Akabat gives the impression of being fairly occupied today with all sorts of assignments to adequately develop the Planet's infrastructure consequently make the life thereon less difficult than it already is considering how distant it is from any major friendly race. Years of experience have taught local people among the paramilitary that work hard to feed their families in the harsh environment in the distant omicrons, how to survive and develop their technology upon the Akabat that's known for the breath-taking natural phenomena, where its current citizens despite the what seems to be unlimited working space, tend to not ruin the existing beauties the Planet has. In the meantime, Eliza, also known as one of the capable and potent agents among the Order's primary fleet, made an interesting deal with the Commodore Storgen to meet upon the Planet, somewhere in the midst of the outstanding mountains it possesses. She's been quite careful during the brief vacation she had taken mainly helping people she knows in various ways, and oft taking some time merely for herself desiring to come across several people. The day before she had met her best friend who was in a risky mission and had suffered some injuries needing medical treatment, and today's Fischer's ready for another meeting with the generous Commodore that introduced her to the Order Overwatch, where they didn't get the chance to further talk, but to briefly speak. Eliza managed to contact the capable pilot with barely any spare time, but still with a sufficient amount of appropriate time to potentially confront new friends, seemingly noticing potential within William.
They agreed to meet each other in a pretty location surrounded by nature, noticeably within a forest surrounded by a large river that circles around the spectral and desolate mountains, seen from several miles away upon the horizons. Anyhow, the meeting was arranged, and Eliza is on her way towards the location, however, knowing how distant the location is from the docking bays she has decided to handle a light-colored grown-up horse, for a couple of miles, and bind it around a tree to keep it on the eye during the potentially long talk. Fortunately, that was the only horse left in the stable, as people on the Akabat often use them to travel swiftly via the natural resources. Eliza gently had petted it, before taking a seat on the orange comfortable saddle.
— Aww. You're such a beauty. Would you mind if I am your friend for the day?
It seemed to be quiet and well-trained as it accepted Fischer in a no matter of time. As kind as she is, Eliza gave the horse some time to get used to her before taking a trip to the Sobat river, not desiring to give it a name for some reason due to the fact it presumably had one. Nevertheless, both of them have become friends fairly quickly and starting to make a move towards the location. She didn't want to carry any other weapon other than a bow that she was allowed to take from the stable due to violent animal life in the forest, in case of an emergency. The path they took was attractive but harsh to walk upon for many miles. Her new friend seemingly didn't take it as a problem and swiftly ran as she'd orientate it gently. Of course, she didn't neglect to carry a backpack with some meaningful resources for the horse and her, with a bag of tea she took to drink with William. After a ride she considered brief because of the beauty of the extensive forest she was moving through, time passed swiftly, they arrived promptly at the trough of the Sobat River. Eliza proceeded to gently tie the horse to a tall and seemingly colorful tree, just enough to have sufficient space and not be lost from Eliza's sight.
— Let me know if you feel uncomfortable, I'll take care of it.
It took her no time to find a stump to sit on and prepare the tea before William arrives, as he should arrive in the next half an hour. Fischer has the habit to arrive early for any meetings because of her nature. The time left before Storgen arrives was used accordingly, mainly to prepare the tea and enjoy the offered outstanding nature, with memories of how she climbed upon the peak of the mountain located several miles in front of her during the brief week-long vacation that's about to end. The river Sobat could be heard bubbling over rocks and branches as it's moving due to its significant size and length, whilst she was listening to the various birds tweeting and patiently waiting for Commodore to show up.
- Commodore Storgen, you requested to land. Access granted, proceed to land.
A mechanical voice sounded, landing ring has opened and I moved fighter towards Akabat's atmosphere.
While battleship Nekhbet stays docked at Carthage's bays, I decided to meet commandant Fischer. She sent me a letter about that and after reading I dodged Miles's jokes for a long time. When I entered atmosphere, my communicator showed Eliza's coordinates. Surprise, but she was quite far from bases and colonies - somewhere in the forest by the river Sobat.
"Doesn't she want to be noticed by anybody else? Well, maybe it's better to evade rumors."
Briefly, message says she needs someone to talk in a private manner and I was the best candidate. Eliza is a nice woman herself, not only a professional soldier and officer, despite she is older than me by...ten years I guess and I think meeting will end very well - I also been one who directed her into Primary Fleet and instructed.
