Sender: Evelyn Taylor Recipient: Gaston Corbeil Subject: Favors
So Gaston, I assume I have you to thank for this and while I do appreciate it, where I come from people don't such things for no reason.
So forgive my bluntness but since I don't want to be owing any unexpected favors later on down the line, I'll just ask what is it exactly you are hoping to get in return?
Sender: Gaston Corbeil, Agent Clearance: Absolute Message Type: Text
I expect the enemies of the Gallic house to feel no safe any longer: you have proven your skill and value for at least those several combats you have participated in, and I believe you can do more than that. Moreover, you have not switched the side, despite more provident rewards, once the contract was signed - this is rare among Sirian mercenaries. Consider you have gained certain respect of mine and I used my authority to bypass standard procedure and let you become a mercenary on the service to the Seigneurs and people of Gallia.
Hopefully, you won't disappoint either of them nor me.
Sender: Evelyn Taylor Recipient: Gaston Corbeil Subject: Business
Fair enough then Agent.
With that out of the way let me move onto more interesting dealings, as you are probably aware if you did even a half assed background check is that my usual business tends to bring me down to Kusari and more importantly Bretonia often enough.
Both are places I would imagine are of extra interest to Gallia considering recent events. So If there is an interest, here I am offering my services, I'm sure we will be able to come to a mutually beneficial arrangement.
Sender: Gaston Corbeil, Agent Clearance: Absolute Message Type: Text
Offering to strike to the heart of an unofficial enemy? Yes, this idea is intriguing and I believe there is something to appear for privateering service soon enough, to ensure lack of safety for Gallic neighbours. Have patience and you will eventually become part of it, bearing in mind your interest to cause more chaos and destruction, and respectively to gain more money.
Sender: Evelyn Taylor Recipient: Gaston Corbeil Subject: Privateering
Privateering? Is that what they call it now? Well either way it sounds good to me. Until next time Agent.
Sender: Evelyn Taylor Recipient: Gaston Corbeil Subject: A gift
Agent Corbeil.
I have something that I dare say might interest you, Now normally I'd charge for this but since the Union is already paying me for it I'm willing to share this with you for free. Anyway I encountered some strange unknown vessel in Languedoc which was carrying Cardamine and uploading data to some "Illuminated ones". I'll attach scan data and the logs of the encounter below.
I also have something else for you but this comes with conditions. First of all this is completely confidential, I don't want my name being floated around. Secondly my sources stay anonymous, and last but certainly not least is that I am not doing this out of the kindness of my heart understood?
[14.05.2021 00:54:55] *Kanna*: *Kanna* Identifiying Civilian ship
[14.05.2021 00:55:32] E.Taylor: What in the blazes are you?
[14.05.2021 00:55:56] 2021-05-14 00:55:53 SMT
[14.05.2021 00:55:56] *Kanna*: *Kanna*: Cheetah Thruster ... Reading scan analisys, updating gammu server data..................rewriting ....................
[14.05.2021 00:56:12] E.Taylor: Woah hold the fuck on a second.
[14.05.2021 00:56:21] 2021-05-14 00:56:18 SMT
[14.05.2021 00:56:21] *Kanna*: *Kanna* Name is *Kanna* for humans
[14.05.2021 00:56:27] E.Taylor: Never heard of privacy Kanna?
[14.05.2021 00:56:50] 2021-05-14 00:56:47 SMT
[14.05.2021 00:56:50] *Kanna*: *Kanna* Piracy?
[14.05.2021 00:56:59] E.Taylor: Privacy.
[14.05.2021 00:57:32] 2021-05-14 00:57:28 SMT
[14.05.2021 00:57:32] *Kanna*: *Kanna*: Gammu Server requested to process and load every pilot and object all arround sirius, update information
[14.05.2021 00:57:47] 2021-05-14 00:57:44 SMT
[14.05.2021 00:57:47] E.Taylor: oh right
[14.05.2021 00:57:54] E.Taylor: Oh hell no.
[14.05.2021 00:58:01] E.Taylor: That isn't going to work for me.
[14.05.2021 00:58:24] 2021-05-14 00:58:20 SMT
[14.05.2021 00:58:24] E.Taylor: i mean if you can pin I can probs grab my waran tbf
[14.05.2021 00:58:30] 2021-05-14 00:58:26 SMT
[14.05.2021 00:58:30] *Kanna*: *Kanna* Isn't working for people ... only iluminated ones ...
[14.05.2021 00:59:28] E.Taylor: What do you mean Illuminated ones?
[14.05.2021 00:59:30] 2021-05-14 00:59:27 SMT
[14.05.2021 00:59:30] *Kanna*: *Kanna* "E.Taylor" Captain Vessel information saved.... uploading data .......... encrypting data......
[14.05.2021 00:59:52] 2021-05-14 00:59:49 SMT
[14.05.2021 00:59:52] *Kanna*: *Kanna* Illuminated ones can see the best of this "World"
[14.05.2021 00:59:53] E.Taylor: No, no, no that ain't acceptable.
