The 46th Fleet has always been keen on commisioning experiments with Liberty Navy grade retrofits of civilian vessels.
Now, in a massive operation involving among many others Liberty corporations, engineers and Crayter Republic ship builders the 46th Fleet Admiral James Horatio Creed has commisioned the development of the experimental Supremacy class Dreadnought that will be a marriage between the best of both Liberty and Crayter engineering.
This file is setup to monitor the progress of the project from start to finish, and all important developments should be referenced here briefly. Currently plans are in place only for the experimental prototype of the Supremacy class - 46th|LNS-Supremacy. Potential sister ships can be commisioned for Crayter and/or other Liberty Fleets should the pilot project prove succesful.
"MY GOD ..... that's it .... Supremacy Class Dreadnought..."
James Creed shouts this as he has been pondering for several hours over the development of a new class of Warship which will be co-developed by the 46th Navy Fleet of liberty and the Crayter Republic. This has happened due to the Liberty Government giving the 46th Fleet the go ahead to develop this new class of vessel. The vessel will hopefully be a mixture of Crayterian and Liberty Technology, with a specific focus on the possibility of using a liberty engine system in the vessel.
James Creed punches up on his terminal, the reply from the Liberty Government about the go ahead for the development of the Deimos....
While he is also at his terminal he punches up the internal communication informing High Command regarding the approval of the Crayter Repulic for the purchasing of the vessel.
The planning stages for this new class of Dreadnought is well under way and we will also be trying to get the interior of this vessel adjusted to our own specifications if possible, but trying not to deviate from the fact that this vessel will be a co-development project.
As James flicks through the terminal messages, he once again brings up the communications from the Crayterians regarding the purchasing details, which includes the secure payment for the processes to begin as soon as we have delivered all the supplies needed.
So basically we have got the necessary development plans in place and will hopefully be able to examine some blueprints of the basic design of the Deimos Dreadnought and make slight changes to the layout, without obviously causing too much of a problem for the Crayterian Engineers who will be working closely with our own Engineers with this project.
So for the time being James is quite happy that we have managed to begin the process of this exciting project, and also the possibility of creating a new class of Dreadnought that can be shared between Liberty and Crayter. This development could also mean a new breed of Fleet development between the Crayter and Libertonian Republics.
So for now the next step would be to organise the deliveries of the supplies needed for the start of the development, and James has just realised that he needs to check if Universal Shipping have replied to his request about helping ship the supplies to Salt Lake Station. He flicks through the communication and finds it but as yet there is no reply....
Once we have Universal Shipping reply, we can start to focus on getting ready to receive supplies at Salt Lake and initiate protocols to enable Universal to be able to dock directly at Salt Lake without difficulties regarding our new software we have had installed.
Each Universal vessel will have its own ID verification which is relayed elecrtonically to the Station on approach and makes sure the defenses see them as friendly and not hostile.
So as james shuts down his terminal, he is pleased with the work so far regarding the development of the vessel, and hopefully it will be reality by the time all the hard work is done. All he needs for now is the reply from Universal regarding the supplies that are needed. These supplies will all be directed to salt Lake, where they will be scrutinised and sorted into relevant crates ready for delivery to Sabah Shipyard in Coronado.
Once the supplies start to roll in there will be jobs for our Armour Division to start the process of delivering everything to Sabah as quickly as humanly possible, and also trying to make sure it is done safely, there will be heavy escorts accompanying them along the way.
The delivery escort route will be scouted before each Jump to the relevant systems, so we can keep the convoy safe and also the materials safe.
We will also be communicating with the Crayterians about the possibility of their Transport divisions and Military, doing a coordinated operation to make the delivery process even safer and more simplified.
Contact with the Crayter Republic will be made as soon as we have established everything with Universal Shipping.
Once the reply from Universal becomes available, High Command will be holding a meeting to decide what the next steps will be regarding this project...
The supplies have arrived at Salt Lake Station for the Supremacy Class dreadnought, and Armour division have done their first set of deliveries of some of the supplies.
