ID:Samuel Fuentes Location:OS&C|TE-Cloud-9 Baltimore Shipyard System New York To:Raul Golden Encryption:Neptune Spear Subject:Need of Special Equipment
Greetings Mr. Golden
my name is Samuel Fuentes I am working for the OS&C Daughter Company Triton Expeditions. we are Known for Unusual Tours and Expeditions, and for out Newest Plan we need some Special Equipment. my ship is Currently Moored in Baltimore for Modifications made by DSE, so I have time and I Read of your Deal with Director Seabourne. Sadly my Normal Supplier had some Problems Delivering me what I needed, I Stumbled about your Price List and Discoverd that you make Jumpdrives. i am in need for an Jumpdrive MK 2 To Jump my Bustard Carrier for the so called Blind Jump Cruises TM. it is only needed to Jump my ship the Cloud 9, so the Mk 2 should be enough. if i am Wrong please Corect me, i would be interested what Price you Demand for the Jumpdrive. but i am sure we can come to a Agreement and make a Deal.
Your location transponder looks familiar to me, as well as your goals. I believe we crossed our paths before when we were not associated yet with establishing Interstellar Beacon workshop. Heh, my memory is quite short, but I certainly remember some OS&C ship named like yours, hiring our vessel for a blind jumping tour, but that's just a side notice.
Returning back to business. Usually, we would ask for having order bigger than just one device, but connections between us are mutual in the past and in the present, so we can drop this matter.
We are offering our help in constructing Jump Drive MK2 for you. This is correct that it would work for you. Some people prefer choosing MK3 type for Bustard though, just because it jumps twice faster, doing it in a half of minute instead of a minute, but MK2 will do too. We would ask the same price for any jump drive you choose, 25 million credits for our services to construct it, but the providence of necessary materials to the station is on your side of a contract to resolve.
There are benefits to MK2 jump drive though, first one that it is more universal. It's suiting all ships capable to jump, and secondly, it would require fewer materials for construction.
• 90,000 Reinforced Alloy
• 5,000 Gravity Field Stabilizers
• 15,000 Critical Temperature Alloy
• 21,000 Industrial Hardware
• 15,000 Robotic Hardware
• 20,000 Argentium Silver
• 15,000 Magnetic Superconductors
Once you decide which in the end MK series you wish, we would expect payment 25'000'000 being done to account "Neutrino" and await any arranged by you transports delivering necessary goods to our station for at least three days starting from payment transfer time, we hope that it would less take time though. Once we receive materials and finish all works, the device would be transferred to you without any further costs. I hope you find those conditions as acceptable.
ID:Samuel Fuentes Location:OS&C|TE-Cloud-9 Baltimore Shipyard System New York To:Raul Golden Encryption:Neptune Spear Subject:Need of Special Equipment
Greetings Mr. Golden
I would say a MK 2 Is more than Enough for my Needs, as for the Delivery of the Goods I have to say I am a Liner Capitan, not a Transport one. but I will ask our Transport Department ONE (Orbital Network Express) for Assistance. and yes I think we made a Tour with you, but I believe that Subdirector Cross had the Comand at this Time. I got the Ship after a Testing Phase done by her, as for the Equipment needed to build the Jumpdrive could you Give us Locations where we can get them, as this is not our Normal Business we are a bit Unaweare of that. nevertheless I Will Contact ONE and we shall Start to ship in all you need As soon as Possible. The Payment for my Jumpdrive is in the Attachment, togeter with a Bonus for the Quic Awnser.
Edit: as we are just Talking, i have a Request from a Friend who Knows I am in search of a Jumpdrive. my Friend had a Need for a MK 4 Jumpdrive. Please tell me the Price for Both and I send you the Payment Right Now.
Our service is quite relaxing in terms of prices. Jump Drive 4 would cost you just the same, 25mils amount. Both jump drives in the result are going to cost you 50'000'000 credits, which we await at "Neutrino" account.
We though warn you, that Jump Drive MK4 is a more complicated device, which means the amount of necessary goods is quite more for it.
We have a small condition in how you would provide goods for the requested devices. We would like firstly to receive all necessary things for Jump Drive MK2 before starting to receive the rest for MK4. I believe you would be able to see how much is left of required things for a current production when docking station. We would provide you with authorization to view our storage facilities just in case.
Reinforced Alloy from Philadelphia Station, Pennsylvania. It is in just 5k range.
Gravity Field Stabilizers from Pueblo Station in Colorado
Critical Temperature Alloy from planet Holstein, Frankfurt
Industrial Hardware from Trenton station, New york
Robotic Hardware from planet Los Angeles, California
Argentium Silver from Freistadt Base, Omega 7
Magnetic Superconductors from Pueblo station, Colorado
Considering that you requested two devices now, the time frame until we start to question materials arrival is widening to at least 5 days.
Best regards, Raul Golden
P.S. I have met transport OS&C|ONE-Beefmaster, which started to provide materials for a JD2. All necessary things on my part were done for the station crew to begin construction.
ID:Samuel Fuentes Location:OS&C|TE-Cloud-9 Baltimore Shipyard System New York To:Raul Golden Encryption:Neptune Spear Subject:Good News
Greetings Mr. Golden
I have good news, all the Necessary Equipment for the Construction Of the MK2 Jumpdrive is Delivered. the OS&C|ONE-Beefmaster, OS&C|ONE-Aikon, and OS&C|ONE-Chicago have delivered all you need. it is a pleasure doing Business with you. I asked Capitan Weingarten For Future Help with the MK 4 Jumpdrive and she will start to ship in the Supplies today.
Checking today, we see that everything has been completed. Both of the devices have been transferred and we thank you for a generous reward over the agreed level.