Operation green leaf encompasses the efforts of the FTP to establish a home world on Planet Rügen in the Omega 55 system. For this purpose, several tasks were created which are processed in stages to achieve the goal.
1% Arboghast reaches Bornholm Depot and Planet Rügen
3% Initial talks with The Core are taking place
3% Initial talks with Junker´s Congress are taking place
1% Arboghast begins to carry out the first surface scans.
3% Request to DSE) was rejected
3% Request to Planetform was rejected
2% the project partners have been determined
10% Research report on atmosphere and surface evaluated
10% Building the base
3,33% Building shield module
3,33% Building storage module
3,33% Building core upgrade
10% Reaching Core level two
3,33% Building storage module
3,33% Building factory module
3,33% Building factory module
3,33% Building Core upgrade Base was destroyed by Iberian Empire
Task Charlie
Complete repair and expansion of Bornholm station
Progress: [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] 0%
In the following, the project management and partners of the project have the option of writing log entries and stories about it. The progress of the individual tasks will always be updated based on the stories and log entries and actual progress. Please send a preliminary draft to Renow via PM before posting!
Log 0123072020
From: FTP|Arboghast| / Renow in Command
Location: Omega-55, Docked at Bornholm
The research vessel FTP|Arboghast| has reached the orbit of Planet Rügen and successfully docked at the Bornholm Depot. In the following, a message was sent to the Core with the suggestion of a possible cooperation and the invitation to a diplomatic meeting in Omega 55
Log 0124072020
From: The Factory
Location: Omega-55
The FTP base was recently expanded. Construction and repairs are progressing well. Soon the first production facilities will go online and the FTP can start to produce needed equiment for the support of Bornholm and Rügen.
Log 0130072020
From: FTP|Arboghast| / Renow in Command
Location: Omega-55
The FTP | Arboghast has received an answer from The Core. They have assured official interest and support for the project. The question remains of course what type of support will be and under what conditions, but at least the foundation stone for a possible cooperation could be laid. Furthermore, a message was sent to the Junker's Congress and Deep Space Engineering DSE) in order to find out about their participation or position on the project. Now the Arboghast is awaiting that answer as well. Meanwhile, the expansion and repairs to The Factory continue with great progress. It will soon be expected to create another module!
Log 0131072020
From: FTP|Arboghast| / Renow in Command
Location: Omega-55 at Planet Rügen
The answer of the Junker´s Congress came quickly. Apparently they are also very interested in participating in the project. Why not, it would be a good starting point for trips to the Omega and Omicron systems.
While waiting for a possible answer from DSE), Arboghast begins to carry out the first surface scans. However, since the scientific crew has not yet arrived, the data is initially only collected and stored.
The crew should arrive next week!
Log 0102082020
From: FTP|Arboghast| / Renow in Command
Location: Omega-55 in low orbit around Rügen
While still waiting for the research team, the answer from DSE) has now been received. Unfortunately, the DSE) has announced that due to a lack of personnel they cannot provide support for the project. In order to compensate for this, the project management is now considering consulting the Core and Junker's Congress again whether Planetform should be requested at this point. Maybe they have the possibility to offer us support. At the same time a first appointment for a joint meeting of those involved is being negotiated.
Log 0105082020
From: FTP|Arboghast| / Renow in Command
Location: Omega-55 in orbit around Rügen
With the approval of Junker's Congress, a request was sent to Planetform. There is great hope that a promise is made, as such an organization is essential for the successful transformation of the planet. An answer remains to be seen.
Meanwhile, the expansion of The Factory station continues. two new factory modules were built. These will primarily produce equipment for upgrading the FTP fleet, but the FTP does not rule out trading with friendly factions in equipment. Furthermore, an extension of the station with habitat modules is planned to accommodate future researchers and workers. These are currently under construction, but completion is not expected before the end of a month.
Log 0110082020
From: FTP|Arboghast| / Renow in Command
Location: Omega-55 in orbit around Rügen
The answer from Planetform was again not the desired one. However, one cannot blame them for it. The FTP are just too unknown and young to really be able to prove that they are a valued partner for such a large project as Operation Green Leaf.
However, the FTP will not give up their efforts and try together with the already won partners The Core and Junker's Congress to push the project forward as far as possible.
If a terraforming partner is needed and can not be found by the required time, an alternative concept will be considered. One possibility would be to erect individual habitable domes in which at least smaller groups of settlers could live. So you would get around the terraforming for now.
This possibility will now be discussed among the partners soon.
Log 0111082020
From: FTP|Arboghast| / Renow in Command
Location: Omega-55 in orbit around Rügen
After long discussions finally came to an end, the first delivery of supplies and equipment from the Junker´s Congress has now arrived.
In details the following awaits the transfer to the Arboghast on bornholm.
3 Survey Teams with their necessary equipment to send to the surface of Rugen to collect data and test habitability.
3 Research Corps, again with necessary equipment, to further analyze samples collected and tested by the Survey Teams.
A team of 10 Scientists to assist wherever needed.
3 Mobile Medical Units self explanatory to handle any possible injuries sustained in the process.
And 3 Reconnaissance Modules for further data collection.
The FTP|Arboghast| will pick them up during the next supply stop on bornholm.
Log 0124082020
From: FTP|Arboghast| / Renow in Command
Location: Omega-55 in orbit around Rügen
The Arboghast has picked up personnel and supplies from the Bornholm Depot station.
The first scans and examinations could begin.
One of the first scans of the planet's surface and the composition of the atmosphere has already been evaluated.
Here is an excerpt from the protocol:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Analysis of the planet rugen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Diameter: 9,145km>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>Mass: 5.05 x 10e24 kg >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>Temperature Zones: Poles 27-31°C>>>>>>>>>>Equator 41-52°C>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>Temperate zone [latitude 40°:] 31-40°C>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Terrain: Desert>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>Surface layer: 78% sand, 13% gravel, 9% carbon residues (plants, small animals)>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>Mineable ores: Silver and Cobalt>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>Water: 0,021 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Atmosphere: 78% N² >>> 18% O² >>> 4% other ingredients>>>>
>>> conditionally suitable for survival >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>End of analysis>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
One of the leading scientists Dr Vazquez said The planet could well be suitable for establishing colonies there. The atmosphere is not as pleasant as that of some noble house planets, but it would be enough to support human life. At the moment he was still silent about whether it would be worthwhile to mine the natural resources. This would require further tests and examinations directly on the surface. His recommendation would be to make it similar to that the planet Pittsburgh and to build most of the colonies underground. However, the colonies will always be dependent on water and food imports.
Within the next few days, a first drone will be sent to the planet to deliver the first surface photos.