Akabat is a sole livable moon in the wild Omicrons. Its size was close to normal planet and revolves around planet Nebet. Living conditions are decent - there are forests, mountains, rivers. But climate is erratic due to sun's and main planet's positions. Sometimes "long nights" happen when Nebet eclipses the sun. But the Sobat and forest were one of the most pleasable locations on Akabat - the local flora was really beautyful.
I haven't visited Giza to report about arrival, but instead moved small fighter to the meeting's place. And soon I noticed a small plain where I could land the ship.
A landing was a real challenge because landing place was really small and it was hard not to hit the treetops. Few minutes later ship was landed and cockpit was tilted up to let me out.
Whilst Eliza was preparing the tea, she had collected from the neighboring alpine mountain known as Gabal Elba, surrounded by the ancient river of Sobat, she noticed a rather noisy ship approaching the primeval and boundless forest and finding minor plain to seemingly land upon. Without a doubt, the word was about William arriving on time for the meeting as assumed, as it's a rare occasion to notice a ship in the location they arranged to meet on. Upon first the look, it appeared to be an Onuris that's relatively miniature. She didn't pay much attention to it whilst she used the porcelain teapot to cautiously sip the tea into two cups. However, the horse she rode seemed to be fairly disturbed by the loud engine noises coming from the Onuris. Fischer felt empathy and proceeded to pet it once she had sipped the tea. Despite it being rather disturbed, the horse allowed Eliza to come close enough to calm it down.
— Don't worry, everything is going to be fine.
After a brief period, the horse has calmed down significantly. In the meantime, she could see the cockpit of the ship slowly lifting up and barely have the opportunity to see Storgen. On the brief look, he was indeed in his pilot suit compared to Fischer who wore dark brown pleated pants with the tie-up, combined with the black leather jacket and a copper-colored ten-gallon hat, whilst needless to say, being unmotivated to have anything else to bore herself with especially while using the provided break to spend on Akabat accordingly, climbing upon Mountain peaks, meeting with her friends and assisting several families she knows for. The engines had shut down and the wildlife has seemingly returned back to normal without dreading or panicking from the space ships. She sat down on the stump calmly waiting for her acquaintance to finish the brief walk from the plain with the tea ready, despite the offer to drink wine which Eliza commonly rejects without a word. Noteworthy, she didn't anticipate him to use his ship to cut the walk. More or less, Eliza considered it reasonable due to lack of time he presumably barely spared.
So, for very first I have to check spaceship for any visible damage. Walking around him I realized, Onuris was intact and took off a fully black helmet with relief. My appearance was not special - standard black flying uniform did not distinguish high ranked officers from regular soldiers or ensign, except a surname on the left chest. And also I have never been really tall or muscular - very ordinary young man.
- Sunny. It's hardly noon I suppose, - after these words I checked communicator on my left hand looked like a wristwatch. There were no new messages and the signal was very close. Looking up I noticed a human's silhouette between trees and I headed that way.
...And of course, I had to cling to the snag. How'd can I do without that?!
Eliza could plainly see a man dressed up in a black Order-like pilot outfit walking towards her direction after the cockpit had been locked with the ship. Experience has taught her why wearing one of those heavy suits is on a sunny day upon Akabat, which definitely makes it inconvenient to stride with. She chose not to heed much and taste the hot tea straight away to assure its quality is as anticipated, whilst William could be seen with her far peripheral vision. In the meantime, the Onuris she certainly adores could be seen in the distance surrounded by the green and withered trees, with a couple of birds investigating it due to their curiosity. She had taken the first sip of the tea from the alpine mountain and mumbled quietly to seemingly corroborate her efforts to acquire one have been worth it.
— It tastes good, Storgen should be satisfied.
Fischer's expression verified her satisfaction with the successfully made alpine tea, outlining her liking of the healthy ways to merrily relish the drink she's made. Likely to say how easily Eliza succeeded to settle down the gloomy mood that's been present within her for a couple of days. Notably, yesterday's conversation with her most beloved friend took some part in the temper she has. The far peripheral vision permitted Fischer to notice the Order-like suit playing a minor role in Storgen's walk, seemingly facing issues. Those suits aren't necessarily meant to be used in such an environment with various unnoticeable impediments. Nonetheless, he succeeded to overwhelm the hindrances whilst he was progressively closing in towards Eliza surrounded by several antique stumps covered with natural details revealing its possible age. She briefly had looked at Storgen to scrutinize his looks and keep them in the memory being the first time she's seen him, gently returning back to sip the tea.
A movement through the forest became a little nuisance - my suit hasn't been adapted for walking anywhere except flat ground, but I used to walk in this swiftly.
