»» Name: Engº. Karl Furlain
»» Team: Green
»» Rank:Project Lead
»» Authorized by:Dr. Jack Frakes
»» Location:Secret Valley Workshop - Engineering Workshop Compartment A / New London - Bretonia
»» Summary
We have constructed multiple items of the type MK-81 Battleship Autopulse Turret. They are now available for sale.
»»Detailed Report
Trade manager Akira Myota recently added projects to the Sevret Valley Workshop database in a file called MK-81 Battleship Autopulse Turret. Apparently, she bought these plants from a curacao guy she met during a run to a Zoner base at Freeport 9 / Omicron Theta. The MK-81 is a wrist weapon recently developed by Coalition. With enemies like the Corsairs riding many large warships, there was a need for a specialized weapon built specifically to take down heavy armor on large targets. The MK-81 was not designed to shoot accurately, but to create a powerful powerful EMP fire barrage, suppressing capital ships over long distances. I was in charge of checking the plants for accuracy and quality and was able to confirm that they are really of excellent quality. As a result, Barba Negra ordered the production of two of these items for commercial purposes.
The first phase of the new project was to adjust our manufacturers in engineering to meet the required standards specified in the documentation attached to the blueprint files. Fortunately, this technology was successfully installed in a national capital. Our laboratories already had the appropriate modules to process and due to previous projects, there was enough material to start production.
Phase Two dealt with the manufacture of the specific manufacture of other parts, such as heat transfer relays, kinetic pulse dampers, enhanced orientation of foci and energy transmitters. We already had this in stock, as the Secret Valley Workshop has already built many weapons with the same chassis structure. The MK-81 Autopulse Tower. it is, as mentioned earlier, an excellent object.
Below its features and functionality.
We didn't have much work to achieve the final goal to assemble this weapon, because the good look of the MK-81 Battleship Autopulse Turret remains in automatic maintenance of the energy required by the launch of the projectile.
Phase Three we set up the MK-81 Automatic Battle Tower at our own station in a suitable location for testing weapons. A capital ship was used for this test. In the meantime, the engineering workshop produced 50 cartridges of MK-81 Battleship Autopulse Turret explosive projectiles. Just enough to run the test.
The tests were on some asteroids near the Secret Valley Workshop, 4000m away was enough to maintain the overwhelming conclusion of this magnificent capital ship pulse weapon.
The tests showed the expected results and ours completed the MK-81 Automatic Battle Tower. They are exactly what we needed to describe documentation and authenticate it specifically by a very intelligent engineer named Florisbella Maldonado, a senior production member at Secret Valley Workshop.
With all tests completed successfully, we continued with our production for a second MK-81 Battleship Autopulse Turret. and ammunition. At this point, we have two MK-81 Battleship Autopulse Turret. QDCs and four MK-81 Battleship Autopulse Turret. Ammunition QDCs in our storage module. They are sealed and can be sold anytime.
This concludes my report.
Karl Furlain
MK-81 Battleship Autopulse Turret Project Lead, Engineering Team green, Secret Valley Workshop
Best regards: Director General of Science, Technology and Production of BMF/Secret Valley Workshop.