The magnificent Gallic battleships were inside the drydocks of Rambouillet Shipyard. The Renaissance and the Sombre Destin. Both of them belong to talented Admirals of the Gallic Navy: Renaissance to Antonin de Lusignan, which was the leader of Enclave Defence Authority and de-facto operated as one of the high-ranked officers controlling the situation on the battlefield during the Battle for Languedoc, and Sombre Destin, belonging to Pierre Valliant of Marine Nationale, known for his heroic actions during the Second Gallic War and later against the Kusari invasion. Both made their effort in reaching this point of history: the Gallia is uniting, taught by many wars and treasons they passed through. A crucial moment was approached and passed; casualties were unavoidable, but the price was worth the prize.
Their warships under repairs, the two Admirals having a meet aboard Fontainebleau Residence in the orbit of New Paris. Once built as the first space residence for Gallic monarchs, it was not a preferable place for their time-spending, unlike Versailles. Even with public interest turned against it as the symbol of Royal power, the station remained a part of the Gallic legacy and a decent place for meeting face to face. The station as well is known for a massive greenhouse, where many cozy cafes were placed, hid between New Paris' flora.
Two comfortable chairs and a single table with a bottle of wine and some light dishes, all this located in the shadow of massive tree. The territory around the meeting place was surrounded by the guard that ensured safety for a conversation between such high-ranked persons as Lusignan and Vaillant were.
The Amiral Vaillant was the first one to arrive at Fontainebleau, one hour earlier before the Amiral de Lusignan. Pierre used to visit Ile de France often, but that was the very first time he was received at Fontainebleau. When he wasn't on the frontlines leading the Gallic forces against the Kusarians, Vaillant was spending most of his time to the Grand Etat-Major of the Confederate forces on New Paris. Despite the war being over, the chaotic situation was not, as the Gallic Reunification asked a complete reorganization of the state and of the New Gallic Navy.
Vaillant personally met the commandant of the station and was granted a brief but relaxing visit of the majestic Residence, where not all the former Royal symbols were removed. After that, Pierre moved to the meeting place well secured by the Gallic guard. The Amiral de Lusignan arrived at the same time and the two well decorated officers with an impeccable dress uniform met for the very first time. After a handshake, the two Amirals took a place on the two confortable chairs that were prepared for them.
"Amiral de Lusignan, we finally meet. Quite surprising that I never heard from you during the Sirian Conquest, you certainly had a lightning ascent after the rise of the Gallic Enclave within the Hébrides. An enclave that finally returned home today and for the greater good of Gallia and of our citizens, oui?"
"Amiral Vaillant, it's a pleasure to meet you in person. Although I was expecting a bit older person for such rank as ours, I heard a lot about your feats during the Second Gallic War and all the side conflicts it created." said Antonin when taken a seat next to Pierre and smiled through his beard, "I'm not surprised you didn't hear about me. Most of my contribution was securing our House inside when many conquered new space for us outside Gallia. Needed to admit, I have failed my task given by the King; the Kingdom fell, but seems it only helped Gallia and her people."
"Many commanders after the collapse of the Royal Navy were incapable adapt fast enough – this created chaos in the chain of command, and as you know, chaos is a ladder. My skills were found useful by the Directorate, and shortly after the Battle for Edinburgh, I became an Amiral. However, I doubt you are interested in this story, as we have more important concerns right now. Nevertheless, before we proceed, the Enclave, called by some just the Gallic Royal Navy, or as some of us attempted to call ourselves, the Protectorate of Hebrides is indeed finally returned to Gallia. Although the conditions that made us do so were difficulties faced by Gallia, we are happy to be home."
Lusignan took Defence Authority's badge from the chest and lay it down on the table. Then the man pressed something on it, and the holo menu appeared above it. Few touches on the immaterial screen with surfing through files, and a 3D-hologram appeared. An honour of Gallic engineering, the Valor-type vessel, with some parts marked red and orange. However, it was Valor only at first glance. With a more careful look, lacks Warwolf, and a bit different armament placement could get noticed.
"So, straight to the business. This is the Marmande, Triomphant-class, at service since about the year 644. For a long, this was a support carrier of the Royal Navy, which then belonged to the Enclave fleet. The crew and captain, in particular, were fanatically loyal to the King. When reunification started, they didn't accept it and went rogue." hologram changed to a portrait of an old man with a short mustache and almost no hair left on his head. "Commandant Jozef Verhoeven, Captain of the Marmande since 725. During the invasion to Sirius remained in Gallia, protected her borders. Verhoeven didn't participate in Leeds campaign but took place in Toulouse offence, and since then remained in the Hebrides, protecting secondary supply lines from Allies attacks. Ever heard about him?"
Vaillant rubbed his chin and thought for several seconds before finally reacting.
"Triomphant-class you say? Most intriguing and especially surprising. The ships of this class were supposed to stay in the Core systems of Gallia as their very old design did not allow them to face even the weakest of the former Council's warships. Saumur was a good example, I believe you know this pretty much since your task before the fall of Kingdom was to defend our Home. I believe its surrendering now benefits us nowadays as the warship seems to perform in its new task of guarding Zurich from small criminal elements.
The presence of such warship on the frontlines can be easily explained by the fact the Crown abandoned the strategy of the 'defense in depth' when the blitz on New London was ordered which had as consequence to deploy much more warships to the frontline. The Marmande seems to be one of them. However, I never heard of it before, nor its Capitaine."
Pierre made a brief pause and looked again at the 3D-hologram.
"And so Amiral, you're telling me this ship went rogue and is now in the nature without having any idea of its precise location?"