After breaking all obstacles I finally came to the woman surrounded by several stumps and looked around to be sure they are alone here. It seemed to be I watched with a bit cold view, so tried to make it more welcoming. In the end, some would call it kinda a date, where were no place for formality and a cold silence. Eliza dressed like a cowboy from the ancient western movies, especially her ten-gallon which one a sort of charm.
William really looked young. Younger even than his real age and average Order agents. His length was a bit lesser than a woman's one with dark-brown eyes and dark short hair. Eliza could think he barely graduated from the academy and joined the Order yesterday, but that was a fake feeling. Only his eyes said the truth.
I smelled something unfamiliar. It might be a hot drink in a porcelain teapot, carefully provided by Fischer. From now I know what Eliza could prefer over the gallic wine.
I bowed politely and tried to introduce myself:
- Good day, miss Fischer, thank you for invitation and I apologize for my little chaotic appearance. I've got a time and managed to use small Onuris to arrive directly from Carthage.
Once fell silent, I looked at her more attentive and noticed her appearance hasn't been spoiled by years - blue eyes are clear and expressive, beautiful face was calm and unique.
"Next time I need to think about women they are not only good pilots"
As Storgen bowed to greet her, Eliza had stood up and bowed in honor. Fischer's anthracite like long high-volume hair swung slightly from the side as she's worn a ten-gallon hat, whilst she was bowing and returning back to the starting position where she firstly stood eye-to-eye with William whose appearance was presentable despite the pilot suit he has been dressed in. Upon the first look, he appeared to be somewhat tired likely due to the fairly long trip from the shipyard, whilst being occupied with risky operations to make an impact on the Nomads. She was wreathed in smiles and it wasn't difficult to notice her inner-excitement. The pleasant excitement could be the cause of a desire to meet the pilot who introduced her to the primary fleet, secluding himself from the rest of the agents in a unique manner. Fischer gently spoke in her slight Hispanic accent.
— Hola dear William, it's my genuine pleasure to at last see you. As for your appearance, I genuinely don't care, even though you look very presentable today. I believe you're exhausted, so please take a sit on the log.
Eliza's broad smile could however be seen whilst her bright teeth were gradually showing. She still hasn't sat down, seemingly wishing to state one more thing as she took a brief break. Her periwinkle blue eyes have made could be clearly seen, especially whilst swiftly directing towards the apparently hand-carved wooden table upon which were several teacups filled up with the tea Eliza collected from the sacred mountain occupying most of the horizon where they were standing.
— I made us some tea that I collected from the Gabal Elba Mountain. I disappointed you because I don't drink alcohol, but this might be a wiser idea, nonetheless.
The cheerful smile was still there, and her eyes rapidly orientated towards William, giving him respect in a somewhat intriguing way. Shortly after, she sat upon the stump, on the opposite side of the table where Storgen was. Took her no time to make herself sufficiently comfortable to cross her legs in a polite and graceful way. In the meantime, the horse she rode remained calm and certainly accepted the honored guest quietly, whilst slowly moving around and eating apples that fell down to the grass from the nearby enormous and detailed colorful tree.
What I could not disagree with Eliza's statement I am a little exhausted. It might be my face betrayed me and showed her a part of my real condition. So I didn't mind her and I sat down on the log near the wooden table, which was burn-painted with beautiful forest and birds, and watched Fischer's moves when she walked around the table. Honestly, I've been exhausted mentally over physically due to numerous space combats and keeping Nekhbet's crew in readiness to move following the first alarm.
Fischer's excitement didn't go unnoticed - if I could to draw upon the air, it would be shining beams are coming from her soul. Mysterious blue sky eyes and neat stature seem to be trying to make a positive impression. I waited until Eliza until she finished talking and looked around.
They were within the forest on a sunny day, in the middle of local wild nature. They were only two there without considering birds which are singing sang a song incomprehensible to all, except birds themselves. Soft sunbeams made their trip through the treetops and haven't annoyed humans' eyes.
- Quiet, quiet, I wasn't disappointed when you refused my offer to bring the wine. To be honest, I drink too little due to circumstances and status. Alcohol is needed to meet important person or diplomatic meetings. Sometimes a good drink makes people more...accomodating. But a smell coming from teacups is mysterious and enjoyable.
I took a teacup and tasted a hot drink. Its taste was similar to a mix of wild berries leaves and something fruity. Pretty unusual taste.
- Is your friend okay? You mentioned he was in hospital last time.