The distribution of the supplies will obviously take a long period of time to get to Sabah Shipyard and will be delivered in stages as we go forward. The Crayterians have been very good so far in escorting our Armour Division, once they have entered Cortez system, and hopefully this will long continue to happen.
Some of our engineers will have to be sent to Sabah Shipyard aswell, regarding the slight changes to the Deimos, which we deem necessary after we have inspected some of the blueprints supplied to us. These blueprints seem to indicate certain areas of the vessel, where improvements can be made to the hull and also slight improvements to the shape of the vessel.
We hope that this vessel will be a good starting point to bring more technology to the Liberty Navy, and enhance our firepower.
We are hoping that changes to the vessel will be negotiated to the Crayterians and made available , so that they can be implemented once the manufacturing starts.
For now I will be making in roads to contact the Crayterians once again, and inform them of our intentions to make slight modifications to the vessel, and hopefully send our engineers to Sabah as soon as possible.
Blake looks at the blueprints and shakes his head. "Why did I rush myself into head of RDI?" A thought pops into his head. He isn't exactly an engineer, nor a scientist. So far he had to rely on others to do the actual work for him, as he tells them what is necessary.
RDI itself does not need to get heavily involved. Creed hired so many damn corporations that between them they could make a damn ancient fossil powered car into a cutting edge space fighter. And yet, he would like to make some sort of a mark. The Supremacy will be very much experimental, the Crayterian Deimos will be merely a frame holding something new and exciting. Now how could his little support division make their mark?
He thinks on all his years of command, on what a ship that is the symbol of two nations should be capable of, something he could make his mark on and say - "Me, I did that." As he sits there suddenly it hits him "Holotainment Bands" . The Supremacy will take all sorts of assignments when completed. If all goes to plan, it will become the Fleet's secondary flagship, after the FADM's Argonaute. Surely it will see long term assignments and have deep space capability.
The crew will be in new waters, this ship will be nothing Crayter or Liberty has ever seen before as it will take the best of both worlds. "What if, just what if we could use the existing entertainment technology, and try to modify and change it to work as an on board battle and systems simulator, available to every crewman on board of the Supremacy?" He mutters, and starts to get actually excited. Continuous training would take place daily, they could change the programs to whatever assignment the ship would be readying for, increasing it's efficiency in combat and operations with that extra edge.
A small mark, a small piece of technology, but a big step for Leer nonetheless if it will work. He wasted no time and contacted the Spa and Cruise people to get his hands on some of the bands and see if his engineers can make his vision happen and put it to life in the final stages of Supremacy's fitting.
"Bureocracy" Blake sighs. Salt Lake has gotten too sophisticated for his liking. He didn't want to reveal to the Fleet Admiral the little Holo Tainment simulator sub-project he has concocted for Supremacy, not until he knows it will work. And explaining why he needs the tourist and booze hauling OS and C gain access to Salt Lake hangars, to deliver a boatload of bands people use to for nudie entertainment and games wasn't something he wanted to do without a proper explanation.
So he decided to jump through the hoops and contact Baltimore and then use ARMOUR to ship the damn bands to Salt Lake HQ 20 seconds away. Efficient use of taxpayers' money? Perhaps not. Worth to Leer to uphold his stature in Creed's eyes? Most definitely.
ARMOUR Division is opening deliveries manifest for the massive amounts of materials the construction of the Dreadnought will require.
Estimated timeline for finishing deliveries under ideal, high priority conditions: End of fiscal year 828. A.S.
Estimated timeline in case of standard conditions : End of Q1 829 A.S.
Blake sits down, satisfied. The deliveries are going well, the Orbital have delivered the holo-tainment bands and his engineers are hard at work at trying to turn them into portable fight and training simulators.
He even got to stretch his legs in a battle with Auxesians - there is something intimate about commanding a small group of individuals on an armored transport over the large numbers of a carrier. The Fleet has a purpose, his little holo-tainment simulator project doing well and now he knows the fleet ask more for much more funding as the Auxesian strike against both crayter and the Fleet added on the urgency.
He turns of the light and falls asleep with a smile on his face.