United Kingdom of Bretonia
Political Parties of the Bretonian Parliament
This document contains basic descriptions of each major political party in the Bretonian Parliament. It is available for everyone to see and its aim is to make understanding the Bretonian political scene a little easier.
Whig Party
The Whig Party is a splinter party formed by MPs from the Progressive wing of the Crown Royalist Party. Their platform includes supporting nationalised industries, including Crown Corporations like Bowex, BMM, and BMF. In social matters, they are generally conservative, but place less emphasis on the existing class system, and though they favor a House of Commons free of intereference from the House of Lords, they do not currently support major changes to the division of power between the two chambers. They prefer to work for reforms within the current framework of Bretonian society rather than throwing out centuries of tradition. They also favor constituional checks on the Monarch's power.
Crown Royalist Party
The current Crown Royalist Party, since the Whig/Royalist split, is dominated by the Imperialist wing of the party, though some Progressive MPs chose to remain loyal to the Royalists. Though no longer the dominating force in Bretonian politics that they were in years past, the Crown Royalist party still enjoys broad support across conservative, traditionalist, and nationalist parts of Bretonian society. The Crown Royalist Party, much like the Whigs, supports nationalised industries and the Crown Corporations. They're resistant to changes in Bretonian society or government, preferring to retain the existing class system and a weak House of Commons, with the majority of power invested in the Lords. They also favor a strong monarchy with fewer, if any, checks on the Monarch.
Liberal Party
The Liberal Party is a pro-business party favoring free trade, minimal nationalised services, and the privatisation of the Crown Corporations. They are strong proponents of civil liberties and oppose government interference in private affairs. They also favor a true balance in power between the Commons and the Lords and constitutional limits on the Monarch's power.
Social Democratic Federation
The SDF was formed by remnants of the Populist Party after that party was purged by Queen Carina in 816. Though they had a hard time organizing in past elections, and held relatively few seats as a result, they came out of the most recent elections as the third-largest party. The SDF is most popular amongs the working class, and former citizens from Leeds form a core part of their base. They still work to reform Bretonia, but fear a repeat of the Queen's actions against the Populists.
Economically, they favor nationalization of key industries with independent oversight to prevent worker abuse. Socially, they favor a reduction in class divisions and a balance of power favoring the House of Commons over the House of Lords. They stop short of advocating abolishing the nobility, and they accept the existance of the Monarchy, but favor the Monarch being reduced to a figurehead with most authority invested in the Government.
Green Party
Though the Green Front is well known for being the legitimate front of the Gaian eco-terrorist movement, the party carefully avoids any direct ties to the Gaians in order to avoid arrest and maintain their voice in Parliament. Their primary voting base is on Cambridge, and is comprised largely of students and faculty at the planet's historic university. The Green Front advocates for heavy regulations on industry, primarily environmental, and particularly opposes BMM and Planetform. Socially, they are much like the SDF, seeking a reduction in class divisions and a stronger House of Commons. They don't go as far on reducing the power of the Monarchy as the SDF, however, advocating for constitutional limits but not reduction to a figurehead.