[Communications ID: Captain Shepard Liberty Navy 5th Fleet
[Recipient ID: The Fifth Fleet Command, Liberty Navy 5th Fleet
[Subject: Osiris orbiting West Point
[Priority: [Omega - Very High]
[Encryption: [Omega-1V - Unbreakable]
Some disturbing news I have to report. News that should not make the normal reporting system we have established but directly to all of you. At 18:29 we came across an Osiris squawking Naval IFF and Identification called Akhetaten. Now I am not sure if we are going back to the old days of the Amenhotep but realizing that was a total and complete failure I would hope we are not going to allow some random events put us backwards after we have come so far. By my orders I sent it back to Alaska to Juneau and sent Loyalist to escort it. I requier one of you to keep my orders permanent for this vessel and restrict its access to Alaska until proper authorization can be given.