"The information-gathering network we had deployed in Taus reporting only about increasing Outcast activity within Tau-44, per the "Orange Hammer" remain active, and Tau-31. We believe the Marmande may hide there, among the ice asteroids of the system. However, since this is not officially a Gallic territory, deploying a Naval asset may cause a political scandal with Bretonia. You know my stance toward them, but I am not going to risk the safety of our House especially now after we passed yet another devastating war." Antonin drank a bit of wine and looked on Vaillant. He had to do his best and use all charisma he had to bring the though properly to this quite young Amiral of the Navy. "Don't get me wrong, the Office of Confederal Intelligence did a lot of work before and during the War but needed to admit they failed to inform you about the incoming Kusarian invasion. And this failure was crucial: too much lost in vain."
"The Office of Confederal Intelligence lacks skilled personnel and this is understandable: many of the Royal Intelligence joined the Enclave instead of the Confederacy. However, the times have changed and our belief in the power of one died with this "the One"." the man glanced on Pierre for yet another time, making sure he achieved the reaction required for success, "My offer is simple but meanwhile is difficult. Allow our personnel, which belonged to the Royal Intelligence to create a common venture with the OCI. Gallia needs strong intelligence agency, and the ex-Councils are not those who are capable of this."
Vaillant smiled while taking a glass of wine as well.
"The control of Tau-44 ended in a disaster for our forces with the unexpected defection of the Oubli, four years ago already. If your sources are correct, the ship might be hiding there, enjoying the chaos created by 'Orange Hammer.' However, a military expedition there would be a waste of our already limited resources with minimum gain. Most of our assets are exhausted and in dire need to be repaired and reinforced after the bloody conflict with Kusari.
The only gain we could have is a direct access to Roussillon, but the Bretonia matter remains, that is why we should play carefuly for now."
Pierre put his glass of wine on the table and glanced seriously on Lusignan.
"The failure of the Office of Confederal Intelligence was remarkable. You must know they used to be composed a lot of former Council personnel. The same people who miserably failed to conduct a successful strike on Issoudun Drydock few months before the fall of the Kingdom and which resulted in the Council disaster in Roussillon.
On the other hand, the Royal Intelligence demonstrated its great abilities. Nevertheless, that's also them who built the adapted version of the Warwolf gun on our Triumph cruisers. Nobody is pure in these times I believe. Gallia lost too many of its great men already. I will accept your request, Amiral."
"Thank you for your trust; we shall not betray it. I also agree, nobody is pure in these times, and that's why former grudges have forgotten, and our people have to take a step toward a new Gallia, and our brighter future." he raised a glass as if making a toast. "We indeed must be careful. I do not doubt that skilless CNS journalists already declared the Kingdom of Gallia is back to power with the King on a throne, and Sirius in their best manner belief to these yellow papers."
"However, this is not the end of our conversation yet." Antonin put the empty glass down on the table. "Are you familiar with Baron Fabian Montluc and his corporation?"
Vaillant cracked a smile and declared:
" These pathetic CNS journalists are very much skilled to spread rumors and many other unrealistic, created fact about Gallia. For sure they will try, but their attempt might be counter-productive.
So you mentionned a name, Baron Fabian Montluc is it? I do not have a lot of memories from him, besides having seen one time or two their strange news network. Quite similar to the CNS journalists I must say.
Now tell me, what should I know about this 'Baron' ?"
"A minor noble from planet Orleans founded his corporation similar to former Solar Engineering. Later, he had attempted to use the chaos of the so-called Interregnum to take Languedoc under the corporation's control and establish the Barony of Languedoc. Anything familiar yet?"
"Nevertheless, this corporation was threatening with huge (as for their small size) fine and nationalization, when the newborn Confederacy got to know about the riots on Quillan against Minarchistic regime and demanding establishing Baron Montluc with his Barony. They decided to leave Gallia for good and ended in the Taus. Powerless, with a couple of transports and Sirian Corvo research vessels. They found shelter within Enclave territories, and we welcomed them with open arms, seeing a possibility to establish public proxy which would benefit us and let us survive." Antonin glanced at Vaillant, expecting him to be surprised with all the details he just gets to know. "I believe the Office of Confederal Intelligence had never report you about anything of this, did not they?"
"Nevertheless, despite the small size, the corporation was important for further changes within the Enclave. Without their help, we would probably have had no resources left long before Kusari-Gallic War began. Anyway, since the Enclave archives are now open for the Gallic Naval Command, you can get familiar with the rest of this history if you are interested. Nevertheless, Baron has a personal ask, and I would like to fulfil it, if possible. His property on Orleanais is under arrest since the MAE left Gallia, but now, he is asking for a single favour in return - restore his property and Baron's rights over them. Is this possible?"
"The Barony of Languedoc...the very symbol of a completely divided Gallia, as if the three former states weren't enough. Their ideals were respectable but yet, this was at the cost of creating even more divisions in an already divided Confederacy. Perhaps their ambitions were more audacious, with the replacement of the Minarchy on the long term? These guesses belong to the past now, and for the greater good of Gallia.
To answer your first question, I admit I never put any real personal interest in this affair, however, it sounds quite obvious the corporation fled to the Enclave with the hopes to have more welcoming arms. With the reputation of Gallia within the rest of Sirius, I wonder where they could have moved besides a Gallic controlled space. I am pretty sure that even the OCI made such a simple reasoning. However..."
Pierre started to laugh for a brief moment.
"Do you really think I am the most qualified and relevant person to give back the property of someone with currently a controversial statu in Gallia? I am a high ranked military officer, Monsieur de Lusignan, not a legal bureaucrat. Nevertheless, I can use of my influence to push the idea forward, but this clearly not of my resort. And you have a role that asked to be used accordingly as well, Monsieur de Lusignan."