To:My cousins in Gen'an From:Khem Cimarron Source:Cali Base, Tau 23 Subject:Purchasing a ship
Good day my beloved cousins. First and foremost I must apologize for absent mindedly hacking your comms. Old habits die hard, and the Cimarron Cartel has been a new strain of cardamine, hence me forgetting that I wasn't supposed to do that. With that being said I would like to thank you all personally for keeping the Orange River clear. Your efforts will not go unnoticed.
Now on to business: I would like to requisition one of your Orchid bombers. It would make a wonderful addition to the Cimarron Cartels fleet.
I doubt you able to hack our comms, our security is not to be triffled with. We would have gotten a security breach alert at the very least. I personally oversee the entire communications network of our Cell and I can tell you that no one "absent mindedly hacks our comms". To claim so is a personal insult to my abilities.
I am Ikeda Yume, Primary Communications Officer of the Gen'an GC, and you have contacted us to obtain one of our Orchid Bombers. This is a possibility, but before that, I would need to know more about this Cimarron Cartel.
Looking at your transmission signature, are you are part of the Hispania Imperial? We personally never met before, so i'd like to know who we deal with before proceeding with this.
To:Megaera From:Khem Source:Cali, Tau 23 Subject:Purchasing a ship
Hispania Imperial
I would never suggest your abilities are lax in any way. I apologize if you took it as disrespect. It wasn't intended. My time at Ageira has widely expanded my knowledge and capabilities. And I have always preferred sticking to the shadows, remaining undetected. I was merely alluding to that.
That being said you wanted to know who the Cimarron Cartel is. Yes we are part of Hispania Imperial. You may have seen my flag ship, Antelao, or my transport, CCShipping (Short for Cimarron Cartel Shipping). Keeping true to my personal preferences, we stick to the shadows. Aiding Hispania and its allies whenever available. I must cut this transmission short. Crayter is attacking Malta. The audacity. I await your reply.
Yes, we indeed have records of encountering these ships. CCShipping has even joined our convoys on the Orange River. Your request is hereby approved.
Go to Ainu Depot in hokkaido and make your way to the docks. The lady in charge there has been instructed to sell you one of our C7-F "Orchid" Golden Chrysanthemum Bombers after you have identified yourself to her.
The Orchid is a very decent ship. What she lacks in core capacity, she makes up more than enough in maneuverability. Take good care of her.