ok, im trying to activate the mod... it starts to load. But when the bar gets near the end... it sayed that it failed to activate. Heres wats in the log:
Error: problem activating 'Discovery Mod v4.85 beta 3'
Error: SHCopyFile failed ('C:\Documents and Settings\anyone\My Documents\My Games\Freelancer\data\solar\dockable\docking_ringx2_lod.sur.flmmbak' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\anyone\My Documents\My Games\Freelancer\data\solar\dockable\docking_ringx2_lod_.sur')
i tried to folo waht it says in the log, i went to games/freelance/data/ and bla bla bla... when i get to the end there is no file called "docking_ringx2_lod.sur.flmmbak"