-called space construction, after graduating, I decided to join EFL S.P.A.
We are glad you have taken an interest in joining EFL S.P.A. After looking over your credentials we are happy to say we have approved of your application.
Please come by the central office on New Paris and we will take you through orientation.
We've a lot of use for construction graduates. Welcome to the family!
Application for EFL Oil and Machinery T'ae Se-Jung Gender:NONBINARY Date of birth:06 July 710 AGS Place of birth:Planet California Minor, California System, Liberty.
Previous experience and Qualifications:
I am universal worker.
I was born and raised in Liberty, but both my parents are kusarian as I am. From a young age, I found my calling in biology. After the university worked in Cryer, I had many trips to Atka Research Station in Sigma-17. Proud to say that I participated in Stabiline invention also was a secondary researcher of the alien organisms. Due to the SIgma trips, I had met many people from the GMG and I was impressed, but that's unrelated. I'm feeling that I have failed my potential as a scientist. I'm also very tired of wartime propaganda here in Kusari. The political situation in Gallia is also quite exciting. So I think I could try myself in the new field of activity and the different kind of society. I would be glad if the Corporation will give me such an opportunity.
We are glad you have taken an interest in joining EFL S.P.A. After looking over your credentials we are happy to say we have approved of your application. Due to the ongoing circumstance between Gallia and Kusari, you will be temporarily place on restricted access. We hope you understand the rationale for such a necessity.
Please come by the central office on New Paris and we will take you through orientation.
Application for EFL Oil and Machinery Coyne Moreau Gender:Man Date of birth:02 February 719 AGS Place of birth:(Saint-Germain), Planet New Paris, Ile-De-France, Gallia
Previous experience and Qualifications:
Cargo technician working in the Saint-Germain spaceport, basic flight qualifications and Pachyderme flight qualifications
Having worked for several smaller shipping companies planetside immediately after university, I wish to seek employment now under a far more prestigious group, in service to our country's wealth and business.
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