Sender:Director Antonin de Lusignan Recipient:EFL Oil & Machinery Subject:Towing a Modular Station
To whom it may concern.
The Security Bureau is willing to hire your corporation for towing one of our installations from the Gallic borders into the core worlds. The station in question is Tromelin Observatory, established in 743 AGS in the Brittany system. It served as a research facility designed for observation of distant systems in the Gallic Borderworlds and Lambda Cluster. However, the Bureau decided to tow the station to the location at the orbit of Planet Orleans to increase the security of Maintenon Shipyard, located one lane away, and deploying the Bureau patrols within the whole system.
Should you be interested in accepting this contract, the Bureau is ready to discuss the payment for this service.
User ID: Victor Camara Recipient:Gallic Security Bureau Subject:Towing a Modular Station .
I am Victor Camara the new Président du Conseil of EFL S.P.A. , and I am pleased to inform you that your contract for the towing of the Tromelin Observatory has been accepted.
I will inform our towing team that they have a new operation to carry out, and they will be ready to intervene as soon as you ve them the permission to proceed. Of course, this will take some time, but EFL S.P.A. assures you that the installation in question will be towed without any problems.