[14.05.2021 01:00:06] E.Taylor: Listen real careful Kanna.
[14.05.2021 01:00:08] 2021-05-14 01:00:05 SMT
[14.05.2021 01:00:08] *Kanna*: *Kanna*: Know more about everyone
[14.05.2021 01:00:33] 2021-05-14 01:00:30 SMT
[14.05.2021 01:00:33] *Kanna*: *Kanna* Detecting Bomber from Corse on proximity, 5 o'clock
[14.05.2021 01:00:34] CORRUPTED: Go on then Evelyn... what have you foun- ...
[14.05.2021 01:00:37] CORRUPTED: Oh... Holy shit.
[14.05.2021 01:00:51] E.Taylor: The Illuminated ones are going to know just how pissed off I get at people who like to upload my data to who knows where.
[14.05.2021 01:01:00] E.Taylor: This is Kanna.
[14.05.2021 01:01:06] CORRUPTED: Kanna...
[14.05.2021 01:01:12] CORRUPTED: Okay?
[14.05.2021 01:01:19] 2021-05-14 01:01:16 SMT
[14.05.2021 01:01:19] *Kanna*: *Kanna*: Scanning Corse bomber, ship on data-base, requesting data from captain .............. denied ........
[14.05.2021 01:01:24] E.Taylor: I don't know what the hell it is but it's uploading data of my ship to who knows where and has cardamine aboard.
[14.05.2021 01:01:46] E.Taylor: Do me a favor and hang on a second *static*.
[14.05.2021 01:01:49] 2021-05-14 01:01:46 SMT
[14.05.2021 01:01:49] *Kanna*: *Kanna*: You want cardamine? ... it is ... dangerous, addictive thing ....
[14.05.2021 01:13:19] *Kanna*: *Kanna*: It fear to me i admit it
[14.05.2021 01:13:31] CORRUPTED: Evelyn thank god... this thing keeps talking to itself.
[14.05.2021 01:13:35] Evelyn.Taylor: Right, this feels much better.
[14.05.2021 01:13:49] Evelyn.Taylor: See you have had no more luck than I did getting answers.
[14.05.2021 01:13:57] CORRUPTED: Nope...
[14.05.2021 01:14:00] 2021-05-14 01:13:56 SMT
[14.05.2021 01:14:00] *Kanna*: *Kanna*: Computer ... find ... information from "Enclave"
[14.05.2021 01:14:18] CORRUPTED: You ready Eve?
[14.05.2021 01:14:20] Evelyn.Taylor: Guess we solve this the old fashioned way then.
[14.05.2021 01:14:26] Evelyn.Taylor: Yeah.
[14.05.2021 01:14:29] Evelyn.Taylor: Ready as ever.
[14.05.2021 01:14:53] Evelyn.Taylor: On your mark.
[14.05.2021 01:15:15] CORRUPTED: Vessel Known as *Kanna* it has been noted of your hold of illegal substance.
[14.05.2021 01:15:34] CORRUPTED: Under Gallic Law, you have been targetted for destruction.
[14.05.2021 01:15:37] 2021-05-14 01:15:34 SMT
[14.05.2021 01:15:37] *Kanna*: *Kanna*: Shields up, Defend the vessel .... !
[14.05.2021 01:15:46] CORRUPTED: Hit it !
[14.05.2021 01:15:48] Evelyn.Taylor: Let's finish this then.
[14.05.2021 01:15:59] 2021-05-14 01:15:56 SMT
[14.05.2021 01:15:59] Evelyn.Taylor: lane
[14.05.2021 01:16:49] Death: *Kanna* was put out of action by Evelyn.Taylor (Gun).
[14.05.2021 01:16:51] /time
[14.05.2021 01:16:51] 2021-05-14 01:16:48 SMT
[14.05.2021 01:16:59] CORRUPTED: Heh...
[14.05.2021 01:17:00] Evelyn.Taylor: And that sums up that.
[14.05.2021 01:17:09] Evelyn.Taylor: What the hell was that thing?
[14.05.2021 01:17:23] CORRUPTED: Seemed like a floating computer.
[14.05.2021 01:17:38] Evelyn.Taylor: Strange.
[14.05.2021 01:17:43] Evelyn.Taylor: Very strange.
Sender: Gaston Corbeil, Agent Clearance: Absolute Message Type: Text
I have died from cringe several times while reading logs you provided about this thing in Languedoc. Some broken Gammu AI vessel, according to gun cam its rather a destroyer than a cruiser: the size is too light, has come to our space, gathering and transmitting data for an organization only foil-capped hat-wearers would believe in. The more I serve in the Bureau, the more I wonder where is sanity in this world. Good to see this piece of broken schemes be destroyed. Who helped you with it, by the way?
Your condition seems right for the Bureau, and I, or another agent, can meet you in person for data transfer. Any chance you soon to be around Orleanais?