Please read RP first. (TY Kakuet for suggesting posting link here)
More on this to come, but from what I've seen there are enough players who don't want to see the AI's turned into a 'kill all humans' perma hostile group.
AI is the future of intelligent life in the universe. However, any species without conflict faces no adversity and thus will stagnate with nothing to force evolution. Thus I believe that a true intelligence would come to the realization that more can be achieved through co-existence and limited conflicts then through the complete destruction of a species that doesn't even compete for the same resources as you. Plus, the Ai have gathered enough information by now to realize that the Humans dominate the galaxy and if they did come together even in a brief moment under a common banner under threat of now two alien menaces out to wipe out their species, that they would be crushed along with the Nomads. We can argue that to death on opinion but I hope you can at least see my point.
So, The Builders are seeking an option beyond either complete pacifism or total annihilation. They seek to strike a balance between the two. They see that balance as the most efficient path to growth.
So, If you want to help make AI more then a 1 dimensional shoot everything that walks bunch of psychotic toasters I'd be glad to develop this RP further with you.
In all honesty I found it difficult to read your faction info page. Its just a wall of text. Best advice I can give you is to look at other faction info pages and try to come up with your own version. Something that explains who and what you are. Pictures, fonts, and colors go a long way to making your readers interested.
Just as the constant increase of entropy is the basic law of the universe, so it is the basic law of life to struggle against entropy. - V. Havel
(09-02-2020, 07:02 AM)Kalhmera Wrote: In all honesty I found it difficult to read your faction info page. Its just a wall of text. Best advice I can give you is to look at other faction info pages and try to come up with your own version. Something that explains who and what you are. Pictures, fonts, and colors go a long way to making your readers interested.
Thanks for the comment.
I should have pointed more clear that this idea is still in development. I wanted to get the idea down while I was inspired and get some feed back on it much as the other proposed AI faction here. Don't worry. I already have a great avatar, there will be all kinds of colours and flashing lights to come.
Did you have any feedback on the idea of it? Questions?
I find the concept to be an AI viewed through the prism of human experience rather than an attempt to play the pure GAI. One of the theoretical advantage of fully self-aware AI is the controlled evolution. The AI does not need to mirror inferior humans, who were the result of a few billions years of natural selection, to evolve but by either insightful design or method of trial and errors achieve the result in a simulation in a much shorter span of time. Also, the motivation of "revenge" and the like look quite outlandish to a machine the motivation of which should in principle be incomprehensible to humans (and to nomads) due to being of different cognitive nature and level.
On a side note, I would suggest thinking of whether your AI is a network (machine swarm) with one master-mind or a group of semi- or fully autonomous independent entities.
(09-02-2020, 07:29 AM)Shimamori Wrote: I find the concept to be an AI viewed through the prism of human experience rather than an attempt to play the pure GAI. One of the theoretical advantage of fully self-aware AI is the controlled evolution. The AI does not need to mirror inferior humans, who were the result of a few billions years of natural selection, to evolve but by either insightful design or method of trial and errors achieve the result in a simulation in a much shorter span of time. Also, the motivation of "revenge" and the like look quite outlandish to a machine the motivation of which should in principle be incomprehensible to humans (and to nomads) due to being of different cognitive nature and level.
On a side note, I would suggest thinking of whether your AI is a network (machine swarm) with one master-mind or a group of semi- or fully autonomous independent entities.
So, if you try to look deeper into the concept, these AI's have already been influenced by humans and have nothing else to observe aside from Nomads. They don't like the direction either biological species is taking and how they have influenced so many other AI's to a path of complete destruction of another species. Its counterproductive and a waste. So no, this is a break from that. Builders are more then kill everything.
(09-02-2020, 05:32 PM)Relation-Ship Wrote: There already are 2 non one sided evil alien factions
I'd suggest joining one of them instead and help them develop from within
And again, if you read this you would see that its not just another generic evil faction. Builders are not out for destruction. They seek balance and growth for their species.
I'm going to say this right now. This concept is really more about seeing what the community wants. If your looking to just have kill all humans death bots that have no RP and just pew, well go join up with Snak and you'll have it. I want to see if anyone wants to develop an AI group with some more depth then 'Biped detected, shoot to die'. If not, that's cool. It shows the attitude of the community in general and is quite revealing tbh.
When the main RP for this has 100 views and feedback has 180, it just proves that about 40% of the community doesn't care about RP.
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(09-02-2020, 06:02 PM)The Builders Wrote: When the main RP for this has 100 views and feedback has 180, it just proves that about 40% of the community doesn't care about RP.
no drama is just more funny and its because its popping up in the latest activity
also you should probably link the page in the OP for ease.
(09-02-2020, 06:02 PM)The Builders Wrote: When the main RP for this has 100 views and feedback has 180, it just proves that about 40% of the community doesn't care about RP.
bro... i just had a crazy thought...... what if this thread has more views cuz it's been bumped by posts.... and the information thread has had no extra posts since it was created..... das crazy............... damn
The information thread is an information thread and, by its nature, has no replies. It is therefore viewed mostly just the one time as there is only one post to read.
This thread is the feedback thread and, by its nature, has replies. It is therefore viewed more often as people read the new posts.
If this is typical of your behaviour then I would expect this this to be nothing more than another exercise in futility that will be an unremembered footnote in a couple of weeks. You must alter your attitude if you wish to succeed.
(09-02-2020, 06:02 PM)The Builders Wrote: When the main RP for this has 100 views and feedback has 180, it just proves that about 40% of the community doesn't care about RP.
bro... i just had a crazy thought...... what if this thread has more views cuz it's been bumped by posts.... and the information thread has had no extra posts since it was created..... das crazy............... damn
That is a good point actually. I based it off limited feed back so I can admit Im wrong there. Thank you.
(09-02-2020, 06:24 PM)Mephistoles Wrote: The information thread is an information thread and, by its nature, has no replies. It is therefore viewed mostly just the one time as there is only one post to read.
This thread is the feedback thread and, by its nature, has replies. It is therefore viewed more often as people read the new posts.
If this is typical of your behaviour then I would expect this this to be nothing more than another exercise in futility that will be an unremembered footnote in a couple of weeks. You must alter your attitude if you wish to succeed.
Point taken. I don't know what you mean by behavior as I can find a lot of that on disco. Again, just trying to see if there is interest in a AI concept other then 'Humans bad, must destroy'. If not, then your right, this will just be a forgotten foot note in a week. I don't have an issue with that. Lot's of ideas have been put forward in Disco and 99% of them failed. So I already know this will end in much the same fashion. Please don't start a flame war her Meph, I wont participate. Just wanted feed back on the idea, not an argument about attitude. Believe me, I've seen plenty of complaints about yours so there is really no need for the pot to call the kettle black here.