So i've been writing some fictional logs for my new RH BS, the RNC-Sterbefall. I like lots of detail, but i'm not sure what the jump gate actually does.
Is it the same as the Stargate, where matter is demoleculerised, hurtled through a wormhole, and remoleculerised on the other side, or that your just going really fast (like hyperspace, which you can travel faster then the speed of light with due to the fact it is in sub-space). Personally I think the first option would make more sense and would be better for my story, but I want to get the facts right.
[17:45:39] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): Tom, you have problems. Go kill yourself.
[19:25:12] Johnny (Jam): Tomtom, I will beat you with a spoon.
[14:22:56] Prarabdh Thakur: KILL HIM WITH A SHEEP.
[17:40:48] Eagle (Junes): Tom should be slapped with a spoon.
[11:32:18] Warspite: Thank you for being so awesome Tom. <3
[18:17:36] Metano: I love you tomtom
[20:06:24] Warspite: I will seriously give you epic head.
' Wrote:Edit: also, Tomtomrawr, fappin' like a boss.
I think the second option makes more sense. That also explains why you can see your ship traveling in subspace when jumping from one system to another.
Well... considering the animation we see when traveling via jumpgate/hole, I think it's just a wormhole that connects space on it's ends by making a shortcut using multidimensional nature of Universe. The name wormhole itself came from observing a worm make a shortcut through an apple, instead of going along it's surface to reach some location... imagine something like that, but using 3D+ space.
You know those 'kawoosh' sounds you hear after a few seconds of being in the Jump gate? Those are rings scattered across space. The Jump gate works by accalerating the object passing through it, and will give an extra boost whenever it hits one of those 'space rings' that connect two jump gates together.
Start. -> Ring one. -> Ring two. -> Ring three-> Ring four. -> Ring five. -> End.
120 kps.-- 1000kps -- 2000 kps --- 10000 kps -- 30000 kps -- 25000 kps -- 120 kps.
(Numbers are random. Just to indicate how it works).
There are several rumours on Manhattan concerning this subject I believe. One even says that the Jump gates and trade lanes are based off an alien artifact found at the beginning of Sirius time. Other sources of information would be Ageira bases, or pressing F9 on jump gates and jump holes. Should tell you what you need to know.
I'd go with the wormhole theory, although they'll presumbly be artifical and the jumpholes will be the wormholes we all know and love.
As for Exile's idea, I don't think that it would make sense because you've got to remeber that jumpgates and jumpholes both use the same animation (so presumbly the same mode of travel).
imganie something deep and life changing put here.....
and then forget it
' Wrote:There are several rumours on Manhattan concerning this subject I believe. One even says that the Jump gates and trade lanes are based off an alien artifact found at the beginning of Sirius time.
Pretty much all the technology in Sirius is based off that Valhalla 1 Site. Basically, a vast library left by the Daam K'Vosh for the Nomads, to decipher later on. Humans got there first, and they've only managed to extract a fraction of its database.
So yeah, as Sirius is a Daam K'vosh laboratory, anything is possible. They probably made the JH's too.
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' Wrote:As for Exile's idea, I don't think that it would make sense because you've got to remeber that jumpgates and jumpholes both use the same animation (so presumbly the same mode of travel).
It isn't an idea. It's how I read it abit back ingame. Like I said, what I posted was a combination of several rumours and infocards.
Tradelanes also accelerate you, so Exile's idea works and makes sense.
However, they have the same sound as Jumpholes, making you wonder.
That said, the actual wormhole is just that, a wormhole.
Not a demoleculuriser or anything like that.
Think of space as a sphere.
You want to reach a point on the other side.
You can go along the surface and take a while
Or you can make a hole in the middle and go straight through the sphere, which is quicker.
A hole in a sphere, going from side to the other, is a simple way of thinking of wormholes.
Well I heard that the Trade Lanes used some pressure type system, like in frot of you the pressure is pulling and behind its pushing, the same goes for the JG.
EDIT: You would stop in a TL by the pressure behind pulling and the pressure in the front pushing.
So after taking a break for about a year I've decided to get back in to Disco. So yeah.