Soul & Shipping Co - Imperial Shipping Installation
Soul & Shipping Co is set up in the Frankfurt System as a supplier of Aluminium ore in Rheinland space.
Soul & Shipping Co is a growing base of Imperial Shipping and allows vessels all over Sirius to dock with their station, or those that are on good terms with the Imperial Shipping group. The main purpose of this installation is to ensure the flow of goods from Frankfurt into the rest of Sirius, by ensuring both miners and traders have a port to dock at.
Due to recent tensions in the Rheinland war and the results of the Civil War, Imperial Shipping has strengthened the presence in the region with this installation to support the Daumann and Kruger miners frequenting the system. Because of their support they are able to pay the miners their fees and profit from the stored ore to be shipped by many shipping companies. You can find miners on the station that are resting from their mining operations or preparing to venture forth into the asteroid field or traders ready to depart on their voyage to their stations with the needed supplies. Those who operate at the base ensure the ore is ready for collection by various corporations over Sirius and sells it to further strengthen the Rheinland economy and Imperial Shipping's ability to ship and transport various commodities around the Sirius sector. Imperial Shipping welcomes traders and haulers alike into the heart of Rheinland to further prosper and profit from natural resources that have been recently discovered in this sector.
Mr Alpha is the director of this base and any questions should be addressed to him.
Please find below a list of the Import and Exports:
** Due to the decent cooldown traders and miners in between the civil war in Frankfurt the Aluminium ore re-priced to: $3000 **