I hear you're interested in reaching out to us, what's on your mind? And I hope all is well? We haven't really had a lot of conversation between you and I, most of your talk was with Leviathan, one of my previous adjutants, so allow this to be my short formal introduction as one of the oldest seats on the Directorate. I am Keeper Revenant, the current top authority of the Technocracy, though, I am fairly sure you knew that from Leviathan.
Regardless of the topic, it is good to talk to you one on one with a prominent member of the Zoner society.
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Med Force General and Research, Baffin
To: Keeper Revenant
Greetings, Keeper,
It is not very often that I find a comm in my office from someone I just spoke with in space. I usually have to wait a few days. It was an honor and a pleasure to meet you.
It has been some time since I last spoke with the Auxesians. Awhile back, I had the privilege of going to your home world with my diplomatic ship. I am just sorry that I did not get to stay long. We liked what we saw, we being the commander of my diplomatic ship and myself, Commander Nichole Schmidt. She still talks about it.
My interest is one of medicine and science. You are a unique group. I like having knowledge of all should I find someone in space in need of medical attention. Knowing your anatomy, physiology and so forth would make such a task easier to perform. Leviathon allowed me some scans but nothing else. It is all we have. Whatever happened to him anyway?
Perhaps we could meet and just get to know each other more? It is an opportunity that I would look forward to. Let me know what you all think and I will keep a channel open to you.
Dr. John Henry Holliday
Founder, Med Force Enterprises
You are mistaken, I was not the one that had encountered you. That was a subordinate of mine in the Military Arm. I do recall seeing you enter the chambers that Leviathan had invited you too, your visit was not forgotten. In regards to releasing data on how we augment our people, ah... it is a rather touchy subject, particularly with these trying times. Perhaps we could - for humanitarian purposes naturally - invite you in for a chat, whilst on topic of humanitarian gestures, maybe you would like to assist with the Alberta evacuation? I suspect they will need all the medical help they can get.
As for Leviathan, I am... unsure. <frowns> I do not know. I of all people should know, but I do not. I fear the worst. He was gone when I awoken from my medically induced coma. There is no documentation. No data. No record. I am sorry.
But do feel welcome to visit Elgin once more, you are permitted to land as you will. Please be careful, we are currently at conflict with Bretonia, even though they do not bother to uphold their claim or even show up - they may still appear. If you require protection, we can delegate some assets to oversee your safe arrival.
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Med Force General and Research, Baffin
To: Keeper Revenant
I like the sounds of this. I indeed can assist in evacuating Alberta. I am just curious if the Zoners of Freeport 14 will actually leave. They are a pretty tough lot and would use the storm as protection but that is another issue. Providing them with medical aid is something we quietly already do.
Yes, I would like to meet with you. I will start planning a return trip. It will be just a small crew on my yacht. Let me know what time works for you. I look forward to your reply.
Wonderful to hear. As I have offered previously, if you require protection, we are more than happy to offer it.
On another note... Do ou happened to be trained in the neurosciences, Doctor? I have an ally who wishes to come to us to help solve their problem, but having more trained eyes in the relevant department to assist in ensuring that they have a smooth transition would be wonderful and help would be appreciated, we don't always have the staff available for multiple outstanding requests. We are willing to pay for your help.
The Mobile Hospital is currently untasked and avilaable to support this operation if required.
As you are aware this hospital can accomodate 3300 Persons dependant if casualties are involved.
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Med Force General and Research, Baffin
To: Keeper Revenant
CC: [MFE]St. Agatha.Hospital, Nichola White, Senior Nurse Officer
Keeper Revenant,
I myself am not disciplined in neuroscience but I do have staff members that are. That is what makes Med Force Enterprises work so well is that we all collectively well versed in just about all areas of medicine and science. I can have one of my people assist your ally in this matter and I can come with him as well if it makes people feel more at ease. Besides, I will learn something out of it and my own services can be used by others while I am present.
Miss White,
Please assist the Zoners and any other people in the Freeport 14 mess but do be careful. That area is brutal on a ship so limit your time in the Alberta system to get people on board. Be sure to check your people over afterward. Let me know if there are any further problems.