Quote:5. Cheating and Exploits - Modifying your Discovery Freelancer installation or using third-party tools in order to gain advantage over other players is strictly forbidden and will result in deletion of ingame assets or/and a ban.
Your Ships are setting off the Anti-Cheats. Therefore your access has been removed until you can explain why.
If you require evidence, you may request such via PM from a Staff member. Only the accused or an official faction leader of the accused person's faction may request such. Once you have the evidence, and if you wish to dispute it, you may post in the Sanction Thread below. Do not continue PM'ing a staff member, as that will result in your Appeal being denied. If you PM a staff or post in the sanction thread and you are not directly involved, you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban. Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbors, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of GM Right #CTE 750AE
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person
Greetings ,I was told that i have been sancioned.
As most know i dont even play this game a lot anymore , I dont know what is going on i was trying to log in and play and everytime i logged recently i was getting booted out of the game.
After several attempts to log any of my character I stopped trying. I was told to ask help from forums tho i was feeling like playing WOW until i lvl up my Death Knight and now i see this.
Since I never broken any rules or been sanctioned before exept for ooRP in local first days i came here . I would like instead of ban somoene to help me be able to normaly log in. I use windows 10 and after the newest patch on luncher i am getting booted from the game. Since I did not listen to Order and write in help , i guess now i have to write it here .
I ain't no rule breaker ,and i most defenetly am not a cheater (ok maybe sometimes i avoid interaction or rage but thats not why are we here.
Yet again I would like to know why I was getting booted and if i triggered anti cheat to boot me out WHY? I can stream to show you how it looks if you dont believe me.
I log in i enter serve I try to log into my character any character on that account. And i get disconected instantly as having problems with connection. I think i need help rather then ban.
Actually the only thing i installed or did on my pc before this started happening was installing a Malwarebytes antivirus if that can cause any issue. I dont know. I made a mistake not contacting staff as i was told.I really dont know what is going on or what caused game to boot me and you to view me as a hacker/cheater. I really have no reason to do that.
Thank you for your undestanding
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person
I was told to submit when i have restarted my system or deleted any anti virous progragms that can trigger anti cheat...I would like to be unbaned if i was because i really did not check ,it was time i was disappointed in some things. Regardless i want to come back and fly around again ...As proof that it was Malwarebites (if it can trigger) .I ask of staff to see what use i took from "hacking" ..Not pvp ,not gold nothing...It started by me getting unable to connect to server as error ,that eventually evolved in this thread ...I had malwarebites on and i did not hack..I found making templates for faction hard to do not to mention hacking ,also whats point of hacking without having any use of it and i did not have it.Thanks for understanding ,i dont mean to be rude ,but in all time i played i never violated laws u can check that exept two sanctions as beginer. I would really just like to come back and fly my greater irra Elune and feel nostalgic again. Also I don't mind being on probation I am sure i wont break any rules if given chance.
As was mentioned in my Post above, a pm was sent to you:
Quote:Good afternoon.
Over the last 7 days your Ships have been setting off the Anti-Cheats, on 3 different days.
It is suggesting that you have modified some of the Game Files.
Modifying any Files is done at the risk of setting off the ACs, which could lead to a permanent ban.
If you could explain why suddenly this happening, then we can go from there. If you haven't modified any Files, then I would suggest that you do a clean install and message in the Thread that you have done so.
Seeing as you have mentioned AVs, then I would suggest that you check your AV settings.
If you had responded and done as requested, it could have all been resolved at the time.
Your access has been restored.
Be aware that any further instances could lead to a longer holiday from the Server.
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person
Thanks for understanding and well I did honestly feel like i need a break so I did not respond anything. I will reinstall the game in case some files are modified ,and Malwarebites is deleted .If I accidently get kicked by server itself i will instantly report ,tho i really hope that wont be the case . Once again thanks for understanding ,really missed this game a bit!
I have two accounts . One called Black-9 ,which has my outcast ships and Elune and Donaukind Rheinland super train for farming. And on other account named w4rden i have few ships and Order|Hanna.Lichthammer. However i face same problem as in the past . Black-9 characters are able to log . And moment I log any ship from account w4rden ,i get kicked from server and i fear i might get into same problem . I need help ,this time i have no antivirus ,and i don't understand what is wrong with my second account where i have my Order char I can't connect with ,as well as all other ships from that account..
I attemptet logins few minutes before asking this and i hope someone help me before I get banned again or accused for same rule breaking ,because I really do not have any hacking attentions ,nor rule breaking in general.
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person
PM has been read and i am thankful for your support!
However my former THP|Sparta ship faces same problem . I really want to get off admins back and resume normaly playing the game. I am not sure if my account w4rden has corrupted stuff within it and i really dont want to get banned as hacker ,for nothing .
I would really like if staff can investigate and enter my account ,in hope of transefering all money from my ships to my other account character Elune. Since the only characher I am able to log without problem is Order|Hanna.Lichthammer and with all money transfer I will be able to get rid of that account once and for all.
I will apprechiate all help you can provide me ,as i appreciate all help you already have provided for me ,as i want to get this over with and play game normaly ,without bothering any admin or appearing on your own radar for things I am not even awared that can cause problems or why it is happening.
Thank you in advance and forgive me for bothering you.
I am really sorry for this ,as someone who has no idea why its happening i am starting to get paranoid ,and in that paranoia i decided to inform you of anything wierd happening as you know i play form 2016 and i never encountered any problem of this sort.