This is excellent. I'm one hundred percent for leaving the Rogue ships as they are and adding your "remodels" as separate ships, with those Molly accents/textures. I was always afraid of someone making a bunch of Molly ships that didn't feel like Molly ships, but I never once thought about remodels like this. It makes perfect sense too. The spirit of the ships is kept intact and both factions have different shiplines.
Show the people your Hyena/Bloodhound remodel too, with the Molly textures! That one makes me very happy in particular.
So a Molly version then. I am also inclined towards that.
So that Bloodhound remodel is just one of my "fanfic" ships. I do time to time these so far vanilla kitbashes. The ship in question, is a modified Hyena. Here it is:
God, I love that thing so much. It's so perfect. It retains that unique Molly/Rogue spirit perfectly, but that's obviously not a Hyena. I'd love to put that in the game as the first VHF with a forward gun. The only thing I'm slightly miffed about is the fins on the engines as they obstruct the angle I'd put two extra guns on, but that's just a nitpick.
I never had LR/M gunboat char before, something about the ship put me off.
About the Scylla - dunno I think that is a fine looking ship with better textures than the Hellhound. This is how it could look like with Molly skin: