Carrier ID: Pepe "El Comisario" Ladron | Carrier: Open Omicron channel | Description: Base evacuation
Polite Latino warning
Buenos dias, our respected enemies. *high-diplomatic black eyed Latino gaze*
I was intercepting your mucho grande ships in my accommodated fighter (as I can't fit into normal one), when something deshielded it and next shot scratched my new pink paint. Si, it was your new base Zamora with it's 2 scary platforms. What additionally annoyed me are your ships taking shelteros there when we come to gangos-bangos them.
Now your base is listed to be gangos-bangos too. It would be nice to evacuate your pretty chicas from there, at least ones that are not hairy enough to be gangos-bangos when we break in. You have a day to do that, as my guru told me I must share more good will and positive vibraciones.
Zamora's location is F6 upper left
*he pressed off button with his hairy macho hand. Button cracked and died thinking: Diplomacy kills.*
|X| - |X| - |X| - |X| No Carrier at all |X| - |X| - |X| - |X|
To: Pepe "Lardass" Ladron From: Rodrigo Diaz Source: Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha. Subject: Re: Base Evacuation
Buenos noches, Savage.
I must thank you for at least the forewarning, I was not expecting as intelligible and concise communication from you or your people.
While I suppose this intention is in retaliation for the on-going destruction of your station you so adequately named, "Corsair-Guard". I will repay the favour of a warning. Beta is a dangerous place; many nasty surprises exist behind every rock, as you so eloquently pointed out. Perhaps even your specially adjusted ship will be unsuitable to protect you.
Rodrigo Diaz Coalición Imperial Maltesa
Furthermore, I am of the opinion that Crete should be destroyed.