Fischer often covers her truthful emotions to evade placing herself into a nervous state, using it as a method to prevent interesting arguments from evidently changing her facial expression. She kept sweetly grinning during the conversation to accept William into the atmosphere she attempted to set up, with her legs crossed, partially showing how tranquil she is. His interest in the friend he had mentioned seemed as he wasn't sure what to question first, but simultaneously, he expressed his apprehensions by referring to her friend, which she didn't call for. Initially, Eliza was reluctant to respond accordingly and took a sip of the tea before going on further. She answered confidently this time with no hesitation, as she was glancing towards a dark mountain on the horizons.
— Alcohol gives people sufficient confidence to carry out tasks they typically wouldn't work out. I've never tried it, and I don't intend. I'm different from other individuals in different aspects.
Upon expressing her statement about the alcohol, she eyed William and slightly shook her head as the tea she's made still honored her. Eliza's facial expression didn't represent the mood she had been in once William mentioned her friend, as she was seemingly cheerful. The doubt restrained her from the desire to converse about her friend. By the desire to prevent first talking regarding such a topic, she wanted to stay relaxed for as much as possible, therefore, not bother herself with stressful-to-her topics.
— Aw, please do not worry about him. He's a strong pilot, and he'll make it. To prevent any leftover-questions, my friend partook in the Drake operation, and took some injuries. He's returned as a hero, despite the terrible injuries. Well, that might not be a convenient subject to speak about.
Eliza’s memories have given her excuses to uniquely express herself. As a proper reason, she insisted William to a soothing meeting. Overwhelmed by the time-flow, taking Commandant duties whilst the pilot who presented her to the Order has a certain question in the system. Some fantasies can't be suppressed, no matter what the question is. Nowadays, the Order appears fairly occupied by the Nomads and their supporters, whether they'd be indirect or direct. Eliza rarely meets any pilots, largely because they're all narcissistic, arrogant, and whatnot. Reverting William's question to a more convenient question, to say, more appealing. Her grin could be seen gradually fading away because of the desire to start a partially different speech, for various matters.
— How have you been these days? The operation you're launching seems rather promising, and I might take my baby for a ride.
Eliza softly spoke in a pleasing transition from the previous question, "opening" the conversation with several must-ask questions. She glanced down at the antique well-detailed table, farther revealing her subjective thoughts for a brief moment as she seemed to want to convey minimal sentiments. Something is occupying her mind nowadays for interestingly unusual causes to her.
— I've been a bit demotivated these days, might be a common feeling people have I believe.
She grinned again in an exciting emotion, which could also be seen in her periwinkle blue eyes. Fischer took another sip of the tea, clearly enjoying its fresh healthy taste. Meanwhile, the horse ceased eating the apples surrounded by the greenish grass. It was looking around and enjoying nature's attractiveness as much as Eliza does.
Trees started shaking in the wind and sunshine breached the leaf shield, illuminating my head and making me blind for a little moment. I had to squint against the bright light while listening to what Eliza was talking about.
I must say, her attitude towards alcohol was quite understandable - despite her statement "Alcohol gives people sufficient confidence to carry out tasks they typically wouldn't work out", drinking alcohol before departure or important work is forbidden and flying drunk frequently caused accidents. Sometimes, lethal even. Once the sun hid behind the trees once again, I made another sip from the cup and looked at a woman, which replied more careless than I expected. Well, getting distracted from not really good minds is useful in stressful situations, but also trusting somebody his or her own concerns could help in resolving. As some say, "two heads are better than a single head".
Taking another sip of Eliza's wonderful drink, I decided to briefly explain what we plan to do in the upcoming several days.
- Well, where to start? I am doing pretty fine. It's hard to hold and command the mass of people, but not impossible. I must admit, I missed simple talks to friends, but suddenly you resolved this little issue. And responsibility. Higher rank - higher responsibility you take on yourself. Upcoming operation in Omicron Minor closes to its climax - we plan to deploy a small fleet to strike quarantine system and, as a result, reduce Nomads numbers within Omicron and make space more stable for civic people and calmer for us, agents...Once we finish, I would like to take a little vacation from permanent fights and stresses. Nonetheless, I don't plan to disappear and will stay in sight.
I finished speaking, now I stare at Fischer in anticipation and started thinking about...Wait a minute. I should pray, Miles will never figure out, what was I thinking about a moment ago, and looked away turning red on a bit.
- Sometimes we all have moments when we won't do anything, Eliza, I see nothing bad in that, just don't let yourself fall down too deep.
It seemed to Eliza, William's eyes sparkled brightly in the sun, when he looked on her again, but sparkles vanished right after she took a cup to sip some tea.